Praetorian Report # 10 (2004-08-28)

This report was submitted by MAJ Abel Malik

Greetings fellow Praetorians, this is report #10 8/28/04

EH Homepage:
TC Homepage:
Intel Homepage:
Intel Division Manual:
Intel Division, Academy of Tactics:
Praetorian Homepage: (hosted by AD Turtle)
Praetorian Message Board:
EH Battle Compendium:
The Science Office:

The Big news of the week is that Prae has made the finals of all three SSL platforms (XWA, XvT & TIE)!
were facing off against Omega Squadron in XWA & TIE, and vs Hunter in XvT.
We beat Kappa in TIE, beat Phoenix in XvT & we just flew XWA to stay in practice since we were already in the XWA finals.

CPT Deimos won first place in the last XWA SSL round with me coming in third in XWA as well (in individual placement) for that XWA battle:
1. CPT Deimos, Praetorian 27700 (28900-12*100)
2. MAJ Artyis, Omega 19177
3. MAJ Abel Malik, Praetorian 10723

August 21st was GA Ronin's B-day so once again it's Commendation of Loyalty time. I have one CoL to reccomend for us which i send directly to the Operations Officer cc'ing the Flight Officer. This is a tough decision since the loyalty of every Prae is without question.

Me & CPT Drak earned ourselves a Pennant of Competition Silver & Bronze level respectively for 2nd & 3rd place in Intel meeting trivia last Sunday (Ice participated in this as well). I encourage all the Prae's to attend the Intel meeting and compete in the trivia if you can.
Thanks to the efforts of CPT Drak & MAJ Dolsar Sariss we're now up to ninety-four squadron citations.
Gelton, Chris Cox & I all proceeded into week six of the Summer Patrol comp.
GN Master has updated the Prae FXWA mission fixing the bugs & adding all the briefings.
LCM Shinobi of Sigma Squadron has been developing a FXvT Prae mission based on the SSL which is nearly ready.
MAJ Chris Cox's new battle XvT-FCHG4 was released about a week ago, it's not bad and features the EHBL.
I've received a few logs via our Intel sources of some people (non-Prae's) complaining about the last SSL round results- Ignore these nerfs- we need to concentrate on the finals as soon as the battles are released for that.

XvT-TC100 has been released today, but be advised it's evil!
Also, I'd like to send a personal thank-you to BGCOM TK-2107 who has been bsf bombed constantly this month (about 247 missions total and ongoing so far).

Flight Deck:
I'm going to post notices of bugged battles/missions here so nobody wastes their time attemting to fly the incompletable/impossible;p.
XWA-TC37 (mission 4 is bugged)
XWA-FCHG4 (mission 4 is bugged)
BoP-ID1 (mission 4 is incompletable)
FXvT167 (load the mission in the EHBL then take the imperial.1st file from the misc file and copy/paste the file into your XvT training directory then the FXvT will work).
I encourage the rest of Prae to participate in this section- send in info on known bugged battles/missions of all platforms.

- Send COL Morgan the Prae trivia answers directly and participate! (he needs more participants so we can proceed to the next trivia round)!
-RECRUIT, our numbers are dwindling fast, remember our requirements of the rank of CM & at least 500 FCHG (we especially could use a TIE or XvT ace). (the only exception to this rule I'm allowing is former Prae's who served more than three months).
-work on improving your own personal FCHG levels- remember we do have a few squadron specific rewards related to this! ;p.
-if you have the time fly your optional squadron citation battles improving the squadron citation totals
remember these are optional, but will reflect on your ATR and MSE strongly- if there's a platform you can't fly simply inform me or my XO, Chris Cox.

Prae Activity:

VA Gelton Torr- "Soulforged"- flew FXvT41, FXvT58, FXvT69, FXvT81, FXvT105, FXvT164, FXvT168 for week five of the Summer Patrol Comp. Also flew FXvT4, FXvT47, FXvT48, FXvT53, FXvT63, FXvT78, and FXvT119 for week six of the Summer Patrol comp. Gelt now has flown over 1000 missions. Nice GM report btw Gelt (I liked your new banner) e-mail/e-group & mIrc activity.

MAJ Malik "Irek"- flew FTIE43, 59, 63-74, 77-80, 83-86, 93, 97-99, 101-105, 107, 108, 110, 111, 159, 182-186, 208-227 & 229-235, 237 (Some of the missions were flown for week six of the Summer Patrol Comp) & hit the 1800+ FCHG mark. e-mail/e-group & mIrc activity. Earned a few squadron citations & 3rd place in the last XWA SSL round before the finals & 2nd place in Intel Division meeting trivia.

CPT Deimos- Deimos came in 1st place in the last XWA SSL round before the finals. e-mail/e-group activity.

MAJ Chris Cox- "Prae XO" - flew FXvT8, FXvT10, FXvT11, FXvT81, FXvT105, FXvT164 & FXvT168 for week five of the Summer Patrol Comp & XvT-IS1. e-mail & mIrc activity.

GN Andrzej Mezynski "Ice"- Ice is waiting to fly for the Prae SSL finals & he participated in the Intel Division meeting triiva, e-group/mIrc activity.

CPT Drak "Drak" - flew FXvT163, FXvT164, XvT-TC61, TIE-TC204, XvT-IW4, FXvT1, FXvT140, FXvT20, FXvT16, FXvT17, FXvT18, FXvT19, XvT-FCHG3, XvT-DB6, XvT-DB7,
XvT-ID1, XvT-TC36, XvT-TC39, XvT-DB4, XvT-FCHG4, XvT-DB11 & XvT-DB12. Also hit the 1200 FCHG mark & flew a few other battles/missions which have high scores pending still. e-mail, e-group & mIrc activity. Also, 3rd place in Intel Division meeting trivia.

COL Morgan "Ballabal"- Morgan's waiting to participate in the SSL finals, email/e-group activity.

MAJ Dolsar Saris "Black Sheep"- flew XvT-TC28, XWA-TC35, XvT-TC12 & earned a few squadron citations. mIrc activity.

Missions flown tally for August so far:
MAJ Malik- 247
CPT Deimos- 50
MAJ Chris Cox- 25
GN Ice- 9
CPT Drak- 226
COL Morgan- 25
MAJ Dolsar Saris- 45
Prae total: 625 missions flown in August
Prae Avg: 89 missions flown in August (on average).

Prepare for the SSL finals
Participate in Intel meeting trivia Sunday if you can attend.

n/a this week.

MAJ Chris Cox earned a Medal of Tactics-red hammer (MoT-rh) for the creation of XvT-FCHG4.
MAJ Malik earned a Force of the Emperor's Will (FoEW) for quality gfx provided to the Intel division over the past several months.
MAJ Malik was awarded a Medal of Awareness (MoA) by RA Scrier.
MAJ Malik earned a Pennant of Competition- silver level (PoC-sl) for 2nd place in Intel meeting trivia.
CPT Drak earned a Pennant of Competition- bronze level (PoC-bl) for 3rd place in Intel meeting trivia.


Nickname: Styx Flight
1) MAJ Abel Malik (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) CPT Deimos (

Nickname: Charon Flight
1) MAJ Chris Cox (
2) GN Andrzej Mezynski ( )
3) CPT Drak (
4) TBA

Nickname: Hades Flight
1) COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan (
2) MAJ Dolsar Saris (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Citations:

currently at 94 citations (up 8 from last week thanks to Drak & Saris)

This concludes our report for this week.

In Respect, MAJ Malik Praetorian CMDR


CMDR-TCS/MAJ Abel Malik/Praetorian/DGN Lichtor V
[TIE Praetor: Severence]
"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads & empty hearts can do that."

BTM/SBM Abel Malik/Black Omega/Ronin/Alvaak
"Don't be all down on the Darkside, y'know what i mean?"
EHDB pin#167

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