Iota Report # 0 (2003-05-17)

This report was submitted by MAJ Ardeth Mordor


Weekly Squadron Report

Iota Squadron

May 17, 2003


CMDR/MAJ Ardeth Mordor reporting in:

Squadron News

-Although this doesn't really apply to us given our current roster, the FO has announced that FMs can now be promoted up to the rank of Commander.

Ship News

-Omicron CMDR is open to apps for anyone interested in the job.

Competition News

-The next round of Top Gun is under way.  Mission to fly is TIE-Free# 220 and is due May 31st.

-Wing VIII Battle Readiness Comp results are complete.  Congratulations goes out to our colleagues in Eta for earning the most squadron points.  In a related note, your CMDR captures 2nd place in the mission creation section (not too shabby considering it's my first mission) and 3rd place in the flying section.

Official Standing Orders
Anyone not following these is subject to being removed immediately.
1. All FMs should be in regular contact with me and their Flight Leaders at least once a week via email, ICQ, or IRC etc.
2. I expect everyone to participate in all competitions, except when there is a conflict with important RL events.  If you're planning on taking a leave, make sure you update your personal profile by activating your Leave Status.

3. I want everyone to be as active as they can by flying, creating graphics, writing fiction, or creating missions, etc.

4. All Flight Leaders will report to me at the end of each week detailing which of members of their flight have or haven't reported in and what they've done during the past week. You shall forward me any TFRs, fiction, graphics etc. you receive from your pilots. You must fly at least 1 battle plus the competition mission every week or your status may be removed.

5. Fly on 'HARD' without cheats whenever in a competition.

Activity Reports

CMDR/MAJ Ardeth Mordor

  • Awarded IS-BR for taking 2nd place in the Mission design section

  • Working on submitting entry to TAC Office

  • Wrote Weekly Squadron Report

COL Kermee

  • Email/IRC contact

CPT Aidan Pryde

  • Email/IRC contact

LCM John Edwards

  • Emil/IRC Contact

MAJ Kayle Bayron

  • Email/IRC contact

CMDR's Corner

I'm putting out a call to everyone to come up with some suggestions for how to get this squadron active once again.  I know for most (if not all) of us it isn't easy to find the time to do stuff with all the time that RL obligations take up.  Despite that fact, we do need to show some semblance of being an active squadron, or why else would we be here ;P.  One suggestion given to me would be to generate a competition for the most missions flown on a weekly basis since competitions are the only venue for earning medals for general activity.

Recruitment is once again a top priority, I'm currently revamping my letter to include squadron home pages, etc...

Fleet News:

COMMANDER: MAJ Ardeth Mordor ( - #8246
NICKNAME: Wolfpack
MOTTO: Victory or Death, there is no compromise

Nickname: Mordor's Marauders
1) MAJ Ardeth Mordor ( - #8246
2) COL Kermee ( - #376
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Pryde's Pride
1) CPT Aidan Pryde ( - #6600
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Bayron's Own
1) LCM John Edwards ( - #10063
2) MAJ Kayle Bayron ( - #1544
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 5

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/MAJ Ardeth Mordor/Iota/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

PIN# 8246

TIE Defender Shadowfax

Wing VIII Top Gun:  November & December 2002

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