Python Report # 20 (2005-04-14)

This report was submitted by CPT Frankie

Python Squadron Report for 04-14-2005

Thought for the Week

"In this country we find it pays to shoot an admiral from time to time to encourage the others"
- Voltaire (1694-1778)

Squadron News

Greetings all!

Again, a very quiet week... Let's hope we will all wake up soon!

The winner of round two of the Caption Competition is..... captain Marc Kendoran! Congratulations Marc!!!
Don't forget to participate in round three; the picture will be posted on the message board later this day ( )...

Oh, and be sure to congratulate VA Gidda with his new name ( )! See also the picture of the week...
For the story behind the name-change, visit the message board ( ).


LCM Ginji: Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Squadron Orders

* Real Life first (within reason)!
* Fly! (You're pilots, are you not???) Either fly a battle, a free mission, or a duel against another pilot... Or surprise me, and do all three of those things!
* Try to participate in a competition of your choice
* Try to recruit an active (!!!) pilot
* Pass the IWATS course of your choice
* Visit the new Python Squadron forum, and post something! ( )
* Visit the #wing_xv channel on IRC
* Send me an activity-report each friday-morning or -afternoon, informing me of your activities, or lack thereof!!!


Thursday · April 07 · 2005

EH Ladder System
10:22 - FA Khameir Sarin

The Combat Operations Office is currently developing the replacement for our COO Ladder System and ELS. We plan to launch EHLS and the new Ladder website some time in the next week. Thanks for your patience. If you have the opportunity, take the time to thank Reblet for his hard work on quickly replacing the old ladder.

Friday · April 08 · 2005

22:22 - GA Astatine

For their service, the following Command Officers have been promoted to full Admiral:

Internet Officer Lenvik
Training Officer Stuart
Fringe DO Reinthaler

22:21 - GA Astatine

Below are some recent awards of note:

Gold Stars to Admirals Joey, Frodo and Khadgar for their consistent performance in their positions
Gold Star to Colonel Keller for reaching 200 graduates for his IWATS course
Silver Star to Lieutenant Colonel Mouse Droid for his service as Wing Commander
Silver Star to Captain Dirty Vader for flying 177 missions, completing 10 IWATS courses and other high levels of activity
Bronze Star to Colonel Andrijas for his service as Wing Commander
Bronze Star to Commander Dulcatos for flying 182 missions in a month
Palpatine Crescent to Major Aurelius Erasmus for his service as Squadron Commander
Imperial Security Medal to Captain Azurin Luna for general activity in her squadron
Imperial Security Medal to Lieutenant Marlin for general activity in his squadron
Iron Star Gold Ribbon to Admiral Gilad for placing first in the TIE Corps April Fools competition

Tactical Manual online!
21:22 - AD Frodo

Small correction from my report! The new Tactical manual, version 3.02 is now available online in its full form as hosted from! You can access it by clicking here Or by simply clicking the link on the left side menu for 'hosted sites'.

Special thanks to GA Astatine for the hosting space!

New Free released
16:13 - AD Frodo

TIE Free 251 has been released.

In addition, you all still have until Sunday to fly XvT Free 181. The high score holder at that time will receive a medal!

Saturday · April 09 · 2005

ISD Challenge COM Promoted
15:26 - HA Cyric

Rear Admiral Locke Setzer has been promoted to the rank of VICE Admiral. He has basically turned around the performance and membership of the ISD Challenge in a very short period of time, meeting and surpassing all goals set for him by his BGCOM. I am happy to approve his promotion!

Sunday · April 10 · 2005

Iron Mission Creation Results
18:34 - AD Frodo

CPT Daar Skeloria is victorious in the second Iron Mission Creator Match! An excellent show. CM Brukhar put up a good show however, the two missions are XvT Free 182 and 183. The medals were recommended.

As for the flying challenge, a total of 5 pilots participated, the number one pilot was COL Brucmack with a score of 55,580 he will receive the IS-BW!

Next week's match will be between LT Impulse and LC Ric Taldrya on saturday, April 16th 2005. 1300hrs EST in #TAC.

The pilot who has the high score for XvT Free 183 in exactly 1 week will be awarded the IS-BW or SW depending on how many pilots fly the mission.

Good luck pilots and creators!

Imperial Storm: Helpers Required
13:22 - HA Priyum Patel

Imperial Storm V is just around the corner. The rules are 99% done and
thanks to SovCOM/VA Stele, we also have a map now. Please check out the War
Office site for full details.

I am now looking for people to assist me during the war-game itself - specifically people who can make the XWA Skirmish files and TIE & XvT single player missions for the battles. The SP missions only need to be simple - no briefings or messages. If you're interested in helping out with this, please email me at Shiny things for people who help!

New XvT battles
12:23 - AD Frodo

XvT TC 110 and XvT TC 111 have been released at a mission compendium near you!

All beta files can be sent directly to me!

Tuesday · April 12 · 2005

Graphics Designers Sought
23:12 - AD Khadgar

An important contract for website templates and graphics designs has beenposted by GA Astatine on the Contract Exchange:

24/7 LoC Submission Form
16:27 - FA Khameir Sarin

The 24/7 LoC submission form on the COO website has been fixed. You can now score your matches at any time by going to and clicking on the link for "submit mp scores" on the left. Thanks!

EH domain revamp topic
04:38 - GA Astatine

There's a topic on the message board about a revamp of the EH domain. You can check it out here.

Wednesday · April 13 · 2005

ISD GreyWolf COM promoted!
13:37 - HA Cyric

Congrats to Pickled Yoda on his promotion to Vice Admiral

New poll!
09:08 - GA Astatine

There's a new poll up about your thoughts on Episode 3. Login and cast your vote!

Thursday · April 14 · 2005

Combat Operations Office Updates
15:06 - FA Khameir Sarin

The following are updates that have recently been suggested and are now completed on the COO Website. Be sure to check them out!

1. 24/7 Submission Form Updated and working.
2. IWATS MP updated to include all changes since the conception of the course.
3. Contacted the Rebel Squadrons to discuss Outerrim Night Revival.
4. Updated the Heroes page to include OHC Scoser.
5. Updated rules to include FreeWorlds on the Rules Page.
6. Updated URL of IWATS MP to show the non minos account.
7. Updated Week of War userguide to include the Errant Venture Chat Program that has replaced the Zone.
8. Updated #ehcoc userguide to explain 24/7 and to remove all Bot references.
9. Updated Frequently asked questions section.
10. Updated Rules to include a limit on how many times two people can fly one another in a day and information on LAN matches.

Celebration 3 Volunteers
07:42 - AD Joe

All EHers planning to attend Celebration III and help with staffing the EH Booth need to email immediately. Even if you have already in the past. I need a final list of everyone attending. I will also need what times you will be avalible to be at the booth. If you need an event schedule, check my last RO report or visit

I will be giving times out next week. So email me now!! Rememeber, when your at the booth you will be the EH represenatives. George Lucas will be at Celebration III at some point. You'll never know who'll show up. >:P


Caption Competition
Run by CPT Frankie (
Ends: June 1, 2005
Details: Each week a picture is posted in the squadron report and in the forum. Think of a fun caption for the picture, and send it to the squadron commander. The one with the best caption will win an iron star with a bronze ribbon.

ASF Trivia Comp
Run by AD Gilad Pelleaeon (
Ends: April 30, 2005
Details: Each week the admiral will email out a number of questions. The first to email him back the correct answers gets 4 points. Second gets two points, everyone else gets one point. The person with the most points at the end gets the IS-GR. IS-SR goes to runner-up and IS-BR goes to third.

ASF Recruitment Comp
Run by AD Gilad Pelleaeon (
Ends: April 30, 2005
Details: The person who recruits the most people in the month receives the IS-GR. IS-SR to runner-up and IS-BR to third

WoW Incentive
Ends: Never
Details: IS-GW, IS-SW and IS-BW each month for first, second and third in WoW respectively. Also, if anyone from the ASF is first, second or third out of ALL WoW players, they get another IS-GW, IS-SW or IS-BW. Separate medals are given for XvT WoW and XWA WoW.

Let's Sing it!
Run by COL Marcin Szydlowski (
Ends: December 31st, 2005
Details: Each week Marcin will release a few lines from a song. First person to email the correct response gets 4 points, Second gets 3, Third gets 2 and everyone one else gets 1. At the end of the month the pilot with the most points gets an IS-GR, IS-SR to second and IS-BR to third. The Score reset at the end of each month. (I'm not sure if these are going to be in the TAC reports or where, but I'll find out.)


CPT Frankie
Tried to answer the questions of the ASF Trivia Competition round 2, but gave up in frustration
Tried to recruit Naar Treib (Let's hope it works)
Chatted on IRC
Posted on message boards
Email contact
Commander duties

CM Wharfin De Grooz
No contact - please Email me!

CPT Marc Kendoran
Submitted a caption for the squadron competition
Email contact

LCM Ginji
Submitted a caption for the squadron competition
Email contact

Pilot of the Week


Pictute of the Week

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CPT Frankie ( - #10462
NICKNAME: Hissing Heroes
MOTTO: May the stars part before us

Nickname: Coils of Death
Motto: Once you are in our grip, there is no escape
1) CPT Frankie ( - #10462
2) CM Wharfin De Grooz ( - #10256
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Python's Fangs
Motto: Our bite will kill anything
1) CPT Marc Kendoran ( - #3914
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Wrath of Phat Force
Motto: This is one force that you should fear
1) LCM Ginji ( - #11325
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 4

Squadron Citations (0)

None; we need more pilots...

FCHG Listings

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)
[545] CPT Frankie

Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
[366] CPT Marc Kendoran

Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
[103] CM Wharfin De Grooz

Combat Ratings

Marksman 2nd (20 points)
[24] CPT Frankie

Trainee (1 point)
[1] CM Wharfin De Grooz

CMDR/CPT Frankie/Python/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

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