Athena Report # 6 (2004-12-25)

This report was submitted by COL Josh Popelka

Hey everyone! Time for another Athena Squadron report! Been a little
activity this week, so let's do it!


Well, after Christmas is past and we all get back to work (until New Year's
of course), I'm thinking about running a small flying competition. I'm
thinking of running it something like the Beat the WC comp I ran back in
Wing III, me versus any Athena Squadron member who cares to challenge me to
a free mission or battle. I need to bring my skills back up to match my
(relatively speaking) newly restored eyesight and always enjoy a challenge.
I'll make an announcement about comp details when I hammer 'em out. Be
ready to whup my butt! :)


The Holiday Fun Comp is official! Create some fiction pieces and/or graphic
pieces about how the Wing celebrates a Christmas-type holiday or what might
have happened during that time. Remember you can use ANY holiday associated
with Christmas as long as you explain which one you are using, especially if
its country specific. :P There is a flying section as well! The battles
are: TIE-TC 193; XvT-TC 81; and/or XWA-TC 26! So go and fly! Due date is
Jan 31, 2005. --From the latest Wing Report


Saturday · December 25 · 2004

XO Competitions reminder
02:16 - SA Astatine

Just a reminder that my two competitions close at the end of this month. The
competitions are:

Auroraholonet Logo Design Competition
Webmail skin design competition

 Friday · December 24 · 2004

ATF BGCOM Promoted
10:53 - FA Cyric
The ATF BGCOM, VA TK2107 has been promoted to the rank of Full Admiral! AD
TK 2107 is one of the hardest working BGCOM's in the fleet, managing the ATF
in a stellar way.

Whats more I've received over 10 requests for this promotion, which counts
towards his leadership and appearance for the Fleet and towards his

TK-2107, this is a well earned promotion!


ISD Grey Wolf Com chosen
07:28 - FA Cyric
The ISD Grey Wolf has a new Com! Congrats to Rear Admiral Pickled Yoda in
being named the next Grey Wolf Commodore. He has a long tradition to get
used to, I was a GW COM, Gilad was a GW Com, most of the great ASFers were
on the GW at one time. Good Luck Yoda (and no pressure :P)

 Thursday · December 23 · 2004

New Message Boards
18:16 - VA Khadgar
The new official Message Boards can be found at: If you require moderator status on any of the
boards, you should mail RA Joey C.

 Monday · December 20 · 2004

Wing XX WC Sought
12:45 - FA Cyric
With WC COL Trido being placed as the new ColCOM, Wing XX needs a new WC.
Applications are being accepted at this time and should be sent to the two
TKs (BGCOM VA TK-2107 and COM RA TK-7764). The wing needs someone who is
dedicated to help pull it together. The following requirments must be meet:
No HCI convictions in the past 6 months
At least one tour of duty (4 consecutive months) completed in a CMDR+
Fast e-mail turnaround time
A recruitment plan
Plenty of competition ideas
Member of the Dark Brotherhood (as per ATF leadership requirements)
message board usage
web coding
graphic skills
command experience in TC or other subgroup in WC or equivalent position
Applications will be accepted until December 27th. Merry Christmas and apply

New ColCOM
12:43 - FA Cyric
Congrats to RA Trido on being named the new ISD Colossus Com!

COO 1 Year Celebration Ladder
12:10 - AD Khameir Sarin
Congrats to General Picked Yoda on winning the COO 1 Year Celebration
Ladder. Yodes picked up 47 LoCs for his trouble and a few DFCs. Andrijas
came in second with 45 LoCs, and Archangel came in third with 35 LoCs. Great
work to all those who participated in the ladder (93 matches flown).

Also, as stated in the last Wing Report, GA Ronin has stepped down as Fleet
Commander. XO/SA Astatine has been promoted to FC/GA. Congratulations!

I'd like to take a minute to thank GA Ronin for giving us such an enjoyable
organization to be part of and wish the best of luck in his future


COL Josh Popelka: Flew TIE-TC #193 for the Holiday fun comp

CM Derek Klivian: Submitted Mandalorian Pancake banner (sweet!)
E-mail contact

LT Mirax Klivian: Submitted horse artwork (Very impressive!)
E-mail contact


MOTTO: The Best Kept Secret in the EH

FCHG Listings | Combat Ranks | Wing Reports (13)

ATHENA SQUADRON : Pacification


  1. COL Josh Popelka
  2. MAJ Jonathan
  3. TBA
  4. LCM Valic


  1. CM Derek Klivian
  2. LT Doctor Evil
  3. LT Hendo
  4. LT Mirax Klivian


  1. TBA
  2. LT Maaereck Steil
  3. COL Gallows
  4. TBA


FLY! Fly for the Holiday Fun comp! Be ready to whup my butt once I've got
my little comp finalized! :)

Communicate! Send me, the squadron, or the wing e-mail. Communication is
one of the best parts of this club.

Write fiction/create graphics! Fiction's great, graphics are great, put 'em
together and you've got something really really great!

Take IWATS Courses! They look good on your ID Line and you learn stuff.

Have fun!


Well, like I said in a quick e-mail a couple days ago, my cataract surgery
went extremely well. I won't go into too much detail in this report, but
the world definitely looks better than it did before surgery. Brighter,
more defined.

I've spent a lot of time playing games. My current playlist consists of
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Halo 2 and Metroid Prime 2:
Echoes. Yeah, I got an X-Box. I figured I oughta be able to enjoy my
restored eyesight and didn't want to wait two months for the KOTOR2 to come
out for the PC. I'd probably have to upgrade to play it that way, anyway.

I've actually beaten KOTOR2 once already and am working my way through it
again. I sort of rushed through it the first time and want to see what I
missed doing. I've enjoyed it definitely, but I can't quite decide if it's
better than the first game or not. I'll keep evaluating it as I go.

On the KOTOR2 disc is a demo of Republic Commando, the squad-based combat
game coming for X-Box and PC in the next year. The only complaint I have
here is the demo wasn't long enough. It reminded me quite a bit of Halo and
Rainbox Six. Very very cool. One question I do have though: If all the
clone commandos are clones of Jango Fett, why don't they all have his voice
in this game? Aside from the fact that it might get boring, I mean.

Heh, I could go on about Halo 2 and Metroid Prime 2, but I figure I'll stick
with Star Wars related gaming in this report. If anyone cares to ask about
either game so far as I've played them, drop me a line.

On a somewhat related note to Republic Commando, I did read the novel based
off the game, Republic Commando: Hard Contact. Very enjoyable, though not
quite as detailed as a Timothy Zahn novel, and not quite like a Tom Clancy
novel. Sort of in-between. Well worth reading. Made me want to play the
game or Halo. Heh.

Hmm, I that about covers all the news I know of. I hope everyone has a
happy and safe holiday season and upcoming new year.


Colonel Josh Popelka
Athena Squadron Commander

CMDR/COL Josh Popelka/Athena/Wing VII/SSSD Sovereign

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