Odin Report # 12 (2003-06-08)

This report was submitted by CPT Pickled Yoda

Odin Squadron Validus Auxilium eccere limes a Victoria Might and Power is the path too Victory

Odin Squadron
Validus Auxilium eccere limes a Victoria
Might and Power is the path to Victory





-- | Transmitting... | --

-- | Recieving.. | --

 -- | Opening file Odin Weekly Squadron Report number 12 | --
-- |  by Officer CPT Pickled Yoda | --
-- | Current Date: 8th of June, 2003.| --


A Reading from the Book of Odin, Chapter 12

 ----------------- News  -----------------
Squadron News
Not much happening at the moment.

Fleet News:
Check www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp

IS-BR to Kael! He won the WSR design challenge.
LoA to Kelh. He submitted a fiction/song parody to the Newsletter! (see bottom of Report)


Total Pilot files: Seven

 ----------------- Surf's up!  -----------------

Howdy Folks back again, this time I bring you a short version of this week’s acitivties! This week I myself have had the honor of recieving the Challenge-robes of crazyness by LT Miack and MAJ Hev Randrowan.

In other news LC Thorn of Crusader Squadron has departed too join Wing III as their WC and in his place returns our most beloved Vladet Xavier yay!

On top of that we recieved word from Valkyrie Squadron, aka Blackhole squadron. I will keep you posted about developments!!

Pillow news:

This week multiple pillows have been stolen, including mine several times.

Yours truly has discovered the pillow hide-out, for a small fee I can get your pilow back

That's basicly it for the Week, not much mutts on IRC, so get your ass over too IRC f00's !

Respectfully submitted

Kael Malah'k


 ----------------- War Room -----------------

Did you guess it? Resurgence Results are AWOL!
High Score Comps! Fly XvT TC 68 and XWA TC 35! You have until the 15th.
SSL Round 6 – Four solid scores

 ----------------- Activity -----------------

CPT Yoda
 XvT F 138 (June 7)
CMDR Duties.
 Preparing for half yearlies (Exams)

CM Kael -
WSR Design!
MSN contact.

LCM Apophis Kuma -
Flight Report
Appointed TCC:XvT! Gratz!
TIE F 230 (June 8)
XvT TC 17 (June 7)
XvT TC 34 (June 6)
XvT F 138 (June 3)
TIE F 229
Submitted a WSR template, but was just too late.

LT Ghorg
XvT F 138 (June 6)

MAJ Kelh -
XvT F 138 (June 8)

 ----------------- Squadron Commander’s Office -----------------

Guys I want to see all of you on IRC and the Message Boards. I consider downloading mIRC one of the best things I have done in my time in the Tie Corps. I met lots of cool people, and actually met one of them in RL. So what have you got to lose?
If you have been reading my WSRs, you will have noticed the abundance of funny quotes from IRC. They will get longer, and longer, until you all go online.

* ThornBUSY is now known as ThornBATH
<CPT_Yoda> thats not needed
* CPT_Yoda imagines a wookie in the bath
<MAJ_DarkC> lol
<JoeyC> wha? :P
<CPT_Yoda> thorn . STATUS - bath. Species – Wookie
<CPT_Yoda> Joey. STATUS - slow on the uptake. Species - ERROR!
<JoeyC> LOL
<MAJ_DarkC> lol
<JoeyC> i'm logging that :P
<CPT_Yoda> i got it first

* JoeyC is now known as JoeyBRB
* JoeyBRB is now known as JoeyC
<CPT_Yoda> ya know...most of us would just say "brb"
<JoeyC> didn't have time :P
<JoeyC> besides, since when have i been like most of you? :P
<CPT_Yoda> ah...
<CPT_Yoda> *logs*
<JoeyC> lol
<JoeyC> how is that worthy of a WSR? :P
<CPT_Yoda> its you....thats gotta sell some copies.
<JoeyC> meh, good point
* JoeyC reaches for the stars
<CPT_Yoda> well....actually..
<CPT_Yoda> studies have proven that WSRs mentioning JoeyC are 200% more likely to be reused as toilet paper than those without.
<JoeyC> :D eat your heart out Sorbent >:)
<CPT_Yoda> and FYI,
<CPT_Yoda> its 467% more efficient to type brb than change your nick
<CPT_Yoda> to reflect that your name is Joey, and that you will be right back
<JoeyC> >:P
<JoeyC> but it's 32897397% more likely to piss everyone off, hence i do it :P
* CPT_Yoda bows down in the face of ­true­ maths
<CPT_Yoda> and application in the real world

Note that Kael won the WSR design comp, the first submission. He won immediately because it was past the deadline, and I therefore had nothing to compare it to. This is the way my comps work. I like to give medals out.


XvT -34
XWA -12
Total -46!

XvT Pilots – SSL Round 7. It is very important to get in prime position for the playoffs. You should have received my email, but in case you didn’t, its XvT F 118.

Squadron Members
Six. Be on the lookout for a FL.

 ----------------- FCHG and CR standings -----------------

[1281] CPT Pickled Yoda (41)
[550] MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk (13)
[337] LCM Apophis Kuma
[67] CM Kael Malahk
[63] LT Ghorg
[35] LT Porshakka

CPT Pickled Yoda / Wing XIII / ISD Grey Wolf / lots and lots of medals

I leave you now with Kelh’s Song Parody!

TIE Pilot - Too much spice
I was gonna fly my xvt until i got high
I gonna get up and connect the stick but then i got high
my xvt is still messed up and i know why
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
I was gonna go to #ehcoc before i got high
I coulda played and i coulda won but i got high
i am waiting for the next comp and i know why
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
I was gonna go do BSFs but then I got high
I just got a new promotion but I got high
now I'm taking IWATS and I know why
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
I was gonna get HCIed before I got high
I was gonna admit my faults there but then I got high
they killed my whole career and i know why
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
I wasnt gonna rant on the IRC but I was high
I was gonna be funny, sweet and friendly but i was high
Now I was just kicked out - because I got high [repeat 3X]
I was gonna submit lotsa PLTs until I got high
I was gonna design a XWA battle but then I got high
now the CMDR sent me to RSVs and I know why
- because I got high [repeat 3X]
I was gonna make my FL happy but then I got high
I was gonna eat them rebels too but then I got high
now I'm rotting here and I know why
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
I messed up my entire career because I got high
I lost my medals and rank because I got high
now I'm sleeping in the garbage collector and I know why
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
I'm gonna stop singing this song because I'm high
I'm singing this whole thing wrong because I'm high
and if I dont get any points I know why
- cause I'm high [repeat 3X]


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