Valkyrie Report # 8 (2004-05-29)

This report was submitted by CM Malidir

Valkyrie Weekly Squadron Report

Weekly Squadron Report

CM Malidir reporting in as ordered (late again - the girl) for Valkyrie Squadron on May 29rd, 2004

"Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

From the Commander's Office

Let's give a great big welcome back to LCM Reelo Antaan!!! I hope your tenure with Valkyrie is a fruitful one (and that you like the new Gunboat we got for you :P

I'd say to check out the Squadron Website, but I still haven't had the opportunity to update it...sorry. Much props to LCM Jansen for maintaining the site...I will honestly update this eventually...I just have not much time lately due to dating a new girl...and having it go pretty well for once! :P

Pilots, please remember to check in with me every so often so I know you're still alive and doing okay...anything I can ever do to help, all you need to do is ask.

Wolfpack News

BGCOM Khadgar has started some new competitions - flying, guys should know the drill by now. We'll see what happens since the DB went down for part of the month.

Multiplayer events on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays...hope to see you there!

Fleet News

* Hmmm...pretty quiet week, with the database still in a holding pattern...for any missions/battles that you fly, send me your plt files as usual and I'll see them processed once the dust settles.

* Gilad has still not submitted himself to 1 on 1 battle with me - although he has admitted that it is inevitable.

Promotions/Medals/Awards/Activity Report

CMDR/CM Malidir
- On strike due to the resettling of the database. I actually flew a few, but I'm going to hold on to them. Plus, I'm working on SSL right now. Go Trainer Squadron!!!

FM/LCM Reelo Antaan
- Joined Valkyrie from the Reserves! Yay! (thanks to the BGCOM for expediting the transfer)

FM/LCM Jansen
- On strike due to the loss of the database.

FL/LCM Valin Drago
- On strike due to the loss of the database.

FM/LT Matt Hone
- On strike due to the loss of the database.

FL/CPT Kael Malahk
- On strike due to the loss of the database.

FM/LCM Mitim Tsaexin
- On strike due to the loss of the database.

FM/LT Agrepa Hogo
- On strike due to the loss of the database.

Commander's Forum

Guys, let's get out and fly some missions and attempt to get some more citations...until the database is sorted out, we've got none! Just fly and send your zipped .plt files to me...I'll hold them until all is well and process as soon as I'm allowed.

Squadron Citations Corner

Squadron Citations (3) at least I think we have three...I can't tell right now :\ Let's pretend we do...and direct your attention below...

XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC Battle 14 - Orion Base Crisis

In service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Commander Malidir
( - "Drunkard"
CMDR/CM Malidir/Valkyrie/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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