Athena Report # 8 (2005-04-03)

This report was submitted by COL Josh Popelka

Hey everyone! Time for another Athena Squadron Report! This will be a short report, but let's do it!


Aside from flying for the Sov SP Ladder, I haven't been up to much lately. I'm currently away from my "work" machines, and won't be back to 'em until Wednesday. Look for something after that.


Congratulations to MAJ Sandor Clegane of Hades Squadron on his promotion and his PC!

Congratulations also to COL Raith Seinar on his PC!

Sad news for the Wing as several veteran pilots have left. Good luck to LC Sequoh Marden, a former WC of Wing III, LCGuthwulf, former WC of Wing VII and CM Var Zoraan, member of several Wing III squadrons.

That's all the Wing News I can think of. See Turry's next Wing Report for more! :)


Sunday · April 03 · 2005

Iron Mission Creator Flying Challenge!
15:07 - AD Frodo
I've just released XvT Free 181 which is the winning mission from yesterday's IRON MISSION CREATOR match! Congratulations to FA Den Darkhill for being victorious.

The TIE Corps pilot that has the highest score for this mission by next sunday will be awarded the IS-BW or IS-SW depending on how many people fly it! That is the Flying Challenge! Good luck pilots!

 Saturday · April 02 · 2005 

Tactical Competition update
12:22 - AD Frodo
This week the Mission Creation Incentive ended. Congradulations to LC Ric Taldrya and VA Gidda for a shared 1st place victory in the battles division.

First place for missions was RA Locke Setzer. We saw alot of submissions this month and it was indeed a grand competition.

The Tactical pilot of the Month for March 2005 was COL Abel Malik. All medals were recommended!

Iron Mission Creator round 1 has begun, we'll see how it goes :)

April Fools Move Winner!
07:21 - HA Cyric
Congrats to AD Gilad the ASF BGCOM for being the first person to read the FO report and correctly name the April Fools Move in the TC. He answered at 6:18pm, quickly followed by AD Khadgar at 6:19pm. The report went out around 6:10pm...You both need lives on a Friday Night! :P

The correct answer was VA Stele to the RSV's and Cpt Ninja to RA Ninja SOVCOM.

Thanks to all who answered, I got about 15 mails, so someone actually does read these reports!

 Friday · April 01 · 2005 

New TCCOM's own Selected!
17:29 - HA Cyric
There is a new TCCOM's own selected! You'll have to read the Flight Office report to find out who!

 Wednesday · March 30 · 2005 

[TO] IWATS database and interface - huge rewards
12:42 - VA Stuart
Information can be found at

If interested in this venture contact me at with the subject line: "[TO]'s need databases too"

 Monday · March 28 · 2005 

[TO] Appointments, Reports, and Openings
17:27 - VA Stuart
Congratulations to Major Aurelius Erasmus and Lieutenant Commander Fahrer on their joint appointments to History Professor.

Training Officer Report #5 is now out, please go read it.

I would like to bring attention to three Imperial Weapons and Tactics School professor openings.
I am looking for professors in the subject areas of XML, Active Server Pages, and Javascript.
If you have experience in these areas, please contact me as soon as possible at with the subject "Those who can't do, teach".

Freeworlds: Territory Engagement
10:36 - HA Priyum Patel
There is a Territorial Engagement planned for this coming Thursday, the details are:

Date: Thursday 31st March @ 2200GMT / 1700EST
Participants: New Republic (Attacking) vs Empire (Defending)
Targets: Sienar Shipyards / Imperial Sector Command
Password: Unknown
Orders: Unknown

More details will be released as I get them, but this notice is being sent in good time so you're aware of the upcoming fight. Keep an eye on this thread for further details.

Celebration 3 donations reminder!
04:05 - GA Astatine

As you may have noticed on the right hand side of the news page, we're up to $500 of donations so far. This money will go towards assisting Admiral Joe in printing good quality pamphlets and other materials to hand out to people at Celebration 3. This entire exercise is very very important for the Emperor's Hammer, as we're one of the few fan clubs at the event and this will provide exceptional exposure for us.

A very important point for those living outside the US is the fact that the exchange rates are (in general) very very favourable so you'll get more bang for your currency when making a donation.

Here's a list of those who have donated so far:

Ekim Yellek
Thanks for your efforts.


COL Josh Popelka: Flew TIE-FREE #241

CM Derek Klivian: E-mail activity




  1. COL Josh Popelka
  2. MAJ Jonathan
  3. TBA
  4. LCM Valic


  1. CM Derek Klivian
  2. LT Doctor Evil
  3. LT Hendo
  4. LT Mirax Klivian


  1. TBA
  2. LT Maaereck Steil
  3. COL Gallows
  4. TBA


FLY! We get paid to fly, then we can spend the money on drinks in the cantina!

Communicate! Communication is one of the best parts of this club.

Take IWATS Courses! They look good on your ID Line and you learn stuff.

Have fun!


In three days, I shall return to the head of the Gungan Army. Yup, I said Gungan. I started playing through Galactic Battlegrounds a couple weeks ago (had to put it down while I went on break). I must say, I've enjoyed the game so far, but I can't wait until I can send legions of stormtroopers to crush the Rebellion...

On another gaming note, I highly recommend Republic Commando. A highly enjoyable mix of Rainbow Six and Halo. Well, without the planning you had to do in R6 (unless they took that out in the last one?) I wonder if there's any way that game could be modified to EH use?

Well, I think that does it for this week's report.


Colonel Josh Popelka
Athena Squadron Commander

CMDR/COL Josh Popelka/Athena/Wing VII/SSSD Sovereign

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