Scorpion Report # 1 (2003-06-20)

This report was submitted by CPT Alec Qarni


Alec sipped some caf at the small Scorpion lounge. He had had a fairly busy week, but at least he knew that most of his squad was alive. Maybe not kicking, but alive. This was also the week of the big mission, and Alec was a little nervous that nobody other than himself would participate, but he had assurances from at least a few pilots that they would fly it with him, so he wasn't terribly worried. The wall clock buzzed, indicating that it was time for him to get off his ass and make a report.



I got back into the MP groove this week, Drax left and returned, and we lost 3 pilots. COL Zippy Hawk didn't have a working email address and was declared MIA, Vallyn resigned, and Ultima was AWOL'd due to a lack of response of any kind from him. It's not fun to lose so many, especially when the ship is striving for the 60 pilots, but I'd like to start fresh and get rid of a bit of the deadweight, if you would.

Also, a belated congrats and good luck to CM Ulath, who took over Python right after I got my command. Uhmm... congrats and good luck!

COMP!: My "Scorpion Kickstart" comp starts tomorrow, Saturday the 21st, and goes on until Saturday the 28th. Fly XWA DB 4, which nobody here has flown, and get the top score for an IS-BW and my undying love.



1-1: CPT Alec Qarni: IRC, 2 LoCs, MB activity
1-2: CM Sayo Hirosho: IRC (Thank you!)
1-3: LC Strahd: Nothing I saw
1-4: No Longer Applicable

2-1: TBA... Most activity for the rest of this month gets it, so come onnnn and fly a bit.
2-2: LCM Victor Kage: Nothing
2-3: LT Steel: Responded to initial mail
2-4: COL E. Tarkin: IRC twice (yay!)

3-1: CM Patrick Blastfire: Nothing
3-2: No Longer Occupied
3-3: See 3-2
3-4: COL Ekim Yellek: Replied, though he's going to resign. We're just waiting for his official letter. Too much Army stuff...

So... that's all better than nothing, But I'd like some flying. Fortunately, I structured some play time for you with this competition, so participate and be happy.

And let's seeee.... Final word: RL is first, even if I keep buggin you about activity. Remember, kids: the TC is not a substitute for real social interactions... though IRC is rather fun. Join us!



Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)
[1316] COL E. Tarkin
[1210] LC Strahd

Executor [EXCR] (750 points)
[857] CPT Alec Qarni

Centurion [CNTR] (400 points)
[415] COL Ekim Yellek

Knight [KNGT] (250 points)
[252] LCM Victor Kage

Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
[145] CM Patrick Blastfire



Jedi 4th (500 points)
[555] COL E. Tarkin

Top Ace 1st (400 points)
[419] LC Strahd

Ace 1st (200 points)
[224] CPT Alec Qarni

Veteran 3rd (80 points)
[82] CM Patrick Blastfire

Veteran 4th (70 points)
[72] COL Ekim Yellek

Trainee (1 point)
[3] LCM Victor Kage

And from now on, I'll show the number of FCHG/CR points gained that week as well.

Well kids, that's about it for this week. So, in review: Be active, fly XWA DB 4, and do stuff. And be active. And maybe fly a bit. Or at least show up on IRC.

CPT Alec Qarni
The Scorpion King
AIM PROF (Take it, foo'!)
PIN 7191


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