Vampire Report # 29 (2003-05-30)

This report was submitted by MAJ VinDoros

CMDR/MAJ VinDoros Reporting in for Vampire Squadron, May 30th 2003
TC News you can use:
Flag Appointments
08:36 - HA Priyum Patel []
The two vacant Flag positions have finally been filled. Congratulations to Colonel Frodo March who returns to the Flag Staff as Commodore of the ISD Intrepid and a promotion to Rear Admiral.

Congrats also go out to Lieutenant Colonel Thorn, who takes over command of Wing III as it's new Wing Commander.

Omega Commander Promoted
08:17 - HA Priyum Patel []
The Elite Omega CMDR, Colonel Sasquatch, has been promoted to the rank of General for his outstanding work in recent months. This is the second time Sas has received the coveted General rank, the first time during his tour as Wing III WC. Congrats!

  Wednesday · May 28 · 2003

Galaxies PA site online!
22:09 - VA Darknyte []
I've got the site online for the EH's Galaxies PA! Content is a bit sparse as of now, but I will be adding to it as we go along. If anyone is interested in writing FAQs for races or classes, please contact me for info at The site can be viewed at

  Monday · May 26 · 2003

Another 3K pilot
11:37 - AD Marcin Szydlowski []
Big congatulations to Major Hunter of Falcon Squadron, for being 3rd pilot to achieve Imperator FCHG rank (3000 FCHG pts). Welcome to the club man :)

Squadron News:
Let's welcome two new pilots to Vampire! One is a veteran, and one is a newbie! Welcome aboard, COL Arso Slyth, and our new LT Orrimaarko Reeft! The results from Round 5 of the Sov Squad League were released, and again, Vampire kicks butt! Good work to everyone who participated, and congrats to: Deimos, Kane, Aeolus, and myself, who were in the top 10 pilots! w00t!
Other News:
Our newest pilot, LT Reeft was warmly welcomed into the barracks of Vampire Squadron. The first night he was with us, he got "introduced" to Mosh's gundark when he went to the mess hall to eat dinner. When he sat down in something warm and squishy, a distinct chuckling sound could be heard in the hallway. Welcome to Vampire, Reeft :)
Squadron Status/Orders:
Sov Squad League Flying Assignment: XWAF-70, due next Friday, June 6th! Hints/tips have been sent out. So far, i've only gotten a submission from Mosh.
Operation Monkey Mayhem: Still running...probably pick up again, when BL returns from leave :0
COM's Immortal Strategy Wargame: I've been sending out emails with updates on this. I encourage anyone with more suggestions to send them. I'm currently working to see if I can convert the "map" into a webpage, so you guys have access to it, and can see how we're doing. Hopefully have that done sometime this week. If i can't figure out how to do that, i'll just email everyone the "updated" map that I have after every turn.
Vampire Internal Comp: Offically, this begins tomorrow, but i'm announcing it today. This is the first internal comp we've run here in Vamp...and its a little different. Its called the Grudge Match Competition. Details can be found here: 
This competition is two parts. The first consists of the following: The first part will involve creating a grudge match, with one side being a Star Wars related person/thing, vs. ....anything person/thing sci-fi related. They must give reasons to support their proposed grudge match. EXAMPLE: Ewok vs. the Tribble. All submissions should be sent to me. I will not participate in this comp. I'll be the judge. Everyone can submit up to THREE suggestions maximum for this. This part runs until Tuesday, June 10th. The last 20 days of the competition will entail the second part: GFX. The winning Grudge Match I choose will be announced, and then GFX are to be submitted representing the winning Grudge Match. IS-BR to the winner of the Grudge Match, and a IS-BR to the winner of the GFX portion.
Vampire Citation Assignments:
(1-1)MAJ VinDoros = TIE-TC 133, TIE-TC 159, TIE-TC 165, TIE-IW 1, TIE-FCHG 2,
(1-2)MAJ Mosh = XWA-IW 7, XWA-IW 8, XWA-DB 3, XWA-CAB 3, XWA-CAB 5,
(1-3)CPT Aeolus = TIE-TC 30, TIE-TC 80, TIE-TC 100, TIE-TC 104, TIE-TC 120,
(2-1)CM Kane Reese = EMPTY
(2-2)COL Arso Slyth = TIE-TC 34, TIE-TC 36, TIE-TC 38, TIE-TC 40, TIE-TC 41,
(2-3)CM Deimos = XWA-CAB 5,
(3-2)CM Eriond Kath'Razzit = TIE-TC 21, TIE-TC 29, TIE-TC 31, TIE-TC 32, TIE-TC 33,
(3-3)SL Orrimaarko Reeft = TIE-TC 42, TIE-TC 44, TIE-TC 45, TIE-TC 47, TIE-TC 48,
Flying these is purely voluntary. We're at 80 Citations right now! My current goal is 100. Fly what you can :)
SL--->LT Orrimarrko Reeft - Congrats!
Activity Reports:
MAJ VinDoros
CMDR Stuff, worked on Top Gun Project, Flew XWA-IW7, TIE-FCHG 1, 2, XWAF-100, emailed cadets on Daedalus,Flew TIE-FCHG 3, did a hoard of BSF's for Hunter :/
MAJ Mosh
submitted XWAF-70 for SSL-Round 6, XWA-CAB3
CPT Aeolus
Flew XWAF-100 for SSL
05-25-03 Flew XWAF-76,97,102,71,72,74,75,77,80,81,82,83,86,87,88,89,90,93,99,79, Achieved FCHG Rank of Executor - excellent work!
CM Kane Reese
Flew XWAF-100 for SSL
COL Arso Slyth
joined Vampire
CM Deimos
Flew XWAF-100 for SSL
CM Eriond Kath'Razzit
reported in, flew, TIE-DB 9, 11, 12, TIEF-121,194, 41, TIE-FCHG 2, TIE-IW 1, XvTF-41,57, XWA-CAB 1, 2, 4, XWAF 17,38,40,42,43,48,79, XWA-FCHG 3, XWA-TC 12,19,24,25,26,27,28,29, Attained FCHG Rank of Cavailer
LT Orrimaarko Reeft
Joined Vampire Squadron, did 4 IWATS previous to joining, completed INPR, Flew TIE-TC1, 2, Promoted to LT, Completed IWATS SM/3 Course
Bloodsucker of the Week:
Well...Eriond is back! He mighta been gone a while, but he sure was busy! He flew a bunch and submitted uber battles to me. This week, BSoW goes to him! That's your second one! Two more for an ISM :)
Squadron Roster:
NICKNAME: Predators of the Night
BANNER: vampire.jpg
MOTTO: Darkness is our ally

Nickname: Daywalkers
Motto: There are worse things out tonight than the Empire
1) MAJ VinDoros (
2) MAJ Mosh (
3) CPT Aeolus (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Nightstalkers
Motto: Like the Vampire of Legend, we cast a shadow of fear into the hearts of our opponents
1) CM Kane Reese (
2) COL Arso Slyth (
3) CM Deimos (
4) TBA

Nickname: Silent Assasins
Motto: Quick as Wind, Deadly as Fire
1) TBA
2) CM Eriond Kath'Razzit (
3) LT Orrimaarko Reeft (
4) TBA

Total: 8
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (50)
Important Links:
Vampire Squadron Homepage: (still under construction)
Immortal Message Boards:
Vampire Message Boards: 
Wing XI Homepage:
Final Thought:
Some serious flying this week done by Vampire Squadron! Excellent! Our newbie is also doing well, taking some IWATS, and flying a couple of Battles. Our citations are going up, and we're performing very well in all comps that are running. Let's keep up the good work! Have a great weekend, guys!
That's it for this week....
Take care of yourselves, and each other...Goodnight! (Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!)
***CMDR/MAJ VinDoros/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
***DJK VinDoros (Sith)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum

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