Sword Report # 2 (2003-04-21)

This report was submitted by CM Sarn Erec

CM Sarn Erec reporting in for Sword Squadron on 4/21/2003

Hi folks, here is my second Squadron report as CMDR. I am posting all reports on the database, so you can read them there, too.

----Fleet News----
-Our BGCOM, Krax Tarnisar, and the ASF BGCOM, Darksaber have both been promoted to the rank of Admiral, congratulations to both of them.

-The following Flag Officers have been selected:
Rear Admiral Ranthier Khaen - promoted to Vice Admiral and Battlegroup Commander of the ATF
Rear Admiral Charles "Demos" Spencer - appointed Commodore of the SSD Avenger
Colonel Mell Kerrigan - promoted to Rear Admiral and ISD Subjugator Commodore
Major TK-2107 - appointed to Wing Commander of Wing XX
Colonel Sephiroth - promoted to Rear Admiral and Commodore of the ISD Challenge.

-The Battle Center links are up again, you have to log into the database now to be able to download the Battles.

Check http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp for more Tiecorps news, you can also check http://swordsquadron.minos.net/ for Squadron news, I post there frequently.

----Wing News----

-We lost Col Doyon, Cpt Xander Drax and Maj Brad Tack, Tack is new Ravager CMDR aboard the ISD Subjugator, congratulations to him.

-There will be a COM Comp coming soon.

----Squadron News----

-Sword Ace Comp Week 1 finished with only 1 submission (come on guys, I know that you can do better). And the winner is....you wanna know?....ok....LCM Dukimar! Congratz to him, good job Dukimar! :).

- I'm working on getting an own Message Board for our Squadron at ehnet.org but I have to wait for the IO's answer, I hope that will be solved soon.

- As always, check http://swordsquadron.minos.net/ for more news, I post there frequently, I'm also sending all news via mail, so keep checking your mailbox :P.

-Besides that it was a pretty quite Week, not much activity, some people having RL issues, the DB situation and other stuff, but I'm glad that most of you reported in, that's a step into the right direction.


-no medals this week


Sword Ace Comp Week 2 will begin soon, expect a mail with the mission assignment today. I would like to see a bigger participation this week.

Sword picture Comp will be coming as soon as it is approved, expect some fun :P.

----Squadron Orders----

Communicate, talk to each other
Fly, take IWATS, be active,
Go to the bar :P

----Activity Report----

CM Sarn
-Did CMDR stuff
-Working on getting a Squadron Message Board
-Very high IRC presence

LT Nom Ramadon
- reported in (mail), has some RL issues, tries to come back to
flying asap

COL Dan Malaktos
- still has computer problems, has to set up his PC again

LC Ted
- no contact

LCM Daniel Frost
- no contact, Frost, please contact me asap, I hope that you are
alright and that your health is better now

CM Jade Falcon
- reported in (mail)

LT Brynda Demilor
- Several times IRC contact

LCM Dukimar
- reported in (several mails)
- Flew XvT-Free#42, XvT-Free#43, XvT-Free#46, Tie-Free#104 (Sword
Ace Comp)
- Won Sword Ace Comp week 1


I'm glad that most of you reported in, I need your help in improving this Squadron, this is the first step into the right direction.


COMMANDER: CM Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
NICKNAME: Swords of the Empire
BANNER: sword.jpg
MOTTO: Imperial blades forged in the heat of battle.
HOMEPAGE: http://swordsquadron.minos.net/

Nickname: Razor's Edge
Motto: "With unity comes victory"
1) CM Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
2) LT Nom Ramadon (ncs332@yahoo.com)
3) COL Dan Malaktos (Cloud88FF7@aol.com)
4) LC Ted (majtykated@hotmail.com)

Nickname: Ardent Steel
Motto: Nunc Morere
1) LCM Daniel Frost (frost__@hotmail.com)
2) CM Jade Falcon (Craig3001@aol.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Tip of the Swords
Motto: "Nil Satis Nici Optimum"
1) TBA
2) LT Brynda Demilor (BDemilor@gmx.net)
3) LCM Dukimar (brybry23@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Total: 8

That's it for today
With best regards,

CMDR/CM Sarn Erec/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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