Daleth Report # 0 (2003-03-29)

This report was submitted by CPT Ace Hobbes

I. Introduction
Well, I'm finally back from two weeks leave and ready for some job. During my leave however I wasn't idling. Actually, I've finally managed to complete Wing III Website for WC usage only for now. You all may see it at http://wing3.tiecorps.net. Some sections are still emptly, like the Hangar Bay. I just need to reach understanding with Aeishline, what she wants to be there. Also, WC and CMDRs are working on Wing III Quiz, that will give you some entertainment. All questions and answers are ready as long with the quiz PHP script. Only thing we are still missing are squadron descriptions, which I want to be done before the end of month. I'm also working on spliting database to WC and CMDRs, so they will be able to use the site as well and help Aeishline to maintain it.
I also want to metion a word about my milestone. Yesterday, when Aeishline BSFed my files, I have successfully completed all avaiable TIE Battles and passed 300 battles in overall. Yay me!:P Next, I plan to hit 300 free missions:)
A word about squadron activity. Well, I must say I'm really glad. Jan led Daleth for two long weeks and did really good on that job. Zeth, altough he was on leave, he managed to fly all avaiable XWA free missions and around 15 battles. That is awesome flying which gave me job of doing over 100 BSFs at one time. Even AD Proton was very impressed with this activity. We lost LCM Zekk Thyne due to AWOL. That means we lost our citations again, but I'm in close contact with other pilots and that is very good. With the beginning of April I plan to start few competitions, probably mostly non-flying ones.

II. Activity

CPT Ace Hobbes
Doing command stuff again;)
Working on Wing III Website.
Flew nearly 20 TIE battles and reached 2 milestones.
Active on IRC/E-mail/ICQ.
LT Delarius
Working on Daleth Website.
E-mail contact.
Computer problems and on-leave.
LT Raistlin
Promoted to Lieutenant.
Flew 4 battles and 3 free missions.
E-mail contact.
LCM Jan Schneider
Flew some battles and missions.
Active on E-mail.
Did a really good job while being A-CMDR.
LT Zeth Durron
Flew 15 battles and nearly 100 missions.
E-mail contact.
III. Roster

Flight I
1) CPT Ace Hobbes
3) LT Delarius
Flight II
3) LT Raistlin
Flight III
1) LCM Jan Schneider
2) LT Zeth Durron

IV. Competitions
Round #2 of Sovereign Squadron League has finally started. You are to fly: XWA-FREE #94, TIE-FREE 216, XvT-FREE #125. Pilot files should be sent to me no later than 11 April! We have no other competitions at this moment, but expect some:)

V. Citations
Currently none due to low number. We need at least 6 pilots to have citations!

VI. Closing Words
Well, it'd be really good to see a little more pilots, so try to recruit some. They may be your RL friends, old friends from TC or fresh pilots from Daedalus, just don't give up!:P Also, I want to mention that I finally can play MP, yay me!:P Today I played a little JK2 match with Var Zorran, and I won 11 to 5, yay again!:P If anyone is interested to play with me JK2 or XWA, mail me:)

That's all.
With respect,
CPT Ace Hobbes

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