Athena Report # 4 (2004-05-24)

This report was submitted by COL Josh Popelka

Athena Squadron Report for May 10th through 24th, 2004.

Hey everyone! Time for another Athena Squadron Report! This one's extremely late, I was out of contact much longer than I planned, but now that I have communications again, things are looking up. There is a little bit of news to cover, so let's do it!


Before I went out of contact, I finally got around to setting up a mailing list for the squadron. The address to use is Anyone that is interested in joining the list, drop me a line. I will be updating the e-mail addresses for those of you who have recently changed e-mail addresses, but right now, I'm just way too tired to do so. I'll do it whenever I wake up again.

I also did get the competition that I had mentioned approved. Unfortunately, I screwed the pooch and forgot to send everyone an e-mail about it. Just way, way too busy before I lost contact. Next comp will be run better, and I'll be participating! :)

Next order of business will be to acquire webspace for a squadron website. Minos ought to serve pretty well again. I'll have to start designing a website again. I'll be needing content from you guys soon. I've got a couple of pictures of me doing stupid stuff that I can probably get away with putting on the site, but that might scare small children and the elderly. Heh, I don't even have my sideburns anymore...:P

The TC Database is under reconstruction at the moment. The TC database went down sometime after I left college and the most recent backup was from January, so things are a bit...interesting at the moment. According to the DB, Wings III and IV are still open and VII has no pilots. :P FA Cyric is hard at work on getting things back to where they should be. Hopefully, be the end of this week, things will be closer to normal. Until then, we've been asked not submit anything through the DB, so you can fly all you want but until further notice, I'm not going to BSF anything. Keep your files until I can BSF stuff again, please. My poor inbox is still somewhat full.


This is sort of a historic moment in Athena Squadron history. Back in Hey Squadron, I used to spiel out as much Wing News as I knew at report time and end the section by saying something like: "For more Wing News, read the WC's next report."

I know we've got stuff running right now and coming down the pike but I'm tired now. For Wing News, read LC Guthwulf's next Wing Report. :)

sniff I think I'm going to cry...


Saturday · May 22 · 2004

XVT Week of War
13:08 - VA Khameir Sarin []
XVT Week of War has begun. Help the EH finish FIRST by defeating the evil Clan BOSS! Get to your fighters!

Members with PINs greater than 11300
13:02 - FA Cyric []
All members with Pins greater than 11300, please try to access your profiles on the TC Site. If you joined after Jan 04, chances are the DB has no record of you. If this is the case, contact your BGCOM immediately and he will inform you of what you need to do to correct the problem.

The only foreseeable issue will be that your PINs will change and probably be a lower number than you had.

Flight Office
12:23 - FA Cyric []
I've just completed updates to the ASF and Avenger Squadron Rosters!

AD Sarin has joined the Flight Office in the capacity of my second CA:FO while still currently being the COO. His duties will be to help with the roster changes and moves for the BG's

VA Reaper will be handling newer requests as they come in to the Database

My other FOA, VA Khadgar, will still be moderating the TC meetings for the FO, and attending as my emissary the EH meeting when I can not attend.

As always we are working round the clock to get the rosters back to snuff so be patient. We will do our best to get you back your ranks and positions in the fast time possible!

Site issues topic
03:36 - SA Astatine []
I've setup a topic on the message board for issues people have with the site. You can check it out at

03:24 - SA Astatine []
There's a survey up about the speed of the new site. Your feedback would be appreciated.

Site has returned!
00:39 - SA Astatine []
That's right, kiddies. The TIE Corps site is back. The core functionality of the site seems to be working at this stage. We'll see how more exotic pieces shape up. Try not to break anything... In terms of making recommendations and the like with the database, please hold off until the backlogged data has been re-entered into the system.


COL Josh Popelka: Returned from enforced leave
Created mailing list for squadron
CMDR Stuff

LCM Valic: E-mail activity

CM Derek Klivian: E-mail activity

LT Dan Hendo: E-mail activity

COL Gallows: Flew XWA-TC #23


I'm skipping this one for the moment.


For the moment, just keep in touch. If you have something to fly, feel free to do so and send me the file when the DB is back up.

Have fun!


My apologies for the shortness of this report, things are a little less than ideal for me at the moment. I'm pretty pissed off about our German Sheperd puppy getting hit and killed by a car Saturday morning. My sister and my nephew are also around the house causing havoc at the moment, which is distracting me mightily. I'm really really wanting a smoke too, despite the fact that I quit when I came home from school and hoping to stay quit this next year. Being stressed out doesn't help me much. Heh, for once, not being able to drive isn't such a bad thing.

On the upside, I saw Van Helsing Saturday afternoon. Not a bad movie. It looks like I missed seeing The Punisher in the theater, I'm kind of disappointed there.

Started playing Far Cry yesterday. Pretty tight game, but I keep getting killed. I'm not terribly used to that happening with such regularity in computer games. I'm even playing on "Easy" too.

Hmm, I think that covers this week's report. Next one should be more informative.


Colonel Josh Popelka
Athena Squadron Commander

"Usual ID Line stuff here"

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