Praetorian Report # 11 (2004-09-05)

This report was submitted by LC Abel Malik

Greetings fellow Praetorians, this is report #11 9/05/04

EH Homepage:
TC Homepage:
Intel Homepage:
Intel Division Manual:
Intel Division, Academy of Tactics:
Praetorian Homepage: (hosted by AD Turtle)
Praetorian Message Board:
EH Battle Compendium:
The Science Office:

We have a Intel Competition to participate in Competition started on 08/29/04 and ends on 09/26/04 (I encourage you all to participate in this if you can).
Gelton, CC & I are in the final round of the Summer Patrol Comp now (that IS-GW is practically ours);p.
The SSL coordinators still havn't sent the SSL battles assignments for the XWA, XvT & TIE finals as yet...grumble, grumble;p.
Praetorian had a strong showing in the Intel meeting trivia last Sunday (every Prae who participated walked away with a new shiny Intel medal);p. Well done guys!
August's MSE medals were awarded this week as well.
MAJ Chris Cox, CPT Drak & I raised the squadron citations up to 98 this week too (progress is slow but steady- should have another citation for TIE-TC14 incoming as well).
COL Morgan should be releasing a new batch of trivia questions for Prae soon as well.

Flight Deck:
I'm going to post notices of bugged battles/missions here so nobody wastes their time attemting to fly the incompletable/impossible;p.
XWA-TC37 (mission 4 is bugged)- I've reported this to GN Master, head of the XWA tac division.
XWA-FCHG4 (mission 4 is bugged)- I've reported this to GN Master.
BoP-ID1 (mission 4 is incompletable)
I encourage the rest of Prae to participate in this section- send in info on known bugged battles/missions of all platforms.

-RECRUIT, our numbers are dwindling fast, remember our requirements of the rank of CM & at least 500 FCHG (we especially could use a TIE or XvT ace). (the only exception to this rule I'm allowing is former Prae's who served more than three months).
-work on improving your own personal FCHG levels- remember we do have a few squadron specific rewards related to this! ;p.

the Citboard programs acting odd at the moment and is basically disfunctional... Once I have that sorted out I'll resume the citation assignments for us all.

The following battles just need one Prae to complete them to gain a squadron citation: (so if you havn't flown one of these feel free too- I'm going to give these TIE battles a try sooner or later).
TIE-TC 13 (I'm flying this next)
TIE-TC 133
TIE-TC 185
TIE-TC 204
XvT-TC 1
XvT-TC 2
XvT-TC 3
XvT-TC 4
XvT-TC 5
XvT-TC 11
XvT-TC 13
XvT-TC 18
XvT-TC 34
XvT-TC 35
XvT-TC 41
XvT-TC 56
XvT-TC 59
XvT-TC 64
XvT-TC 76
XvT-TC 78
XvT-TC 79
XvT-TC 81
XvT-TC 93
XvT-TC 94
XvT-TC 96
XvT-TC 97
XvT-TC 98
XvT-IW 1
XvT-IW 3
XvT-IW 6
XvT-IW 7
XvT-IW 8
XvT-IW 9
XvT-IW 11
BoP-TC 2
BoP-IW 2

Prae Activity:

AD Gelton Torr- "Soulforged"- flew FXvT168, flying for week 7 of the Summer Patrol comp. mIrc, and e-group activity.

MAJ Malik "Irek"- flew FTIE47, FTIE87, FTIE89, FTIE90, FTIE91, FTIE92, FTIE106, FTIE109, FTIE112, FTIE113, FTIE114, FTIE115, FTIE116, FTIE117, FTIE123, FTIE124, FTIE125, FTIE126, FTIE127, FTIE128, FTIE129, FTIE131, FTIE132, FTIE133, FTIE134, FTIE138, FTIE139, FTIE140, FTIE141, FTIE142, FTIE143, FTIE144, FTIE145, FTIE147, FTIE148, FTIE149, FTIE150, FTIE151, FTIE152, FTIE154, FTIE155, FTIE158, FTIE168, FTIE169, FTIE170, FTIE171, FTIE172, FTIE174, FTIE175, FTIE177, FTIE188, FTIE189, FTIE190, FTIE191, FTIE192, FTIE194, FTIE195, FTIE196, FTIE197, FTIE198, FTIE199, XvT-FCHG4, FXvT171, XvT-TC99, FXvT169, FXvT170, XvT-TC100, TIE-TC2, TIE-TC3, TIE-TC4, TIE-TC8, TIE-TC9, TIE-TC10, TIE-TC12, TIE-TC14. I only have 20 or so FTIE's left to complete then the sets finished;p. mIrc, e-mail, & e-group activity. I believe I have acomplished my goal of reaching 2000 FCHG with all this activity & earned Prae a new squadron citation from TIE-TC4. Participated in in the new Intel Division Comp: ID banner submissions (4-5), Target Identification, Trivia, and ID answers.

CPT Deimos- e-mail & e-group activity.

MAJ Chris Cox- "Prae XO" - flew XvT-TC62, XvT-TC63, XvT-TC65, FXvT119, FXvT16, FXvT28, FXvT47, FXvT52, flying for week 7 of the Summer Patrol Comp,
FXvT63, FXvT78, XvT-TC95 (one squadron citation earned) , XvT-TC99. mIrc & e-group activity. Participated in in the new Intel Division Comp: Trivia.

GN Andrzej Mezynski "Ice"- mIrc & e-group activity.

CPT Drak "Drak" - flew XvT-DB8, XvT-DB9, XvT-DB10, XvT-IW2, XvT-TC29, XvT-TC30, XvT-TC37, XvT-IS1, FXvT168, XvT-DB1, XvT-TC99, FXvT169, FXvT171, XvT-DB7, XvT-FCHG4. (earned 2 squadron citations) Participated in in the new Intel Division Comp: Target Identification, ID Knowledge, and ID Trivia

COL Morgan "Ballabal"- Morgan made me drink far too much this week at the party;p. e-mail & e-group activity.

MAJ Dolsar Saris "Black Sheep"- mIrc activity.

Missions flown tally for September so far:
MAJ Malik- 81
CPT Deimos- n/a as yet
MAJ Chris Cox- n/a as yet
GN Ice- n/a as yet
CPT Drak- n/a as yet
COL Morgan- n/a as yet
MAJ Dolsar Saris- n/a as yet
Prae total: n/a as yet
Prae Avg: n/a as yet

Participate in the Intel Division Competition (lots of Intel medals up for grabs here);p.
Prepare for the SSL finals (when I get the battle assignments I'll notify you all)
Participate in Intel meeting trivia Sunday if you can attend.

n/a this week.

Malik was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel (LC) by FA Cyric. This was a big surprise to me after only being CMDR for 2 months;p.
CPT Deimos received a Prae brotherhood promotion (info's classified). Congratz Deimos!
GN Ice earned a Pennant of Competition gold level [PoC-gl] from Intel Division meeting trivia last Sunday.
LC Malik earned a Pennant of Competition silver level [PoC-sl] from Intel Division meeting trivia last Sunday.
MAJ Chris Cox earned a Pennant of Competition blue level [PoC-bl] from Intel Division meeting trivia last Sunday.
CPT Drak earned a Pennant of Competition red level [PoC-rl] from Intel Division meeting trivia last Sunday.
LC Malik earned a Medal of Awareness [MoA] from Intel Division trivia participation for the month of August.
CPT Deimos earned a Bronze Star (BS) for August's activity (MSE award).
MAJ Chris Cox earned a Palpatice Crescent (PC) for August's activity (MSE award).
CPT Drak earned a Bronze Star (BS) for August's activity (MSE award).
COL Morgan earned a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for August's activity (MSE award).
MAJ Dolsar Saris earned a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for August's activity (MSE award).
GN Ice earned a Imperial Security Medal (ISM) for August's activity (MSE award).


Nickname: Styx Flight
1) LC Abel Malik (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) CPT Deimos (

Nickname: Charon Flight
1) MAJ Chris Cox (
2) GN Andrzej Mezynski ( )
3) CPT Drak (
4) TBA

Nickname: Hades Flight
1) COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan (
2) MAJ Dolsar Saris (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Citations:

currently at 98 citations (up four from last week- I know XvT-TC95 & TIE-TC4 were 2 of the citations added over the week).

This concludes our report for this week.

In Respect, LC Malik Praetorian CMDR. Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt (Where ever Right and Glory Lead)


CMDR-TCS/LC Abel Malik/Praetorian/DGN Lichtor V
[TIE Praetor: Severence]
"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads & empty hearts can do that."

BTM/SBM Abel Malik/Black Omega/Ronin/Alvaak
"Don't be all down on the Darkside, y'know what i mean?"
EHDB pin#167

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