Sword Report # 6 (2003-05-19)

This report was submitted by CM Sarn Erec

CM Sarn Erec reporting in for Sword Squadron on 5/19/2003

And here is another WSR for Sword, enjoy it.

----Fleet News----

- Our new Wing Commander will be announced soon (probably today or tomorrow).

- Wing III WC, Lieutenant Colonel Aeishline Strathaven retired due to RL issues.

- The SO (Security Officer) changed his E-mail to: zoltar_2@yahoo.com

- Major Adren Silvori is new Tau CMDR, Lieutenant Colonel Wysseri Arestar new Wing VIII
Wing Commander.

- as usual check this site for more news: http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp

----Wing News----

- Caption Competition ended, with MAJ Powerslave in 1st place and myself in 2nd.
- The Competition against Wing III still continues, files are to be send to Kalar until
the 22nd (CC me).
- Rel Finals COmpetition has started, so take part (check your e-mail for details).

----Squadron News----

- Some nice Medals have been awarded, check the medals section of this report for

- Sword Ace Comp Week 5 ended, again I had only one submission, this time we have a new
winner though, congratulations go to LT Nom Ramadon!

- Also check our site for news, I post frequently there:


- a PC was awarded to LCM Dukimar
- a PC was awarded to CM Sarn Erec
- an IS-BW was awarded to LCM Dukimar for winning Sword Ace Comp Week 4
- an IS-BR was awarded to CM Sarn Erec for 2nd place in Rel Caption Competition


-Sword Ace Comp Week 6 will begin soon, expect a mail with the mission assignment today.
-Wing III Comp is running, check our site or your mailbox for details.
-Relentless Final Exams is running, check your mailbox for details.
-Expect a Fiction Run-on Comp for Sword as soon as it is approved (It's pending more than
a week now :P).
-Expect some more competitions in the next time :P.

----Squadron Orders----

Communicate, talk to each other
Fly, take IWATS, be active,
Go to the bar :P
And...post on our Message Board!! http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

----Activity Report----

CM Sarn
-Did CMDR stuff
-Was awarded a PC and an IS-BR
-Flew XWA-TC#24 (for Competition against Wing III)
-Flew TIE-TC#15
-Got second place in Caption Competition
-High IRC Presence

LT Nom Ramadon
- Reported in, several times e-mail contact
- Flew TIE-Free#105 (Sword Ace Comp Week 5)
- Won Sword Ace Comp Week 5
Comment: Good to see you back in action Nom, keep it up :)

COL Dan Malaktos
- still computer problems, no contact

LC Ted
- no contact

LCM Daniel Frost
- no contact

CM Jade Falcon
- no contact

LT Brynda Demilor
- no contact

LCM Dukimar
-Was awarded a PC and an IS-BW
-Got Highscores on TIE-Free#227 , TIE-Free#228, TIE-Free#229
-Very frequent contact, is ill atm and lies in bed, couldn't fly therefore
Comment: I hope that you'll recover soon Duke and that you'll be alright :)


Ok, I'm hanging out on IRC way too much, some of you might have noticed. That won't
change in the next time :P. So use your chance, my office is always open and I am doing
Squadron Stuff on IRC. So if you got any questions, want to talk a bit with you CMDR or
want me to BSF something for you or to do something else, you can always pass by
(#ISD_Relentless) and tell me what'S up :P. If you don't want to go to IRC because
somebody scared you away (or another reason) :P, you can also always write me mails.
Those of you that did try that out yet might have noticed that it is worth the try as I'm
answering fast. :P


COMMANDER: CM Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
NICKNAME: Swords of the Empire
BANNER: sword.jpg
MOTTO: Imperial blades forged in the heat of battle.
HOMEPAGE: http://swordsquadron.minos.net/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=127

Nickname: Razor's Edge
Motto: "With unity comes victory"
1) CM Sarn Erec (sarn_erec@web.de)
2) LT Nom Ramadon (ncs332@yahoo.com)
3) COL Dan Malaktos (Cloud88FF7@aol.com)
4) LC Ted (majtykated@hotmail.com)

Nickname: Ardent Steel
Motto: Nunc Morere
1) LCM Daniel Frost (frost__@hotmail.com)
2) CM Jade Falcon (Craig3001@aol.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Tip of the Swords
Motto: "Nil Satis Nici Optimum"
1) LCM Dukimar (brybry23@hotmail.com)
2) LT Brynda Demilor (BDemilor@gmx.net)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 8

That's it for today
With best regards,

CMDR/CM Sarn Erec/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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