Nemesis Report # 38 (2003-06-13)

This report was submitted by MAJ TK-7764

Nemesis Weekly Squadron Report for June 14, 2003.

TK-7764 stands infront of his squadron with an important announcement. "Anyone who flies for our Squadron Wars Rematch competition will get a beer. If the IS-BW is awarded to a member of Nemesis, you will get the combination to a safe in WC TK-2107's office. It is his personal supply of booze and feel free to use it as often as you want. Just don't get caught and if you do, this conversation never happened."

TIE F 189 by tommorow. Sometime around 10 PM EST is about as late as I want to see them since I have to collect them. Nemesis has a new e-group, Go wild. There is a ATF mapping project on-line now. Go see where you live relative to all the other (Star Wars) crazy members of the ATF. AH Pete and BlackHellKnight live close to me. RUN!

CMDR Challenge
A part of my report dedicated to earning squadron citations. If anyone who has not flown them before flies any of the following battles, we will earn one more citation.

TIE TC 2, TIE TC 7, XvT TC 2, XvT DB 1, XvT TC 7

Besides the above missions, there are 12 more battles that can be flown one more time for a citation. For a full list, e-mail me.


MAJ TK-7764 BoP TC 19 (4). XvT TC 69 (6). BoP IW 2 (6). Made BJ graphic. XvT F 90, 91, 93, and 94. BoP F 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, and 14. Flew XvT and XWA SP for BJ. Got DB AED postition : ) On ATF map.
LCM Duken joined e-group.
CPT Roger on mIRC. At EH meeting. Joined e-group. On ATF map.

CM Iceman TIE TC 129 (6).
LT Attom E-mail still bouncing. Going to go MIA soon. (Mell, is having RL difficulties so I can see how this would slip his mind)
LT Jefren Starfield in contact. ATF map. Joined e-group.

LCM Ache Nu In contact. Joined e-group.
MAJ Binagran joined e-group.
LT Brown in contact. CPU going to be repaired shortly.


BGCOM's Judgement is the big, montly, ATF-wide comp at (website down).

Squadron Wars Rematch TIE F 189 to me at by June 14th. Lets show raptor what we have got.

Monthly Challenge Comp, challenge pilots on the subjugator yahoogroup to a one on one competition. Earn points by playing that can earn you an IS-BW.

FLY (for citations, BJ, other comps, or just for fun)
FLY for Squadron Wars Rematch (it is important enough to be its own order)
E-mail me, I'm not that weird, have a question, comment, just want to chat a bit?
Recruit, the ATF still needs some help with membership
Challenge somebody in the Wing for that Montly Challenge competition.

/me gasps for air. Okay so I can't run that far and that fast to avoid Pete and HellKnight. "Taxi!"

Signing off
TK-7764 "HawkofStorms" Wing XX XO
CMDR/MAJ TK-7764/Nemesis/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator
DJK TK-7764 (Krath)/AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona (on the EHDB anyway)

NEMESIS SQUADRON : Reconnaissance
NICKNAME: The Deadly Dozen
BANNER: nemesis.jpg
MOTTO: We kill therefore we are

Nickname: Ghostly Waltz
Motto: Those who dance with the Shadow
1) MAJ TK-7764 (
2) LCM Duken (
3) CPT Roger (
4) TBA

Nickname: Trouble on wings
Motto: 'Do unto others' is our reason to live
1) CM Iceman (
2) LT Zhalaak Nrax Attom (
3) LT Jefren Starfield (
4) TBA

Nickname: Spirit Stalkers
Motto: You can run but you'll die tired
1) LCM Ache Nu (
2) MAJ Binagran (
3) LT Brown (
4) TBA

2 Citations

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