Yod Report # 70 (2003-06-08)

This report was submitted by LC Philo

Lieutenant Colonel Philo reporting in for Yod Squadron 6.8.03

Fleet News:

· Khadgar, COM of the Grey Wolf, has been promoted to Vice Admiral.
· The TAC Database is down, but is currently being put back up at its new site: http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/
· In other TAC news, applications for CA:TAC are being sought. It’s possible that someone in the squadron will put it an application… :P

Ship News:

· Sovereign Squadron League, Round 7! See Squadron News.
· Wing IV CMDRs vs. the Rat Pack: Results still waiting to be announced. Not to the "sun goes nova" stage yet, but approaching the "Mini writes a squadron report" stage.

Wing News:

· Wing Archives Fiction Comp—Still running, with an IS-SR up for grabs.
· New competition: Wing IV Summer Bash, starting June 15, and running through August. Points can be earned by flying missions (1 pt each), winning MP matches (5 pt each), graphics or fiction (10 pts each), or mission design (30 pts each). Pilots with the two highest totals receive an IS-SR and IS-BR, respectively.
· RL (notice the lack of "ecta" :P) exams continue for a large part of the Wing, including our beloved WC. Good luck to all with that there book learnin’.

Squadron News/Orders:


· Sov Squadron League:
Standings through Round 5: We’re 4th in TIE and XWA, and 3rd in XvT. Great work, everyone!
Round 6 turned in. Sorry about having the wrong missions listed here, but it all worked out in the end.
Round 7 assignments: TIE-FREE 221, XWA-FREE 102, XvT-FREE 118. Due to the coordinators by 20 June, so get them to me by the 19th . Fly as many as you can!

Also, remember that the XvT-FREE missions require you to use a brand new pilot file every time you fly it. If you don’t complete the mission on the first try, delete the old pilot file and try again with a new one.
· Foxy has just finished making a TIE free mission about Yod squadron—the "Yod Maniacs". Look for it in the Compendium soon, or ask her for an advance copy! She’s also working on a whole battle. My evil influence has spread… :P
· Recruit! Recruit! Contribution points for recruiting a new pilot into the squadron are doubled for this month!


Top Priority:
Recruit!! We’re very low on pilots!
Sov Squadron League!

Secondary Priority

Write for Wing Archives comp
Summer Bash!

Squadron Review

LC Philo:

Flew TIE-FREE 229, XvT-FREE 138, XWA-FREE 70, TIE-TC 210, TIE-BHG 1
Usual CMDR, IRC, MB, PROF, TAC stuff

CPT Red Fox

Flew TIE-FREE 229, XvT-FREE 138, XWA-FREE 70
Worked on designing free mission and battle
IRC and email contact

LT Steffen-Daniel Dunkat

Flew TIE-FREE 229, XvT-FREE 138

CPT Morth

IRC contact


Go Yod!


COMMANDER: LC Philo (cnwilde@pacbell.net)
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Dark Lancers
BANNER: yod.jpg
MOTTO: In Yod We Trust
HOMEPAGE: http://ehyod.tripod.ca/yod.htm


Nickname: Da Wulfpack
Motto: Age quod agis
1) LC Philo (cnwilde@pacbell.net)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Crazy Aces
Motto: Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the cockpit
1) CPT Red Fox (ranger_tarkin@yahoo.com)
2) CPT Morth (EHDrakalMorth@aol.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Winged Death
Motto: Death is your only escape
1) LT Steffen-Daniel Dunkat (dunkat@unicum.de)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Respectfully submitted,
CMDR-PROF-TCC:TIE/LC Philo/Yod/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx5/PCx6/ISMx2/MoT-6rh-1gh-11bh/IS-21BW-4BR-13SW-3SR-6GW-5GR-1PW/LoC-IS-CSx2-Rx2/DFC-Rx1/CoLx2/CoB/OV [GLDR]
SW (Sith)/ Rogue
Steward of the Emperor’s Hammer

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