Krayt Report # 3 (2003-06-13)

This report was submitted by CM CrimsonFury

Krayt Squadron - Weekly Squadron Report
Aboard the ASF Flagship -- ISD-II Intrepid

Well, I'm back from leave and have had a busy week IRL this week. Unfortunately it's meant I've pretty much been limited to admin work and BSF's. I'm hoping to kick back into gear this weekend and onto next week >:o)

On the EH/Wing XIV/Krayt Squadron front it's been a quiet week in the scheme of things. A few announcements have been made on the boards, but no new comps, no FCHG/CR stuff or May MSE awards yet. Hopefully we'll have a barrage of activity and going's on at TC and Wing levels next week and I'm hoping to see a bit more of an even spread of activity amongst the squadron this coming week or so aswell.

Other than that, there aint a whole lot else for me to say, so enjoy the report and have a great weekend!!!

General News;

- As always, the Krayt Squadron Website is online at URL =
- 2 Command Attache positions have opened up this week, so if you want to be CA:LO or CA:TAC check out the TC news page for details.
- Newsletter #93 was released last week - read it online here: or go to the TC news page and download it.
- RA Khadgar, ISD-II Grey Wolf COM was promoted to Vice Admiral this week(apparently his 2nd time as VA)! Congrats Khaddy!!!
- CPT Alec Qarni has been chosen as new Scorpion CMDR - congrats and good luck Alec!
- MAJ Praetorian has stepped down as Python Squadron CMDR, and has moved to Avenger Squadron. No aps are being taken, and the new CMDR should be announced soon!
- The Intrepid Multiplayer ladder is still going - set to finish 26th of June, so get flying!
- The Wing FCHG race has been resumed, but there is no longer an accompanying Combat Rating(CR) Race - as per new COO/TO rules.

Squadron News;

- Got back from leave on Tuesday night and sheesh, been busy on Sav's BSF's since I got back. I've also had RL 'dramas' at work, so I've been unable to fly for the week :\ Will be trying to catch up on some flying this weekend though, so look out!
- The Krayt Squadron Site's redirection stuff seems to be fixed now, so we can resume using the official URL.
- Squadron Patches are finally on our uniforms on the Squad site, I've also taken off the x100 mission medals too - they clutter some of our uniforms too much ;)
- The Krayt v Demon Squadron was closed last week. I only got one submission, from SavageAz....I hope we have better participation when we reschedule it, and for the upcoming Krayt v Asp Squadron Comp.
- On the Krayt v Asp Comp, I should finally get to sit down with Joey this weekend and see what we can agree on for the upcoming comp and it's format. I should have some more concrete information next week :)

On the horizon;

- The Krayt Squadron Olympics will still go ahead in the not to distant future. Keep one eye open for announcements.
- New Krayt v Asp Squadron planned, details to come as soon as Joey and I sit down the flesh out the comp!

Squadron Activity;

CM CrimsonFury
- CMDR'ly duties(only listing this cuz I didn't fly :rolleyes:).
- Did my first BSF's this week! w00t!!
- Returned from weekend leave.
- Updating of Krayt Squadron Website.
- Active via email, IRC and messageboards.

LT Cadoo Toca
*** Please contact me to avoid RSV/AWOLing ***

LT Obiwan
- No flying activity reported.
- Active via email and IRC.

LT Chapel Campbell
*** On Leave ***
- No flying activity reported.
- Active via email.

LT Hobbes
*** Please contact me to avoid RSV/AWOLing ***

CM SavageAz
- Flew TIE DB 15, TIE CAB 4 & TIE Free 221(SSL).
- Flew XvT CAB 2, XvT Free 74 & 118(SSL).
- Participated in Week 7 of the Sov. Squadron League Comp.
- Active via email, messageboards and IRC.

Pilot of the Week;

Pilot of the week this week has to be SavageAz. 'Grats Azza!!

Squadron Roster;

COMMANDER: CM CrimsonFury (
NICKNAME: The Dragons of the Empire
BANNER: krayt.jpg
MOTTO: We prey upon the powerful...

Nickname: Fire Breathers
Motto: Never play with fire...Play with heavy rockets!
1) CM CrimsonFury (
2) LT Cadoo Toca (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Krayt Eyes
Motto: No rebel prey escapes from the Dragon on a hunt...
1) LT Obiwan (
2) TBA
3) LT Chapel Campbell (
4) LT Hobbes (

Nickname: Dragons of Tatooine
Motto: On Wings of Fire
1) CM SavageAz (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Citations;

Since Savage joined we've got back to 6 Citations, after loosing them all when Frodo left. However, this is still an area we need to work on, and we will be shortly ;)

Squadron Citations (6):
XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC Battle 7 - The Resupply
XvT-TC Battle 20 - Mysterious People

Squadron FCHG Listing;
Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)
[1249] CM SavageAz

Executor [EXCR] (750 points)
[882] LCM CrimsonFury

Lancer [LANC] (25 points)
[28] LT Cadoo Toca

Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)
[24] LT Obiwan

Squadron CR Listing;

Officer 4th (30 points)
[38] LCM CrimsonFury

Marksman 4th (10 points)
[10] CM SavageAz

Trainee (1 point)
[1] LT Hobbes
[1] LT Obiwan

Activity has fallen a bit this week, both in the Wing and the Squadron. I hope to get myself into gear again this coming week and I'd like to see some more activity/communication from a few more of you. There will be some minor changes to the roster next week, as there will be one(maybe 2) people leaving us in the next week or so.

In regards to the possible AWOLing and the request for an email reply I included in my WSR last week, I must say I'm quite disapointed in the squadron as a whole. I never got an actual emailed reply from ANY of you. I have spoken to a few of you on IRC which I've accepted as good enough, but from now on, if I request a reply to an email I expect to get one within the week. I dont think a quick "Yeah I'm alive and will be around/try to be more active" email is too much of an ask when I give you a week to do so.

In Service,

Commander Luke "CrimsonFury" Fyrrea
[CMDR/CM CrimsonFury/Krayt/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid]
[BSx4/ISMx4/MoI/IS-3BW-2BR-3SW-2SR-1GR/LoC-CSx5-Rx2/DFC-Rx2/CoB [EXCR]
ISD-II Intrepid - Flagship of the ASF Fleet

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