Beta Report # 10 (2005-04-17)

This report was submitted by CM Serin Jansj

Beta Echelon :|: Beta Squadron Report #10

Beta Squadron
Beta Squadron Report #10

Saturday, April 17th, 2005

"The meeting chamber fell to an abrupt darkness as the last drunken stragglers of the unit made their belated way into the crowded enclosure. Some of the pilots adjusted in their seats, weary from the routine of an officer. Others cast fleeting glances upon their surroundings, prepared for the vagaries of another rambling announcement. All maintained a facade of restraint and discipline. The quiet hum of the holoprojector whirled to life, casting an azure glow over the speaking Squadron Commander. 'Greetings pilots," he spoke, his voice registering a familiar squadron pride, "Look lively, and stoic. Now, onto the briefing...'"

Squadron News

I hope this report finds you well. This is our tenth week together, and it's been an exceedingly quiet one. Not a great deal of activity has come by this week, and, as of this time, not a single entry for the Operation Yakside competition has come in. The deadline has passed, so I'm going to assume, extensions aside, that this section is over. Regardless, I will grade any submissions which come in in the next two days (extensions once again excepted). Operation Yakside: Part II, will probably be delayed or outright cancelled at this time, do to obvious timing issues.
Perhaps of greatest note this week was the excellent accomplishments of LCM J'lek Arcanos. He has earned a smattering of medals for his work in the Sovereign SP Ladder, and is a pilot to make Beta Squadron proud. I'd like to thank everyone else who participated in the competition as well; we're in all this together.
In terms of roster changes this week, we saw reinforcement in the form of Commander Colins Graves. Needless to say, we're glad to have you, Colin. On behalf of the rest of the squadron, I'd like to say I hope you enjoy your time with us.
On a final note, I will be relatively unavailable for this coming week do to real life issues. I will still be more than able to make the weekly report, but I will not be able to spend a great deal of time online in AIM, MSN, IRC, etc., though I'm still very open by email, and I will keep track or BSF anything you need to send me.

Transfers and Operations

Commander Colin Graves has transferred into Beta Squadron, assuming the duties of Flight Member 2-3.

Honors and Accolades

LCM J'Lek Arcanos was awarded the Iron Star with Gold Wings.
Reason: Winner of the XWA Top Pilot Division.
By: Recommended by Vice Admiral Stele Pellaeon
LCM J'Lek Arcanos was awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Wings.
Reason: Winner of the TIE Top Squadron Division.
By: Recommended by Vice Admiral Stele Pellaeon
LCM J'Lek Arcanos was awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Wings.
Reason: Placing 1st in COMP 1815, XWA Division
By: Recommended by Lieutenant Colonel Zystem Fryar
LT Tirna Q'jira advanced to the FCHG rank of Hussar.

Beta Projects Status

Short Term:
Create new "History / Canon" section for Beta Echelon: 70% complete.
Long Term:
Create new "Battle Center" section for Beta Echelon: 5% complete.
Recruit new pilots in Beta Echelon: 15% complete.
Create new procedures and protocols: 100% complete.
Revise squadron and flight mottos and nicknames: 100% complete.
Create "Stoic Yak" section for Beta Echelon: 100% complete.
Create new, enhanced quotes section. 100%
Create new citation oriented competition: 100% complete.


None active at this time.

Activity Records

CM Serin Jansj - "Yakman"
Updated Beta Echelon.
Posted to the Message Board.

CM Conker Blackwood - "DrunkFool"
No recorded activity.
In sparing contact through AIM.
SL Exar - "Pilot"
No recorded activity.
No contact reported. This is the fourth week, i.e. AWOL time.
LCM J'Lek Arcanos - "Tac!"
In sparing contact through Email.
LT Tirna Q'jira - "Ambulatory Lexicon"
Posted to the Message Board.
In sparing contact through Email and AIM.
LT Hunter - "Python"
On unofficial Leave of Absence due to real life events.
In sparing contact through MSN.
LT Viktor Trollstein - "Space Troll"
No recorded activity.
No contact this week.

Weekly Activity

For this week, I'd like to recommend you all try to fly one of the battles left over from the Operation Yakside competition, if you have the time. I've played all of them, and they're all at least decent in fun level. Or they were when I played them, anyway. :)
Otherwise, have a good week. That's not a recommendation. That's an order. :)

Links of Far Reaching Import

Beta Echelon:
(The main nexus of our squadron outside the TC Database.)
Beta Message Board:
(The Emperor's Hammer official board for our squadron.)
Orders & Regulations:
(The General Directives, Operating Procedures, and Particulars and Protocols of our squadron.)
Report Archive:
(The online home of our previous squadron reports at Beta Echelon.)
(The online mirror of the commander communiques at Beta Echelon.)
Emperor's Hammer Links:
(A general collection of important and useful links for the Emperor's Hammer.)

The Yak's Mouth

Nothing this week, really.

Worthless Esoteric Trivia

The term "assassin" is believed to have originated in tales of the Hashshashin, an extremely militant religious group that operated sometime after the eighth century in the Middle East. The term used to describe them was believed to be a permutation of the Arabic word for "hashish eater," describing the ritual intoxication their members used to indulge in before carrying out political assassinations, often directed at the elite Islamic rulership of the time, the Abbasids. They were said to be meticulous in their murders, preferring to avoid any extraneous casualties while using melee weapons to kill their targets. Because of their fanatic devotion and maniacal lack of concern for their own lives, they inspired a terror among all of the Islamic word in their time, even at one time threatening the life of revered leader Salah al-Din. Members of the sect were said to have operated out of a mountain fortress known as Alamut, from which their leader, a man known as Hassan ibn Sabbah or, colloquially, as, "the Old Man of the Mountain."

The Last Word

This week was extremely quiet in almost every possible way. In hindsight, it's not difficult to see why. These are always slow months, and things will pick up in the future, I am sure. For now, I look the future with uncertainty.
For this week, however, it's your commander signing out.
"It's been this beating since you died..."
In sincerity,
Serin "Yakman" Jansj
CMDR/CM Serin Jansj/Beta/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

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