Wasp Report # 29 (2003-03-28)

This report was submitted by LC Nightmare

CMDR-AMB/LC Nightmare reporting in for Wasp Squadron, week 03/28/03


-For some odd reason, I was promoted to LC, uhhh yeah and all I wanted was to get demoted, darn! So if you see me on the streets or if you come to my melting igloo I'll buy you a drink…

-War Game was cancelled due to lack of participation, sorry for those involved…

-There are a couple Ship/Wing comps coming up, stay tuned to this station for further developments.

-Monthly Squadron Evaluation time has come back to use, booooo, medal time for some, dreading time for others, which one are you?

-Remember to tell me if you go on leave, can't be active for a little while or any important stuff like that.

-Make sure to read the next section, it’s important, so please take the couple minutes needed to read it, thanks…


-For the past few weeks our activity has been less than desirable and for the past few months we have been acting like a roller coaster, one month we're really active, end up getting WC's own etc… Then the next we turn up being one of the worst Squadrons in the wing. That is our major problem to fix…

-Next on the list is consistency, I don't ask to much, hell you’re here because you want to so I can't really impose myself on you but I can always ask… Anyway's, some of you are really regular with your activity, take Snij as an example: he e-mails us everyday, fly's MP weekly and even does a bit more from time to time (My legal consultants tell me that I am not permitted to say what else he does…) some of you fly from here and there, 2 or 3 battles one month then 20 the next, while others are doing absolutely nothing!!! All that I'm saying is that if you can't be constant with what you do its OK, but please still try to do something each week, and at the very least you HAVE to get into contact with me weekly, either by e-mail, MSN messenger, IRC, ICQ etc…

-Inactivity is what is killing us, it's not all of us, just a few people are taking us down, come one guys show a bit of life, flew a battle, some free missions, maybe an IWATS course, just be active…

-The final point that I will address is recruitment; recently we have lost CPT Xander Drax, gained LC JDF1984 and we will soon be loosing CM Coranel Both. If you add that up it comes up to this: -1 + 1 - 1 = -1… We are slowly loosing pilots, recruitment is not very hard, and probably the easiest of all the things you can do. There are many things that you can do to recruit people to the squadron, here are a few ideas:

1. Recruit from real life: talk to friends that are into Star Wars, Space sims etc… People in your family are also a great to try to recruit, I myself recruited my brother and [unfortunately] he is now a WC, GRRRRR… (P.S. If you get beat up for trying to recruit real people that you know in real life its not my fault…)

2. Zone: Hang out on the zone with Drax our WC…

3. Recruit from the reserves: e-mail, old friends, people you served with, people who have been on the Vanguard and people that have been in Wasp, talk to them about how great it is, how we could use there help, it would be loads of fun etc… There are no rules concerning recruiting from the reserves but be careful, don’t Spam it too much, at least try to send e-mails to people individually, you don't need to make a new e-mail each time…

4. Helping Cadets on Daedalus: This one is the most dangerous one of them all since we are not allowed to directly recruit cadets, your are only allowed to e-mail them to help them in there training, introduce yourself etc… YOU CANOT ASK THEM TO JOIN YOUR SQUADRON ETC… you can get in trouble if you get caught… so please don't get in trouble.

If we all do our part in this, sooner or later some people are going to start to join our Wasp and when that starts happening we might be able to get to the magical number of 12!


-Flight Wars: I take it that this will be an activity competition pitting all flights against each other… More to come on that as soon as I am informed…

Pilot of the week

-This week our top pilot was……………or is…………………………Snij once more…someone do something, please…

Activity Report

CMDR/MAJ Nightmare - Flew 2 IW battles, recruited, Dled the new battles. Got promoted

FM/CM Xeraan Rhazzazor - In contact

FM/LT Talon Karrde - In contact

FL/CM Coranel Both - Leaving us soon

FM/LT Kael Dalor - RL slow down

FM/LT Pistol - no contact

FM/CPT - Face Loran - In contact

FL/LCM A. G. Snijglau - Flew MP, won LoCs, e-mailed you all again!!

FM/LC JDF1984 - On leave

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: LC Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Sting
BANNER: wasp.jpg
MOTTO: Never say die!
HOMEPAGE: http://wasp.tiecorps.net/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=89

Nickname: The Executors
Motto: We stop for no one
1) LC Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
2) CM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Xeraan@grasekabeln.de)
3) TBA
4) LT Talon Karrde (DeathsFist@hotmail.com)

Nickname: The Drones of Death
Motto: Pray you never get stung, for our venom is deadly
1) CM Coranel Both (coranel_both@yahoo.com)
2) LT Kael Dalor (emperorswill@hotmail.com)
3) LT Pistol (pistol_66@yahoo.co.uk)
4) CPT Face Loran (Thorin5@woh.rr.com)

Nickname: The Killer Angels
Motto: Don't cross us, you won't survive
1) LCM A. G. Snijglau (Agulliford@cox.net)
2) LC Jdf1984 (jdf1984@yahoo.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA


All Sub-Lieutenants should Read this section Carefully:

Getting promoted to full Lieutenant is one of the easiest things to do in your Tie Corps career and it can be done fast. Here is what you can do to get promoted:

-Go to http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battletypes.asp and download a battle, follow the instructions included with that battle, fly it and send me the pilot file, I will BSF(Battle Submission Form) the file and you will get credit for it. (tfr files for Tie, plt files for XvT and XWA) so you wont get

-An other way is to do an IWATS (Imperial Weapons And Tactics School) Course, just go to http://www.emperorshammer.net/iwats.asp and select the course you want to do. This is probably the best way to get your promotion.

-Another good way is to go online and participate in a Multiplayer Competition, the schedule is located on the lower right hand side of http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp This might be the hardest one of them all, because MP is HARD. But it is the one I like the best. Also you should be getting a daily e-mail from LCM Snijglau concerning MP

Just remember, do which ever you want, but do it as soon as you can, so that you can become an LT.

Also if you have any problems or difficulties with anything please e-mail me or your Flight Leader (FL)

FCHG Rankings

Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)

[1113] LC Nightmare
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)

[285] LC Jdf1984
[264] CM Xeraan Rhazzazor
Gallant [GALL] (200 points)

[203] LCM A. G. Snijglau
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)

[85] LT Pistol
[83] CPT Face Loran
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)

[50] LT Kael Dalor
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

[34] LT Talon Karrde


Squadron Citations (11):
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 76 - Mirror Universe
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer
XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
XWA-TC Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 21 - Ast's Story

Have a nice day

CMDR-AMB/LC Nightmare/Wasp/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

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