Scorpion Report # 5 (2004-06-23)

This report was submitted by CPT Damarcus


This is special report due to my leave because of university exams I’ll be on leave from 24th to 3rd July. Until my return LC Alec Quarni will be temporairy Scorpion CMDR. I just wan’t you to remember about our squadron competition. Write my new INPR and win Iron Star. Yay. Comp ends 26th I’ll read INPRs when I’ll return. On Friday starts XWA Week of War. I hope that SL Tlahtoani will participate. I’d be glad to see that Alec or Strahd will be with him !! I’ll write my WSR on Monday (if I’ll find a time and internet café). That would be all for now.

End of special report.

CMDR/CM Damarcus/Scorpion/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

"Only The Ded Have Seen The End Of War..." - Plato

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