Phoenix Report # 1 (2003-06-28)

This report was submitted by CPT Choosh


Welcome to another, hmm, darn template :P.  Welcome to the first Phoenix report from yours truly.  Ahem, that's Choosh for those of you who don't know me.  Uh, right, I'm here now as Phoenix CMDR, so I hope you all my stay here.  Other than my brag news, not a lot going on in the wing guys.  Delak is off to Tau, so I encourage you all to make snide, yet clever remarks at his move :P.  Ok, so, then we'll be moving along with the report.

My Spot:  (what am I talking about, the whole thing is my spot!)
I think it is a fitting time for a speech by me, with my promotion.  So my speech will short, and sweet, kind of like this:
    I am really happy that I am here.  I would just like to take this time to thank the academy for this, and my family, they were very supportive of me on this tough journey.  I would also like to give some special thanks for my co-workers, they were a great help in making this movie, and I couldn't have done it without them-
ehem, sorry, dang template again, I have to keep it in line more.  I'll be right back
*crash* *bang*
Ok, that's fixed, again, we're moving on before Khad decides to fire me...


Choosh: IRC (do this!!!), message board posts (do this too!!!), e-mail, made corrections to XvT-DB-11 (mine and Yoda's :P),  XvT-TC-71

Rowland: Nothing!! FIX THIS!!!

Con Selar: Reported in

Mad Max: Reported in, flew XvT-TC-68, XvT-F-90, XvT-F-140

Luke: Nothing!! FIX THIS!!!

Brown: Nothing!! FIX THIS!!!

Curly: Nothing!! FIX THIS!!!


Rosters: (Alright guys, we beat the entire Sovereign with our current size, wohoo)
Nickname: Hell Hawks
Motto: Fear Is That Which Creates Danger, We Are The Courage Which Dispels It
1) CPT Choosh (
2) LT Rowland (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: The Shadow
Motto: Fast and deadly
1) CPT Con Selar (
2) CM Mad Max (
3) LT Luke Morin (
4) TBA
Nickname: Eternal Blaze
Motto: We deliver the swift heat of death
1) TBA
2) CPT Cmr Brown (
3) LCM Curly (
4) TBA

Darn it, foiled by the Template yet again.  You all stop paying attention after the rosters dang.  Someone remind me about this next week.  Again, aaaaanyways....

A few simple things is all.  Most importantly, get in contact with everyone else!  I told everyone to report in to me, only two of you did, the rest of you better just write me a short e-mail so I know you are alive.  Your next orders are to get on mbs and IRC It takes all of five minutes to register with our message boards *cough*, and another five to check the phoenix boards once a day **.  Easy, right? if you have any problems with this, see me.  I expect to see every single one of you to post at least once on there, I will be checking.  And also, mIRC!.  Again, very easy stuff,  Download it, then go the IWATs course mIRC.  There are simple instructions there, and if you don't understand them, e-mail me, I'll help, that's what I'm here for.  I don't bite....too hard.

FCHG listings: (nobody is paying any attention anymore I would bet)
Executor [EXCR] (750 points):
[844] CPT Con Selar
[824] CPT Choosh

Paladin [PLDN] (300 points):
[400] CM Mad Max
[318] CPT Cmr Brown

Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points):
[128] LT Rowland

Lancer [LANC] (25 points):
[37] LCM Curly

Um....where is Luke Morin on here...? LUUUUUUKE!?!?!.  And don't you dare call me Aunt Beru :P.

Marksman 2nd (20 points):
[23] CPT Choosh

Marksman 4th (10 points):
[10] CPT Cmr Brown

Trainee (1 point):
[1] LT Rowland
[1] LT Luke Morin

Ok, this one isn't quite so easy. You're all forgiven if you don't have any CR

Citations: (Even tho you're all probably zoned out, speaking of Zone *coughWoWcough*)
Squadron Citations (22):
   XvT-TC Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
   XvT-TC Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
   XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
   XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
   XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
   XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
   XvT-TC Battle 7 - The Resupply
   XvT-TC Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
   XvT-TC Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
   XvT-TC Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
   XvT-TC Battle 12 - Odin's Redemption
   XvT-TC Battle 13 - Graduates, Graduate!
   XvT-TC Battle 14 - Orion Base Crisis
   XvT-TC Battle 16 - Deep strike at K'atalla
   XvT-TC Battle 20 - Mysterious People
   XvT-TC Battle 21 - Project X: "the T-65C A2 project"
   XvT-TC Battle 31 - Pirate Scouts
   XvT-TC Battle 46 - Wing XV: Crossing Borders
   XvT-TC Battle 47 - Wing XIII: Disruption
   XvT-TC Battle 48 - Bravo Company: Training
   XvT-TC Battle 55 - Prison Duties
   XvT-TC Battle 56 - Tour aboard the ISD Nemesis

Right, I hope you all liked that, don't worry, it'll be better next week.
/me goes off the kick some template bum
CMDR/CPT Choosh/Phoenix/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
BSx5/PC/ISMx2/MoT-4rh-1gh/IS-2BW-1BR-2SW-6SR-2GR/LoC-CSx3-Rx3/DFC-Rx1/CoSx2/CoB/LoAx3/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-JS-M/1/2-RT-SM/3-TM-TT-VBS-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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