Viper Report # 16 (2003-02-21)

This report was submitted by CPT Gistenjunge

Viper WSR

Viper Squadron's Report #16, 2/21/03

CMDR's Thoughts

Greetings Vipers, last week I stated that there are ups and downs and that we were somewhere down. This week the hole thing looks much brighter. A new pilot joined Viper, welcome Lieutenant Commander Fallien Skull to Viper 1-2!
I am also in contact with a Cadet from the Daedalus who wishes to join us after completing his training. If it goes on like this, Viper will be soon back to 'citation strength' =)

All pilots reported in the last week, but activity is pretty slow. That's not too bad, because some had reasons why they didn't flew so much, but that will change the next week I guess.
I will concentrate on flying too, because the last week I was playing BattleField1942 at least 4h a day ... no wonder that I didn't found much time to fly ;)

Nobody flew the XvT CAB battle I assigned for the Viper Top Ace Comp, so now the pilot with the highest score in the XWA TC#33 battle will win the SP part. Till now only I flew it. Get to your fighter and show your Commander that you can outfly him!


Viper Top Ace Competition: Fly XWA TC#33(I accept files till 28th feb.). All MP matches which are awarded in this month plus zone events count for the MP part.

CPT Gistenjunge: completed XWA TC#33. MP 6 wins, 1 tie, 3 losses, one DFC means 21,5points

LCM Fallien Skull: none.

CPT John Clark: none.

MAJ Exar Khaland: none.


* The COO is back from leave. yay!

* Lots of new battles/missions released:
TIE free#217
XvT tc#57,58,59,60, free#134
BoP db#1

* Col Brucmack reached 4000 FCHG...seems he is back in full strength.

* 10 patches for XvT (re)-released
The T/Pr, T/Dr, T/G, T/SB (formerly SB-III), A-9b, K-W, S/Y-W and M/A-W have all been updated to be on slot #11 (tienew2) and can now be installed with others that aren't on that slot. Several stats changes here and there, all new installers and the T/Dr and S/Y-W received new OPTs.
The Mobquet Transport and the M/FRT the Luggage have also been released for XvT and more patches are coming up shortly, also for XWA and TIE.

* A new High Admiral in our ranks, congrats to FlightOfficer HA Priyum Patel!!

Wing/Ship News

* Wil SPAMed the hole wing with 7 approved Competitions!(FCHG race, CR race, fiction, training, banner, pic-for-his-reports, ISD vs ISD MP)
For more details read your emails or visit the Viper homepage.

Squadron News

* LCM Fallien Skull joined Viper!

* CPT Gistenjunge still leading in Viper Top Ace Comp

* last week was low activity, this will change this week!!


Squadron Status

* we are definitely not enough pilots in Viper, go and recruit some fresh blood!


* none.

New Pilots/Transfers

* LCM Fallien Skull joined our ranks. Welcome!

Pilots on leave

* none.

CMDR's Orders

* Recruiting has top priority this month!!

* participate in the 7 comps which our Commodore Wil just made to get you some new medals!

* Fly for the VTAC

* Try MP!! It's great fun. If you need help/tips/assistance email me. The COO has signed the EH to some more MP events at the zone, check above if you allready forgot.

* use our MB at, communication is an important part of squadron life.

* join the wing 14 cantina on IRC, #wingxiv

* have fun

Squadron Activty

CMDR/CPT Gistenjunge: email/MB/IRC active; flew MP(1tie); updated squadron homepage;

FM/LCM Fallien Skull: email active; completed a battle;

FL/MAJ Exar Khaland: IRC active, is creating a homepage for flight 2;

FM/CPT John Clark: email active;


Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CPT Gistenjunge (
NICKNAME: The Venom of the Emperor
MOTTO: The silent bite in the night

Nickname: Sting of Death
Motto: Your destiny is chosen when we arrive.
1) CPT Gistenjunge ( #8622
2) LCM Fallien Skull ( #5698
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Poison Providers
Motto: Time to run rebel scum.
1) MAJ Exar Khaland ( #651
2) CPT John Clark ( #7511
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Venom Flight
Motto: First to bite, last to die
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA


FCHG Ranking

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)

* [722] CPT John Clark

Centurion [CNTR] (400 points)

* [458] CPT Gistenjunge

Knight [KNGT] (250 points)

* [295] MAJ Exar Khaland

Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)

* [125] LCM Fallien Skull

CR Ranking

Top Ace 3rd (300 points)

* [322] CPT Gistenjunge

Marksman 4th (10 points)

* [10] MAJ Exar Khaland

Trainee (1 point)

* [2] CPT John Clark
* [1] LCM Fallien Skull


all Citations gone...need I say more?!?


CMDR/CPT Gistenjunge/Viper/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid

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