Cobra Report # 17 (2003-03-28)

This report was submitted by CPT Blade

Cobra Squadron Weekly Report # 17
As reported by
CPT Blade

Cpt Blade ran towards his office. He was running late and didn’t have his report ready yet. Jumping over his desk, he landed on an Xwing demonstrator model.
“Stinking Rebels!” he shouted as he pulled the s-foil from his rear. He set to write his report out.
‘Ok, where do I start’…

CMDRs Rants- Activity, Activity, Activity… hmm I’m starting to sound like a broken record here. We need to pick up the level of our activity somewhat, actually a lot. Kettch is on leave pending new parts for his computer coming in. Nova is working on going on active duty, he is in the National Guard.
Recruit, recruit, recruit… hmm different record. Same story as above. We need more pilots in the squadron.

On to the news-
More good stuff from the TAC Office, new XVT TC Battle, #63, plus 2 XVT free missions as well as a XWA Free mission or 2 released. On a side note, My BoP battle has been sent in for correction. I hope to see it coming out sometime or another.

Want to send in something to LucasArts to maybe get a new game released. Click this link and let Ol’ George and his crew know what we want.

Do you have what it takes to test TIE? We’ll follow these instructions and find out…
Tactical Office requires 3 additional TIE testers. You are required to test at least 1 battle / week. It is not easy job so don't count on easy medals.
Email applications to me, my Attaché and TCC:TIE (if you cannot find their emails then forget about this job). Also include your PIN. No PIN = no job. What's more. It's FIFO system. So first 3 applications will be accepted.

Squadron News-
Not much going on besides the Cobra Ace of the Month Comp, which I seem to be winning every month. I am not requesting medals for each month as it feels wrong to win. I brought this comp out for you, the pilots. PARTICIPATE…


CPT Blade awarded IS-SR for Wing Fiction to Battle Comp

CPT Blade- Flew XWA TC 26,27 (flew some others but haven’t sent to Wil yet…) Awarded IS-SR, flew in the XVT WoW (2 wins) did CMDR Stuff, (this report among some other things…) Still over Executer FCHG Rank :)

CM Kettch- On leave for Comp problems

LT Nova Killer- RL activities has kept away from EH Activities

CM Vessicant- Please report in

MAJ Kyle- free trip to NYC be back soon

LT Willie- Report in please

No changes in the citations or rosters, we need to work on that.

Squadron Orders-
1. Be active
2. Fly assigned battles
3. Participate in activities
4. Report in at least once a week

That’s about it for this week,
CMDR/CPT Blade/Cobra/WING XIV/ISD Intrepid

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