Wing VI Report # 10 (2009-07-10)

This report was submitted by WC/GN Rancorous/Wing VI/ISDII Warrior

6th Tactical Fighter Wing
Weekly Report #10
10th July 2009

By General Rancorous


Greetings everyone

Right, it’s quiet….to quiet.

Or at least it was until Col Turr elicited the wrath of Vip, or is that woke him up?

You see what happens when you leave the CS on the Sovereign without proper pilots to keep them alert and awake…..this flying a desk malarkey must be very tiring.

Other than that really nothing to say, which is a shame. Not even a reply to my last report even if I did post it up late. Come on peeps at least get talking, there must be some funnies out there to share with each other at least.

So without anything else to say that just about does it for another week!

Other News

Main TC news can be found here

I’m not going to copy and paste it all for you, as you should be visiting regularly anyway!


- Have fun, no really have some fun…that’s an order!
- Obey your superiors, especially hear that Mirtez?
- Be loyal to the Fleet
- Be active…get in touch….add something to the history of your new ship!
- Commanders write your reports and keep your people motivated.


IRC: #airlock54 yes I guess this is still active and available – though I still seem to be the only one there!



Very Little!


Another week, another dismal silence. Do we need a new competition to raise some action around here? If so watch this space. Wing Wide competition in planning now.

Watch this space.

Have a good week people.

Submitted by:

General Rancorous

WC-PROF/GN Rancorous/Wing VI/ISD II Warrior
SSx2/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx7/IS-1PW-6GW-6SW-7BW-4GR-12SR-17BR/MoC-1doc-1poc-1goc-1soc-12boc/CoLx4/CoB/OV-3E [EXCR] {IWATS-CBX-FW-GFX-HIST-IBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-LIN-M/1/2-MP/1-MS-SM/3-SWGB-TLN-TM/1-TT-VBS-WM-WPN-XTT-XWAC-XWAI}
PIN #11839

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