Kappa Report # 0 (2003-04-12)

This report was submitted by CPT Tempest

* KAPPA SQUADRON REPORT * CPT Tempest * April 12th, 2003 *

Welcome to the newest Kappa Squadron Report.

Squadron News

- The second round of the Sovereign League is over. As it was a really
bad mission, requiring a patch that didn't really work with anyone
(how can such a mission or and/or such a patch get approved, I
ask?), our scores weren't overwhelming. How good they really are
will turn out as soon as Tod sends out the results.
However the outcome will be, though, I'm most pleased with the fact
that we had full participation this time.
Keep up the good work!
The mission for the next round has already been announced, see
orders section for more.

- Zyrax will be on a vacation in Switzerland and therefore on leave
for two weeks. Have fun, Zyr! :)
And the others, put even more effort into flying the new SL mission
in order to compensate for Zyr's absence...

- Our new homepage at http://kappa.squadron.org is the IO "Site of the
Week". W00t! From the IO report:

"This week's SOTW is the Kappa Squadron website at
http://kappa.squadron.org/. Even though it's a modification of
SquadFirst, it's a particularly GOOD modification and demonstrates
proficient knowledge of web design, earning CPT Tempest
(eh_tempest@gmx.net) a 4 star SOTW."

- CPT Zekk Terrik of Theta announced plans to run a six-round TIE
tournament earlier this week, the "Theta Squadron Invitational".
Details not known yet.


Squadron Orders

- Fly FT 198 (attached) for the Sovereign League. Deadline is 25th of
April, that means, like in the previous rounds, two weeks time.
Do your best. :)


Squadron Activity

CPT Tempest/Kappa 1-1

04-11-03 Flew TIE-Free 216 for the Sov League
- Worked on Kappa Squadron HP (Roster section facelift)
- IRC and mail activity
- CMDR stuff


LT Zyrax/Kappa 1-2

04-11-03 Submitted TIE-Free 216 for the Sov League
Reported being on leave for two weeks, starting this Sunday.
- IRC activity


COL Astarosta/Kappa 2-1

04-11-03 Submitted TIE-Free 216 for the Sov League


LT Shimir Sheerelk/Kappa 2-2

04-06-03 Submitted TIE-Free 41
04-10-03 Submitted TIE-Free 54
04-11-03 Submitted TIE-Free 60
- Contacted 6 cadets on the Daedalus offering help
- High mail activity

As always, good work Shimir. :)


MAJ Algaron/Kappa 3-1

04-09-03 Submitted TIE-Free 216 for the Sov League


Miscellaneous / TC News

- ChalCOM Selected (HA Priyum Patel)
Congratulations to the new Commodore of the ISD Challenge, who is
named in the most recent Flight Office report.

- Wing XVIII Wing Commander (HA Priyum Patel)
The new WC for Wing XVIII on the Avenger has been selected.
Congratulations from the Flight Office go out to Major Davi Anthol!

Anthol has a solid history of Command and should excel in his new
role as Wing Commander. Congrats again.

- Flight Office Assistant (HA Priyum Patel)
For those of you who missed the TC meeting last night (blame
daylight savings :P), my new FOA is Colonel Reaper. Thanks to all
those who applied. Please note that with some upcoming Flight Office
projects I'll probably require another FOA who'll come from the
current list of applicants.

- Intrepid COM Promoted (HA Priyum Patel)
Congratulations to Rear Admiral Wil Striker who today receives a
promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral in recognition of his hard
work and commitment as Commodore of the Intrepid. Congrats Wil!

- RS alliance (RA Darknyte)
It is with the greatest of pleasures that I announce the formal
alliance of the Emperor's Hammer and the Rebel Squadrons. As two of
the largest, best run clubs on the net, we have long shared friendly
relations together. However, all attempts in the past at formally
allying our two organizations have been met with various problems.
However, through the efforts of Rear Admiral Darknyte, Admiral Rahj
Tharen, and Grand Admiral Ronin, we have successfully secured an
alliance which will be the foundation upon which we will build many
more venues.

What does this mean for the average EH or RS member? Not a lot, in
some ways, for we have always and forever shared our mutual love of
Star Wars and the desire to have fun. However, we now can stand
officially together, allied in our common cause - the desire to live
out a bit of that amazing universe of Star Wars. I look forward to
seeing what the Emperor's Hammer will bring to our table in terms of
competition, exchange of ideas, and friendship.

The Office of External Affairs will begin investigation into various
competitions with the Emperor's Hammer. More details will be

Respectfully submitted,
Major General Lamin D. Zykara
Rebel Squadrons Minister of External Affairs


Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CPT Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
NICKNAME: The Dragons of Wing II
BANNER: kappa.jpg
MOTTO: Honor sit mihi lux, et draco sit mihi dux
HOMEPAGE: http://kappa.squadron.org/

Nickname: Wyvern Flight
Motto: Potius mori quam foedari
1) CPT Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
2) LT Zyrax (zyrax@freenet.de)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Gryphon Flight
Motto: Virtute et armis
1) COL Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
2) LT Shimir Sheerelk (pantherjumper@yahoo.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Midgard Flight
Motto: Mors ipsa nos refugit
1) MAJ Algaron (algaronx@btopenworld.com)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 5

CMDR-OPSA/CPT Tempest/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
RSV/WO Tempest/CD [CoL/SoA/BoMx2/CSS/CDMx2]

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