Vampire Report # 33 (2003-06-27)

This report was submitted by MAJ VinDoros

CMDR/MAJ VinDoros Reporting in for Vampire Squadron, June 27th 2003
TC News you can use:
Greetings folks. The Flight Office is in need of TWO new banners, one general banner for the front page and a second to replace the ageing link banner (aww). The main banner can be of any size (within reason) and the link banner should be ideally 400x50 pixels. Format must be gif, jpeg, psp or bmp and should be sent zipped to by Sunday 6th July at the latest.

The creator of the winning entry of each banner type will receive an Iron Star w/ Gold Ribbon. An IS-SR will go to second, and an IS-BR will go to 3rd and 4th places.

Squadron News:
Let's welcome back LT Tek Selkirk from Avenger! He's decided that we're the uber-fun squadron, and has returned to us in position 1-4. There has been some debate over who's designated to cover my big butt. To be honest, I don't care who it is, as long as it isn't Mosh's gundark :)  Squadron Citations: Last week we dropped to 52, and this week, thanks to some serious flying by our newbie, LT Nurgas Hui, we're back up to 65! That's pretty good :)  Everyone keep up the excellent work. Also, big congrats to SL Nurgas Hui, who was promoted to LT! His excellent work is a great contribution to Vamp! And last, but certainly not least, your fearless leader (yup, that's me), has achieved the FCHG Rank of Archon! Let's thank Lucasars for putting invulnerability in TIE. Otherwise, i'd still be 200 FCHG points away from this, and still trying to complete these on easy :-/
Other News:
In Vampire news this week, MAJ Mosh had to go on leave to handle some personal stuff. When the gundark found out that his master was leaving, and not taking him with, he went on a rampage throughout Mosh's quarters. After getting the gundark rounded up and back into his cage, Kane and Orrimaarko did an inventory of things that were damaged, and need to be replaced before Mosh gets back: 1 Mattress, 1 set of rubber sheets (what's up with that?), 14 pairs of socks, 4 flightsuits with bunnies sown into the interior (don't wanna know), a 5 gallon drum of peanut butter (REALLY don't wanna know), 1 inflatable Padme Doll (just wanna know where you found that one), 3 vibrating pipe cleaners (that's what the plain brown wrapper said, anyway), 3 Lionel Richie CD's (eew), and 6 pairs of crotchless boxes (looked uncomfortable). Coming up with the creds to cover all this has become an issue. Arso suggested we shave the gundark, turn that fur into a wig, and sell it...clippers are being rounded up as this report is being written.
Squadron Status/Orders:
Round 8 of the Sov Squad League is running! XWAF-55 is the mission to fly. Hints/tips have been sent, and the due date is Friday, July 4th! For those of you Americans who'll be out blowing things up with fireworks (like myself ;)  then fly this mission Thrusday at the latest. So far, only Mosh and myself have flown for this.
COM's FCHG Race! Fly oodles of Battles, and earn medals. I dunno about the rest of the Wing, but Vamp is doing pretty well so far in this.
-SotMA -I need a banner that can be awarded to the Squadron of the Month (yes, I'm bring that back seeing as how I never really instituted it). You have until 6/20/03 to get it sent in. Each pilot may submit up to 5 banners. IS-SR to winner and IS-BR to runner up.

-PotMA -I need a banner that can be awarded to the Pilot of the Month. You have until 6/20/03 to get it sent in. Each pilot may submit up to 5 banners. IS-SR to winner and IS-BR to runner up.

-Our BGCOM also needs banners made for Wing of the Month, Squadron of the Month, CMDR of the Month, and Pilot of the Month. You can find details in his latest BGCOM Report.

Vampire Grudge Match Creation Competition: Submit GFX for Alien(s) vs. Boba Fett, the winning grudge match proposal. Winner gets a shiny new IS-BR. Due date is the end of this month, Monday June 30th. So far, i've received two submissions for this.

Vampire Citation Corner:

(1-1)MAJ VinDoros = TIE-TC 108, TIE-TC 115, TIE-TC 118, TIE-TC 121, TIE-TC 126,

(1-2)MAJ Mosh = XWA-TC 22, XWA-IW 3, XWA-IW 4, XWA-IW 5, XWA-IW 6,

(1-3)CPT Aeolus = TIE-TC 76, TIE-TC 133, TIE-TC 159, TIE-TC 165, TIE-IW 1,

(1-4)LT Tek Selkirk = XWA-TC 20, XWA-TC 33, XWA-DB 1, XWA-DB 2, XWA-CAB 1,

(2-1)CM Kane Reese = EMPTY(let me know when you can fly TIE again)

(2-2)COL Arso Slyth = TIE-TC 42, TIE-TC 52, XWA-CAB 4, TIE-TC 29, TIE-TC 31,

(2-3)CM Deimos = XWA-CAB 5, XWA-DB 4,

(3-1)LT Orrimaarko Reeft = TIE-TC 22, TIE-TC 23, TIE-TC 24, TIE-TC 28, TIE-TC 30,

(3-2)CM Eriond Kath'Razzit = TIE-TC 13, TIE-TC 15, TIE-TC 16, TIE-TC 20, TIE-TC 21,

(3-3)LT Nurgas Hui = TIE-TC 34, TIE-TC 29, TIE-TC 31, TIE-TC 32, TIE-TC 33,

Number of citations to gain after completing these assignments:31

Again, keep in mind that flying for citations is voluntary. Although, flying for these citations during a FCHG Race could earn somene a shiny medal :)

MAJ VinDoros - Awarded IS-BW for 3rd place, Round 6 of the SSL
CM Deimos - Awarded IS-GW for 1st Place, Round 6 of the SSL
ST Nurgas Hui--->LT Nurgas Hui - Awarded CoB for flying 30 missions (congrats on your promotion!)
Activity Reports:
MAJ VinDoros
CMDR Stuff, Awarded IS-BW, yahoo recruitment chatroom, Flew TIE-TC 91, 96,102
MAJ Mosh
Flew XWAF-1 for the BGCOMP, submitted GFX for Phase 2 of Grudge Match Comp, submitted XWAF-55 for SSL, Round 8, went on leave
CPT Aeolus
irc, and email contact
LT Tek Selkirk
rejoined Vampire, email and irc contact
CM Kane Reese
Flew XWAF-1 For the BGCOMP, irc contact
COL Arso
email and irc contact
CM Deimos
Awarded IS-GW
LT Orrimaarko Reeft
email and irc contact
CM Eriond Kath'razzit
email and irc contact
LT Nurgas Hui
Flew XWA-TC 1, 2, and XWAF-1 for BGCOMP, submitted XWAF-102 for SSL, Round 7, Promoted to LT, Flew TIE-TC 40, 44, 46,49, 57, XWA-TC 3, 5, 12, 13, achieved Rank of Lancer, and then Hussar, Awarded CoB, Flew TIE-FCHG2, TIE-TC 21,59 (great work this week, Nurgas!)
Bloodsucker of the Week:
This week, the honor of BSoW goes too...LT Nurgas Hui! Who came to Vampire with many questions, and great enthusiasm...and who has managed in one week to fly for two different comps, and 14 Battles, with a bunch of them assigned battles for citations! Great work, keep it up! 3 more of these for an ISM (Imperial Security Medal, its an achievement award-just thought i'd answer this one for Nurgas before he could ask about it :)
Final Thought:
Ok, we're into the last Round of the Sov Squad League. You guys already know that I consider this top priority. And now that we have 10 Pilots, getting 6 submissions should be a piece of cake. If you guys need help with the mission, then just ask. Otherwise, i'd like all of us to fly one battle each this week. We were very close to 90 citations, and with a little work, i know we can surpass that. My goal was always 100...i'm still shooting for that ;)  If anyone forgets anything in these reports, always keep in mind that I also put these on the TC Database EVERY week. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Squadron Roster:
MAJ VinDoros (
NICKNAME: Predators of the Night
MOTTO: Darkness is our ally

Nickname: Daywalkers
Motto: There are worse things out tonight than the Empire
MAJ VinDoros (
MAJ Mosh (
CPT Aeolus (
LT Tek Selkirk (

Nickname: The Nightstalkers
Motto: Like the Vampire of Legend, we cast a shadow of fear into the hearts of our opponents
CM Kane Reese (
COL Arso Slyth (
CM Deimos (
4) TBA

Nickname: Silent Assasins
Motto: Quick as Wind, Deadly as Fire
LT Orrimaarko Reeft (
CM Eriond Kath'Razzit (
LT Nurgas Hui (
4) TBA

Total: 10
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings |
Squadron Reports (54)

Squadron Citations (65):

Important Links:
Vampire Squadron Homepage: (still under construction)
Immortal Message Boards:
That's it for this week....
Take care of yourselves, and each other...Goodnight! (Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!)
***CMDR/MAJ VinDoros/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
***DJK VinDoros (Sith)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum

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