Daleth Report # 0 (2003-02-23)

This report was submitted by CPT Ace Hobbes

I. Introduction.
Many good news this week. We are goint to have new member very soon. Please welcome COL Mell Kerrigan! Another good thing is I have contact with most of you guys. Also activity level incerased a lot!

Now a little announcement. Due to new rule posted by LC Strathaven, I need a Squadron XO. The main role of XO, is to write a Squadron Report, if CMDR won't send one until 7pm GMT on Saturday. XO will have 20 hours to write Report. (I'm a bit late, again:P). Is anyone interested? :P If not, I'll pick someone randomly;)

Wing III Points. Because there were some people in the wing, that recived Palpatine Crescents every months, Aeishline decided to cease Wing III Points System. No, it doesn't mean you won't be awarded for activity:) It's juzt now on CMDR and WC decision.

II. Activity.

CPT Ace Hobbes
Working on a Wing III Quiz.
ICQ, MB, E-mail and IRC Activity.
Returned form leave.
Earned BS! :P
LT Delarius
Reported problems with computer. Cannot fly.
Working on a new Daleth Website.
Seen on IRC.
Completed SM/3.
LCM Sam Booker
Flew a lot of Battles and Missions.
Highly Active by E-mail.
Completed SM/3.
LCM Zekk Thyne
No contact. Zekk, please mail me!
COL Mell Kerrigan
Should be in position any moment now;)
Willing to help Wing to regrow in strenth :P I sense great motivation in that one ;)
LCM Ian Schneider
No contact this week. Ian, what's up with you?
LT Zeth Durron
Flew a lot Battles for Competitions.
Completed many IWATS Courses.
III. Citations.
Currently we have 25 Citations. That is a lot more than 17 we had 2 weeks ago. I won't assign you new battles for now, as I'm waiting for COL Kerrigan to transfer in. Then I'll see the situation and select you battles that will get us more cits ;)

IV. Final words.
I'm very happy with level of activity. Most of you fly a lot. Remember we have three ongoing flying competitions. All with the same deadline of 28 Feb. I want you especially to fly XWA-TC #33, XWA-TC #24 and TIE-TC #202 for Daleth vs. Aleth competition, and Art of War phase I. Also, do not forget about SBOTM as you may earn some great awards! February is at end. For this last week you have chance to incerase your activity. You all have chances to earn some reward for your efforts :)

CPT Ace Hobbes.

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