Asp Report # 4 (2003-05-17)

This report was submitted by CM Joey C

Weekly Squadron Report #4, 'Monk-ey Business'

Weekly Squadron Report

by CMDR/CM Joey C


"To start press any key...where's the any key? I see Esk, Catarl, and Pig Up. There doesn't seem to be any any key! Phew! All this computer hacking is making me thirsty. I think I'll order a TAB *click* Whoops, no time for that now, the computer's starting."

On that note, lets begin...

Squadron News

*Joystick is working, so I can resume my activity :)

*MSE Medals should be arriving soon, so keep an eye out

*The Asp Squadron link has been altered to Visit it for the latest squadron news, and to marvel at the skill of our Webmaster CrimsonFury :P

Ship News

- The Intrepid Top Gun Ladders third week is coming to an end. There are five more weeks left. Remember to report all matches to MAJ Phantom at:

-VA Wil Striker is stepping down as Intrepid COM. I will miss him as both a funny guy and as a loyal officer. Please raises your glasses in salute <S> -Fleet News

-The Lord Ambassador for the EH is going on IRC leave to get through some work

-A reminder to anyone that is lucky enough to be on IRC during EH Meetings. Trivia competitions are held after every meeting which are held at 12:00 PM EST in #Emperor's_Hammer. The winner of Trivia gets an IS-BR or IS-SR if attendance is above 80 people

Monk's Corner

Time for my weekly rambling.  I will be going on quasi-leave for the next two weeks or so due to my Mid-Year School Examinations. I will still perform all my duties, it just means I won't be on IRC as much. And now to those lovely IRC logs....

What an entrance!

[20:50] * Now talking in #tiecorps [20:50] * Topic is ' | Star Wars: Republic Commando coming summer 2004 |' [20:50] * Set by dasb0t on Fri May 16 20:12:29 [20:50] <dasb0t> [JoeyC] RUN! [20:50] <CrimFury> i cant be bothered [20:50] <JoeyC> then what kind of person are you? :P [20:51] <CrimFury> lazy [20:51] <`MK> lol [20:51] <`MK> that's getting quoted :P

Could I have been any more subtle?

[21:42] <JoeyC> ok ok just cut it out right there >:P [21:42] <`TIMMAY> nope, you can take more :P [21:42] * `TIMMAY is playing (Summer of 69 - Oldies - Bryan Adams) [21:42] <JoeyC> stop, or i colour abuse :P [21:42] <Zoltar> :P [21:42] * `TIMMAY is playing (Johnny Be Good - Oldies - Chuck Berry) [21:42] <Astatine> ..... [21:43] <JoeyC> oh damn...why can't you be like Brad and rarely visit IRC Zoltar? :P

[21:48] <Zoltar> lol [21:48] <Zoltar> "Why can't you be more like Brad and not visit IRC." [21:48] <Zoltar> heh heh heh [21:48] <Zoltar> Thank you broadband. :P

*hits himself on the head*

Fiction/GFX Arena

Yes, I wrote fiction! :D

'I can't believe you're doing this you crazy fool!' Joey grinned as CrimsonFury said this. But he still kept stepping backwards, dragging the large rubber band strapped to his back behind him. He had gotten pretty far too. Set up inside the main corridor, it stretched from the bow to the stern, a full 1.6 km's. Joey of course had to be the clown and attach a large rubber band about a quarter of the way along the bow, and was walking back, stretching it further and further. As Joey walked, he could feel the band trembling with potential energy just begging to be released. Joey fully intended for this to occur. Glancing over his shoulder, he caught sight of the end of the bow. Grabbing hold of the bow door, he steadied himself as he saw the two sides of the rubber band stretching for more than 200 metres. He shivered in anticipation. 'Relax Crim, it'll be ok,' he called back. Crim gave him an incredulous look. 'How do you know that?' Joey shrugged. Crim snorted and just stepped back to where the rest of the Intrepid crew was standing in wait…watching the idiotic Asp CMDR catapult himself down the ship.

Joey raised his arms in the air and the crew of the Intrepid cheered. He steadied himself as he put on his Monk robes and his goggles. He took a deep breath, and nodded to the two people standing ready behind him. They threw a lever, releasing the clasp holding the rubber band in place.

Time seemed to slow for Joey as he felt himself beginning to move. Just as he was launched forward a thought occurred to him…one that made him grunt a single 'Oh nuts' as he blasted through the corridor, watching everything pass by in a blur. That thought, in case you were wondering was 'How the heck am I going to stop at the other end?'

MAJ Phantom stepped out of her quarters carrying a large sack of medals and commendations. She saw her pilots and the Intrepid's crew standing on either side of the corridor cheering, and wondered what was going on. She was just about to pull rank on everyone when she heard a strange noise. Cocking her head to the side she could faintly hear a faint scream. Turning towards the bow she saw what looked like a large yellow blur blasting past her screaming 'OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!! The blur was moving so fast that all Phantom's medals and commendations were whisked from her hands and landed amidst the crew. A flurry of activity ensued and five seconds later, the crowd scattered, weighed down by new medals.

Crim of course had thought of how to stop Joey and therefore made his way to the end of the main corridor, where the stern airlock was situated. Rigging it to a comlink, he waited for Joey to appear. A footstep behind him made him jump, but he saw it was only Wil. 'Why are you here sir?' Crim asked. 'I'm here to see Joey off.' Wil said, trying to keep a straight face. Crim saw through that and gave Wil the comlink. 'You should have the honors.' The two men didn't say anything until they heard and saw the yellow blur approaching. Joey saw Crim and Wil standing there at the end of the corridor and his heart jumped. Maybe they had a plan. Oh they did, and what a plan it was. Wil grinned as he thumbed the comlink and the stern airlock opened. Joey flew past them and out into deep space. Wil thumbed the comlink again and the doors clicked smoothly shut. He dusted his hands off and made his way back to his quarters. He paused for a second and said to Crim, 'You may as well go and retrieve him before he figures out how to turn in a vacuum and gets back in here somehow.'

A very cold Joey emerged from Crim's fighter shaking and shivering. Crim gave him the 'I told you so' look. But Joey ignored it. He cast off his thermal blanket and donned his robes again. Crim called after him, 'Where are you going?' Joey called back, 'To have another go of the ride!'

Activity Report

CMDR/CM Joey C XWA-FREE #40 AusComp, 2 matches, 1 LoC Regular CMDR Duties MB, IRC Activity GWSOoM Activity (not applicable :P) Comments: Meh :P FL/LCM Yukito XvT-DB #10 (2 High Scores) XvT-TC #33 AD Darksaber's Birthday Party, 2 LoC's IRC and MSN Contact Comments: Congrats on the LoC's and the High Scores :D

FM/LT Scott Jones Nothing Comments: E-mail me as soon as possible please

FL/LT Mystic Rogue XvT-TC #27 (1 High Score) XvT-TC #30 XvT-TC #34 (postponed) XvT-TC #40 XvT-TC #41 MSN and IRC Contact Comments: Great activity, and a High Score too :), I'll keep you posted on #34

FM/LT Lascaris Nothing Comments: You have 1 more week of time I'm giving you out of the pure kindness of my heart >:P

FM/LCM Slawter Thren RL Commitements Comments: Will hopefully be with us soon :)

Final Note

OK, we are being active :) Nice work, soon I will start getting us to concentrate on Citations when we get enough active people :)

Thats it from me for another week :D Stay away from the corner of #WingXIV, it smells a bit :P

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/CM Joey C/Asp/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid PCx2/ISMx3/MoT-1gh/IS-2BR-1GW/LoC-CSx9/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx2/OV [DRAG] {IWATS-AIM-ICQ-M/1-SM/3-XAM-XTM/1}



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