Wasp Report # 32 (2003-04-18)

This report was submitted by LC Nightmare

CMDR-ENV/LC Nightmare reporting in for Wasp Squadron, week 04/18/03


-Welcome Major Kenath Zoron who, is in flight 3 with Snij....... hmmmmmmmmm funky combo.

-LC JDF1984 is the new flight 2 FL, congrats to him.....And thanks a lot for doing the WSR last week, you were a great help!

-Gratz to all the newly promoted ppl (like Prae and Jer and all those ATF replacements ahaha)

-Battle Center is off line, if you need some battles e-mail me and I might be able to send some over to ya...

-Flight Wars is on right now, the first round which does not concern us is almost over, the 2nd round starts on monday so get ready, remember that SP counts as MP so you only need to fly 10 battles or to win 10 LoCs next week for 25 pts...

-Funny/amusing things are happening in the DB... which kind of makes me happy I never joined any other subgroups.... Muhahahahaha


-Squadron is now at 8, with 2 1/2 are pretty much inactive, they might leave or just start flying again...

-Recruit! its a cool thing to do...

-Some crazy ppl are making battles about Snij, be very afraid....

-Since Zoron joined us we now have 29 Citations, that deserves a big "yay"...


-Flight Wars: Rules from WC Drax::

Vanguard Flight Wars Scoring System/Rules
1. All standard AoW and CoC rules apply just like any other competition. In th event any member is caught cheating not only will you disqualify your entire team you will also be sent up on charges by me immediately.
2. There will be a no transfer rule in effect during the competition unless you are transferring for a promotion in position such as a FM going to FL or unless both teams involved have been eliminated. All new incoming pilots will not be eligible to participate in a round already in progress. If your flight advances then they may participate in the next round.
3. This is a single elimination tournament. Winners advance to the next round until eliminated.
4. Each round will run from Monday 12 midnight until the following Saturday at 11:59 Pm. Sunday will be reserved for tiebreakers should that happen.
5. The winning FLight will receive IS-SW's and become the Vanguards Iron Flight. The runners-up will receive IS-BW.
Each round of Vanguard Flight Wars, lasting six days (barring unforseen circumstances), will comprise of four separate activities, such as flying a set of missions, submitting graphics, writing fiction, etc. Each activity will be worth a maximum of 25 points. Therefore the highest a pilot can score in any round is 100 points, and this is only possible through participating in all four activites.

To ensure that a pilot does not single-handedly propel their flight into the winner's circle, the pilot's score is then divided by the number of pilots in his or her flight. For example, if a pilot scores all 100 points in a round and is part of a four-member flight, that pilot contributes 25 points to that flight's score. If a pilot scores all 100 points in a round and is part of a two-member flight, that pilot contributes 50 points to that flight's score, and so on. This also means that the maximum number of points any flight can get in a round, regardless of how many pilots it has, is 100.

As an example round for a 3 man flight:
The FL will be worth 34% of flights score and each of the other two FM's will be worth 33% of flights total point value. Since the max a flight can earn is 100 points the max points the FL can earn is 34 points and the FM's would be 33 points. You are rewarded a percentage of those points dependant on what percentage of the events you complete.

1. Fly 10 mp matches- worth 25%
2. 1 article of fiction- worht 25%
3. 50 missions-worth 25%
4. 2 Iwats courses-worth 25%

So if the FL completed 100% of the events then he will earn 34 points for the squad. If the 2nd member completes 85% of the events then he will earn 28.1 points and if the 3rd member does 50 percent of the events he will earn 16.5 points giving the flight a total of 78.6 points for the round.

At the end of a round, ties will be solved by a tie-breaking event to be determined by the Wing Commander and/or Commodore.

Its a pretty straight forward competition and I know the scoring is a little confusing but it should make for some interesting match ups. I look foward to see all of you perform. I wish you all the best of luck and should anybody have a question about this competition whether its scoring or whatever do feel free to contact me asap. Round 1 events will be to the 4 participating flights on Monday at midnight eastern time so look for it.

-Wing Comps and Ship Comps: Battle XvT TC 62 and XWA TC 33 (both are for High Scores) FCHG race(try to beat me), CR race, IWATS race and Fiction comp....

Pilot of the week

-This weeks pilot of the Week is Zoron, Cus he's new and he got a LoC....

Activity Report

CMDR/MAJ Nightmare - Flew a dozen or so battles

FM/CM Xeraan Rhazzazor - No contact

FL/LC JDF 1984 - Did the report last Week(thanks a lot)..... in contact and all..

FM/LT Kael Dalor - RL....

FM/CPT Face Loran - In contact

FL/LCM A. G. Snijglau - 1 LoC...

FM/LT Talon Karrde - In contact

FM/MAJ Kenath Zoron - Won a Loc, Joined the Squadron [Pilot of the Week]

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: LC Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Sting
BANNER: wasp.jpg
MOTTO: Never say die!
HOMEPAGE: http://wasp.tiecorps.net/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=89

Nickname: The Executors
Motto: We stop for no one
1) LC Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
2) CM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Xeraan@grasekabeln.de)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Drones of Death
Motto: Pray you never get stung, for our venom is deadly
1) LC Jdf1984 (jdf1984@yahoo.com)
2) LT Kael Dalor (emperorswill@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) CPT Face Loran (Thorin5@woh.rr.com)

Nickname: The Killer Angels
Motto: Don't cross us, you won't survive
1) LCM A. G. Snijglau (Agulliford@cox.net)
2) LT Talon Karrde (DeathsFist@hotmail.com)
3) MAJ Kenath Zoron (fight_the_good_fight91@hotmail.com)
4) TBA


Aint this section useless right now...wouldn't we all like to have some SL's to torture...so lets go out and get some..........

All Sub-Lieutenants should Read this section Carefully:

Getting promoted to full Lieutenant is one of the easiest things to do in your Tie Corps career and it can be done fast. Here is what you can do to get promoted:

-Go to http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battletypes.asp and download a battle, follow the instructions included with that battle, fly it and send me the pilot file, I will BSF(Battle Submission Form) the file and you will get credit for it. (tfr files for Tie, plt files for XvT and XWA) so you wont get

-An other way is to do an IWATS (Imperial Weapons And Tactics School) Course, just go to http://www.emperorshammer.net/iwats.asp and select the course you want to do. This is probably the best way to get your promotion.

-Another good way is to go online and participate in a Multiplayer Competition, the schedule is located on the lower right hand side of http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp This might be the hardest one of them all, because MP is HARD. But it is the one I like the best. Also you should be getting a daily e-mail from LCM Snijglau concerning MP

Just remember, do which ever you want, but do it as soon as you can, so that you can become an LT.

Also if you have any problems or difficulties with anything please e-mail me or your Flight Leader (FL)

FCHG/CR Rankings

Templar [TMPR] (2000 points)

[2213] MAJ Kenath Zoron
Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)

[1465] LC Nightmare
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)

[296] LC Jdf1984
[264] CM Xeraan Rhazzazor
Gallant [GALL] (200 points)

[209] LCM A. G. Snijglau
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)

[83] CPT Face Loran
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)

[50] LT Kael Dalor
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

[34] LT Talon Karrde

Ace 2nd (175 points)

[191] MAJ Kenath Zoron
Ace 4th (125 points)

[133] LC Nightmare
Officer 1st (60 points)

[61] LCM A. G. Snijglau
Marksman 2nd (20 points)

[22] CPT Face Loran
Certified (5 points)

[5] CM Xeraan Rhazzazor
Trainee (1 point)

[4] LC Jdf1984


Squadron Citations (29):
TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TIE-TC Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
TIE-TC Battle 13 - Finding the Lakul
TIE-TC Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TIE-TC Battle 25 - Spoils of War
TIE-TC Battle 76 - Mirror Universe
TIE-TC Battle 192 - Claws of Death
XvT-TC Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
XvT-TC Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer
XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
XWA-TC Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
XWA-TC Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
XWA-TC Battle 13 - Hammer to Anvil Part II
XWA-TC Battle 17 - Secrets and Lies: The Exile
XWA-TC Battle 21 - Ast's Story
XWA-TC Battle 30 - Imperial Storm II: Dark Horizon

And that ends this week of turmoile....

CMDR-ENV/LC Nightmare/Wasp/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

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