Daleth Report # 0 (2003-04-11)

This report was submitted by CPT Ace Hobbes

I. Introduction
Welcome in my next report pilots. I didn't count which one is it, but I just realised that I am Daleth Commander for over six months now. I guess that is good as for me ;)
Situation in Daleth is quite stable. I have excellent communication with one pilot - LT Zeth Durron. With others, well it's poor. Better than nothing though.
Activity level maybe isn't outstanding, but Im quess everyone needs some rest from time to time, and sometimes RL problems just appear from nowhere. Currently we have one totally insane competition going on, and I have more in plans.
Possible new member. Yeah, I talked with one guy on IRC and he wished to transfer to Daleth as fastest as possible. One problem is, that his current CMDR seems to be a little bit nervous person and may create problems, which I would like to avoid. The 'new guy' is actually Wing III veteran who served in few squadrons, and that I know since I joined TC. Some of you may remember him, but no, I won't tell you his name until the transfer will be official, that will be a surprise;)
Daleth Citations Program should get bac on-line soon! Yeah, since we may have sixth member in Daleth, I pan to reestablish our Citations Program. I expect to have over 30 citations at start, which is rather good.

II. News
LC Aeishline on leave due to some problems with water. She went on one week leave, although she may try to reestablish her internet connection even today! LC Josh is Acting Wing Commander. His reign has began again, fear!:P
Aleth and Beth still without CMDRs. Actually Aleth CMDR has been choosen, gongratulations to future CM Tally. I keep my fingers crossed for your positive results in SM/3:)
SSL Round #2 deadline today. So far I got one submission. Again, thanks LT Durron. My will be second, if I'll motivate myself to fly =P
OOF Wargame back! Soon we shall know more details. I'd like to remind you that we are winning so far in that wargame. The other team that I forgot its name even, lost two fleets in battle. Our lossses are a bit smaller, 8 squadrons =P
New Daleth Squadron Website is still under construction. But it looks great, we will have the bestest site in the entire EH =) Special thanks here to LT Delarius who is working hard on this project.
III. Activity

CPT Ace Hobbes
Doing commad stuff.
Flying a hell lot. Over 60 free missions.
Took IWATS PHP. It's never too late to learn something new :P
IRC/MB/ICQ/E-mail activity.
LT Delarius
Working on the Wing III Website. Awesome layout :)
E-mail contact.
LCM Jan Schneider
Won 2 LoC in WoW. Grats Jan, I'll join you next month ;)
E-mail contact.
RL issues.
LT Zeth Durron
Flew another bunch of battles and free missions.
Drawing ;P
MB/ICQ/E-mail activity.
LCM Sam Booker
E-mail contact.
RL issues.


IV. Roster

Flight I
1) CPT Ace Hobbes
3) LT Delarius
Flight II
Flight III
1) LCM Jan Schneider
2) LT Zeth Durron
3) LCM Sam Booker


V. Competitions
SSL Round #2. Deadline today. I'm going to send the submissios as soon as I'll fly both free missions.
Draw CMDR Portrait. Participants are to draw my portrait as how do they imagine me. They may freely choose method of drawing. The funniest image will win and the award is IS-BR. Involved are: LC Aeishline and Dalethers.
OOF. I may only say that it's back. I don't know more details tho.
VI. Citations
None so far. We still need the sixth pilot. Although if he'll join, I expect to have over 30 :) Daleth Citations Program will be relaunched.

VII. Closing Remarks
That was rather silent week for Daleth, but it wasn't bad. I have contact with all pilots, which is a very first step for a success. Daleth Website is under construction, and everyday, when I look at its location I see progress, great!:) I'd like to win April WC's Own awars also, as we won March one, but I have feelings that it may be hard to. Graphics and fiction aren't my favorite method to be active:P Well, that is all. We'll see what will happen next week.

Thank you for your time,
Captain Ace Hobbes.

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