Cobra Report # 13 (2003-02-28)

This report was submitted by CPT Blade

Cobra Squadron Report #13
CMDR/CPT Blade/Cobra/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid

The pilots of Cobra Squadron were milling around in the ready room, they waited for their Skipper to give his report and get back to work. Kettch was over in the corner, fiddling with the caf machine. Vessicant sat reading a few intel reports, while Nova Killer played a handheld game sim he picked up on his last leave. In the corner, shrouded in darkness sat a lone figure, Major rank on his tunic.
The door opened and in walked Blade, commander of Cobra Squadron.
“Attention, Commander on deck,” Kettch yelled. Every pilot in the room jumped to attention, Nova almost losing his balance. Blade smiled inwardly as he saw himself not too long ago in Nova’s position.
“As you were,” Blade took his place at the head of the room and began his report to the squad…

Commanders Rant…
As you can see I am going to try to start my reports with a bit of fiction. Seems like a good idea since I won the ASF Runon comp.
Ok on to business, RECRUIT…do I have to say more. We need fresh blood in Cobra. I have been working the zone for any prospects and so far have come up with none yet, the XVT WoW seemed like a good place to look. The XWA WoW starts today so I will try to be there as well.
Activity has been sort of lacking lately, we need to pick it up some. I know that Vess is on leave and Nova has just come back from leave. Kettch has been around doing things, that about covers it I think.

On to the news…
TAC officer has hit 3000 FCHG points!! Way to go Mike…

New(old) Ship patches have been re-released for TIE… see the SCO site for more details.

Squad First project has been released. I hope to have a website built on it for us soon. I only need to figure out how to upload it to then we will be all set.

IOA Alex Foley has resigned due to RL obligations. Sorry to see him go he did wonderful things for us all. Good luck Alex!

EH Squadron Wars ends today. Fly anywhere and report games to I know it’s late but you never know 

More Patches released for XVT, BoP, TIE, XWA, about 10 reworked patches including the TIE Phantom for TIE.

Pilots on leave…
CM Vessicant is on temporary leave.

7! Wing and Ship comps, ranging from fiction writing to flying to graphics. Something for everyone…

Details here

Cobra ace of the month is still going on… Go fly for it.

None until we get a few more pilots

Medals and awards
CPT Blade awarded a IS-GR for winning the ASF MB Runon

CPT Blade- flew 12 XVTF Missions and 1 battle, flew a bunch of WOW matches, got 4 wins, reached 750 FCHG, seems that I have dropped back to 740 so I need to get flying again, did CMDR stuff, Completed IWATS Flash, Wrote this report

CM Kettch- XWA TC 27, 28, and 30, email, irc

LT Nova Killer- Returned from leave, helped me try to save my new computers cdrom drive, is helping me work on my new, new computer.

CM Vessicant- Reported in and went on leave

COMMANDER: CPT Blade ( - #8905
NICKNAME: Lethal Scourge
MOTTO: We're not looking for trouble...We ARE trouble!
Nickname: NightHawks [Recon]
Motto: Be it throat or underbelly, our blades shall find a mark.
1) CPT Blade ( - #8905
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: The Cleansing Fire [Assault]
Motto: Kick 'em in the teeth!
1) CM Kettch ( - #5243
2) LT Nova Killer ( - #10183
3) SL Vulkrith ( - #10289
4) TBA
Nickname: Harbingers of Agony [Superiority]
Motto: Beware, for we watch you with unblinking eyes.
1) CM Vessicant ( - #7903
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA
FCHG Listings

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)
• [740] CPT Blade
Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
• [375] CM Kettch
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)
• [282] CM Vessicant
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)
• [68] LT Nova Killer

Combat Ratings

Veteran 3rd (80 points)
• [83] CPT Blade (I should be adding five more in a bit)
Trainee (1 point)
• [4] CM Kettch
CMDRs orders-

1) Be active. This includes flying (SP, MP), writing fiction, IRC, email, whatever.
2) Fly, write and anything for SC:VI, we want to keep the Intrepid as the Flagship of the ASF.
3) Have a good idea for a comp? Let me know and we’ll see what we can come up with.
4) Most importantly, have fun.

Final thoughts-
RECRUIT… we desperately need more pilots in the squadron, I have been emailing cadets and trying to recruit from the zone. So far I have had a couple of answers but I am going to keep on trying. Also I have toyed with the idea of squadron positions, much like what Tiss had when she was CMDR. If I am able to I will work something out. Looks like that is all for this week folks, good luck and may the darkside guide you…

As reported by CPT Blade, Cobra squadron Commander

CMDR/CPT Blade/Cobra/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
BSx4/PCx5/MoI/IS-4BW-2BR-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx5-Rx3/DFC-Rx1/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx6 [EXCR] {IWATS-CBX-GFX-IIC/1/2-LIN-M/1/2-SM/2/3-TT-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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