Praetorian Report # 3 (2004-05-09)

This report was submitted by CPT Gelton Torr

Greetings Praetorians

This is report #3 daring 09.05.2004.


The Praetorian Tribunal has been started by me. A few troubles with the first try, the second version now seems to work. Currently CPT Krayt is undergoing judgement by the Tribuns and I have recieved so far one verdict.

The Praetorian Trials are a bit delayed, since AD Turtle hadn´t the chance so far to put them up on the website. I hope he will be able to do so during the next week.

Brotherhood ranks reinstatement/reformation is continuing. Malik found some old stuff about that and Turtle also send me material. I am currently going through it but I had less time than I hoped, so I am not as far with it than I intended to be. I am a bit surprised that no one did reply with any ideas or suggestions about the ranks at all. I had hoped there would be more interest in it, but if that is not so I will work will Malik alone on them.

The discussion about the redesign of the TIE Praetor went good in the beginning but stalled a bit recently. There is still much to discuss so keep the ideas and opinions coming.

Malik improved the Praetorian Banner. The result can be seen above or on the Praetorian roster page


- Fly SSL Round V Missions! At least in XWA I expect 100% participation
- Fly the optional citation battles.


Pretty low I have to say. I heard some of you have tried the SSL missions, which is good, however only Malik so far submitted files as proof. I also have not seen a single file of the optional citation battles from any of you.

We are suposed to be an Elite Squad and buzzing with activity, if people read reports like this on the TC site, they will atart asking again, what we are good for anyway. I do not want to start the one week one battle rule to get you to flying but I will if everything else fails. If you cannot fly for whatever reasons then tell me and tell me at once. I need to stay informed so do not tell me afterwards and only when I am asking, why you did not do anything. So either fly or tell me why you do not fly right away. Everything else is not acceptable.

Here is this weeks activity broken down by pilots.

Gelton : BSFed files, started Praetorian Tribunal, worked on Praetorian Projects, tried SSL missions, MB activity

Krayt: IRC and Mail contact, currently undergoing Praetorian Tribunal

Deimos: Flew XWA Free ä64, IRC and Mail contact - Trial Phase running

Malik: Flew XvT & XWA SSL Round V files. Did search on old Prae info. Mail and IRC contact.

Drak: Still on leave due to movement - Trial Phase running

Ric: On leave as well due to travelling - Trial Phase running

Chris: IRC contact - Trial Phase running

Morgan: IRC and Mail contact. MB activity

Hunter: Mail contact. MB activity, still has broken flightstick.

Since the Tribunals are new I thought it fair to tag the pilots who are in Trial Phase right now. They will eventually be judged as well when their time arrived. Those should try to be extra active in order to be able to prove themselves in the end before the Tribunal.


None, OPS is a bit slow again these days.




Nickname: Styx Flight
1) CPT Gelton Torr
2) TBA
3) CPT Krayt
4) CM Deimos

Nickname: Charon Flight
1) MAJ Abel Malik
2) CPT Drak
3) LC Ric Taldrya
4) MAJ Chris Cox

Nickname: Hades Flight
1) COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan
2) TBA
3) MAJ Hunter

That concludes my report for this week.

In Respect

CPT Gelton Torr

Praetorian Commander

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