Krayt Report # 0 (2003-04-04)

This report was submitted by CPT Phantom


A few issues have come my way since my last report. I will try and cover them all.


-The SSL Competition is in full swing. A rule change has occurred in the XvT pilt files. You are only allowed to fly the assigned mission once. If you fail your first attempt, you need to delete your pilot and start over.

-I've added a new page to the Krayt site. You can visit our page at:

-CM Aragorn has solved his PC problems and is now back to FULL duty.

-XWA WoW end today at 2:00pm EST. Congrats to all who participated.

-TIE Advancement start today at 2:00pm EST. Please be sure to register with BSC in order to participate.

-TC db has been having "issues". If you cannot access the site, give it time, it'll correct itself.

-A new poll has been issued by Lucas Arts for its gaming platforms. Please show your support by going to the form here:

-FA Brad has resigned. You can read his resignation here:

-Our WC, Tiss, has a new email addy: Please make the appropriate updates.


The following pilots have received a promotion:
-LT CrimsonFury has been promoted to the rank of LCM. Congrats, you deserved it!

The following pilots have received the following awards:
-LCM CrimsonFury received an IS-SWx2. Congrats again!


-CPT Phantom - Flew XvT-TC 61, XvT-TC 62, XvT-TC 59, XvT-TC 57. Also competed in the BtB week 3. Added a new page to the Krayt site.

-LT Cadoo Toca - None. Please contact me. I need to see more activity.

-LT CrimsonFury - Flew XvT-TC 35, XvT-TC 60, XvT-TC 49, XvT-TC 50, XvT-TC 63, XvT-TC 56. Thanks for the break :-P

-LT Michal Herok - None. Please contact me.

-LT Chapel Campbell - None. Still has problems with his PC.

-CM Aragorn - Participated in the BtB week 3

-LT Blast - None. Please contact me. I need to see more activity.

-LT Thunder - None. Please contact me. I need to see more activity.

After last weeks report. I was informed of some participation that did not cross my desk. If you participate in any kind of Competition outside the squad (i.e. Trivia), I need to be CC'ed. If I don't see it, I can't report it. Also, all pilot files are to be sent to me to be processed.


Our Citations NEED to be worked on. In order to gain Citations, we need to have at least half the squad to complete assigned battles. My goal still stands for 30 Citations by the end of the month. But again, teamwork is needed.

Squadron Citations (7):
XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC Battle 7 - The Resupply
XvT-TC Battle 20 - Mysterious People
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer


I have issued orders to fly particular battles for all of us to complete. As I check my email, I have noticed that the only pilot showing any form of Squad participation is CrimsonFury and myself. Battles are assigned every week to be completed by everyone. I'm not asking alot by asking my pilots to fly AT LEAST one battle assignment per week to gain activity. We are supposed to by an active group, not a group that complete items on your own terms. I would like to see a better effort from everyone within the next week. If anyone has a problem with this, you can send me a message so I can address this problem:

If you can't fly, complete an IWATS course. That's what they're there for.


NICKNAME: The Dragons of the Empire
BANNER: krayt.jpg
MOTTO: We prey upon the powerful...
Nickname: Fire Breathers
Motto: Never play with fire...Play with heavy rockets!
1) CPT Phantom (
2) LT Cadoo Toca (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: Krayt Eyes
Motto: No rebel prey escapes from the Dragon on a hunt...
1) LT CrimsonFury (
2) LT Michal Herok (
3) LT Chapel Campbell (
4) TBA
Nickname: Dragons of Tatooine
Motto: On Wings of Fire
1) CM Aragorn (
2) LT Blast (
3) LT Thunder (
4) TBA


All times EST (GMT-5:00)
[XWA] AusComp
2/14 (06:00 - 08:00)
[XvT] AusComp
2/14 (06:00 - 08:00)
[XWA] Firespray Fettish
2/14 (14:00) - 2/21 (14:00)
[XWA] Sovereign Nighthawk Comp
2/14 (15:00 - 18:00)
[XvT] Sovereign Nighthawk Comp
2/14 (15:00 - 18:00)

Current Wing Competitions

There are a few competitions being held by the Wing COM:

-Back to Basics - XvT Week 4 startings this weekend

-FCHG Race - The more battles you fly, the higher your FCHG Rank improves! Medals will be issued.

-CR Race - The more MP events you win, the more your Combat Rating improves! Medals will be issued.

Tiss currently has a couple of comps taking place:

-"Wings of Fortune"

-"Scarlet Shade"

I am still working on a Wing wide ladder competition. I have been consulting with RA Wil Striker and LC Argat, when available, to work out the finishing details before I submit it. So, keep an eye out for the announcement when all is said and done.


I am disappointed at the majority of you. There are many activities to participate in, but I've yet to see much of anything from those who lack in activity. As I look through my records, I've been noticing how active this squad used to be. I still remember those days, seeing how they were not too long ago. Competitions are created for the sole purpose of keeping the ship and pilots active. But, when a squad leaves it up to their Commander to pull the majority of the activity, something's wrong. I keep asking people to contact me, so we can figure out what the exact problem is. But, if you don't reply to my messages, how can I tell what is wrong?

The ASF, as a whole, strives on activity. Krayt strives on activity. We, as pilots of the TC, joined this group to enjoy ourselves. We all know this. I have worked hard to bring a change to this squad, and I would like to see more changes occur. If we can't work as a team, then what's the sense of being on a team?

This is the last chance for most of you on the squad. If I don't see any improvement in this next week, don't plan on being on Kryats roster for too much longer.

That is all.

CMDR/CPT Phantom/Krayt/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
BSx3/PCx2/ISM/IS-1BW-1BR/LoC-IS-CSx2-Rx2/DFC-Rx2/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-AIM-IIC/1-M/1/2-SM/2/3-TT-XTM/1/2}

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