Vampire Report # 36 (2003-07-18)

This report was submitted by MAJ VinDoros

CMDR/MAJ VinDoros Reporting in for Vampire Squadron, July 18th 2003
TC News you can use:
Wing XI Wing Commander
The position of Wing XI WC on the ISD Immortal is now open to applications. Those wishing to apply should be able to meet the following requirements:
  • At least FOUR months experience as a Squadron Commander in the TIE Corps
  • No HCI convictions in the past 12 months
  • Familiarity with the online and offline aspects of X-Wing: Alliance
  • Be able to handle large amounts of email and admin within a short amount of time in an efficient manner
  • Be able to organise competitions / activity within the Wing and motivate those under your command
  • Be able to work in a mature attitude with all levels of command in the TIE Corps
  • Demonstrate that you have the drive and motivation to take command of a Wing and ensure it's growth and success
Apps should be sent to RogueWing and Krax, by Sunday July 20th.
Squadron News:
Pretty slow week here in Vampire. Still got a few people on leave, although Aeolus is back from his small "break". Welcome back. The results from the Sov Squad League Playoffs Round 1 have been announced, should be in your inboxes. Good work to all who submitted. We took Round 1 by...quite a margin. They haven't announced individual standings yet...still waiting on that. As soon as those are released, or the new assignments come out, i'll announce them. I managed to fly a couple battles this week...but they didn't add any citations. We'll keep working on those. As you all know, General Badlands has stepped down as Wing Commander of the Immortal. Let's wish him luck!
Other News:
Commander Tek Selkirk tuned in his Vampire fighter this week, in exchange for his new one in Phantom. The ground crew chief said he found an "unusual stain" on the dashboard of his old fighter. Don't know what it is...don't WANNA know what it is.
Squadron Status/Orders:
Sov Squad League - Playoffs Round 2 - TO BE ANNOUNCED, watch your emails :)
Comp with Tau Squadron, using an XvT Free Mission. This is now for sure. The mission has been chosen, and we're waiting for approval. Here are the conditions that will be set:
Miscellaneous Information There must be at least 4
entries from each squadron. Each entry below that
shall deduct 1000 points from the squadron average..
The squadron commanders count for the average of the
squadron, but can not win the Medal ( IS BW ) Usual
rules apply and i wish everyone involved good luck 
So, I can't win any medals off this comp, but you guys can. As soon as its approved, i'll let you know.
Vampire Citation Corner:
(1-1)MAJ VinDoros = TIE-TC 178, TIE-TC 200, TIE-TC 94, TIE-TC 129, TIE-TC 131,
(1-2)MAJ Mosh = XWA-TC 22, XWA-IW 2, XWA-IW 3, XWA-IW 4, XWA-IW 5,
(1-3)CPT Aeolus = TIE-TC 76, TIE-TC 86, TIE-TC 133, TIE-TC 159, TIE-TC 165,
(2-1)CM Kane Reese = XWA-TC 20, XWA-TC 33,
(2-2)COL Arso Slyth = TIE-TC 29, TIE-TC 31, TIE-TC 32, TIE-TC 33, TIE-TC 36,
(2-3)CM Deimos = XWA-CAB 5,
(3-1)LT Orrimaarko Reeft = TIE-TC 41, TIE-IW 1, XWA-IW 6, XWA-DB 1, XWA-DB 2,
(3-2)CM Eriond Kath'Razzit = TIE-TC 13, TIE-TC 15, TIE-TC 16, TIE-TC 20, TIE-TC 21,
(3-3)LT Nurgas Hui = TIE-TC 42, TIE-TC 67, XWA-DB 4, XWA-CAB 1, TIE-TC 45,
Number of citations to gain after completing these assignments:31
We're at 73 Citations right now...still 27 away from my goal of 100. Fly what you can, when you get some time.

MAJ VinDoros - Awarded BS for MSE, ISM for MP Hosting (from a loooonnnng time ago)
MAJ Mosh - Awarded ISM for MSE
CPT Aeolus - Awarded ISM for MSE
CM Kane Reese - Awarded ISM for MSE
COL Arso - Awarded ISM for MSE
LT Orrimaarko Reeft - Awarded CoB
LT Nurgas Hui - Awarded BS for MSE
Congratulations to everyone on their medals this month. Your guys consistent work is what makes this squadron great. Keep up the excellent work!
Activity Reports:
MAJ VinDoros
CMDR Stuff, Flew TIE-TC 88, 92, Awarded ISM, Awarded BS,  Flew XWA-DB 4 for SSL Playoffs, Round 1 - New Battle High Score
MAJ Mosh
Awarded ISM, irc activity
CPT Aeolus
Awarded ISM, email contact
CM Kane Reese
Awarded ISM, did some gfx for Crossbow, and submitted those to EHNL, irc contact
COL Arso
Awarded ISM, irc contact
CM Deimos
Flew XWA-DB 4 for Sov Squad League-Playoffs 1st Round, new mission High Score
LT Orrimaarko Reeft
Awarded CoB, irc contact
CM Eriond Kath'Razzit
on leave (in the Canary Islands! next time take us with you!)
LT Nurgas Hui
Awarded BS, on leave
Bloodsucker of the Week:
None this week.
Final Thought:
Only two more battles to fly for the Sov Squad League. We've come a long way in this comp...only a little more to go. When the Vamp vs. Tau Comp starts, I ask that everyone who has XvT, submit something for this comp. I'll do the usual fly email you guys some tips/tricks. I'm not too worried that things are a tad slow at the moment...activity will pick up again soon, i'm confident of that. Let's see what we can work on as far as citations. Have a great weekend, Vampires!
Squadron Roster:
NICKNAME: Predators of the Night
BANNER: vampire.jpg
MOTTO: Darkness is our ally

Nickname: Daywalkers
Motto: There are worse things out tonight than the Empire
1) MAJ VinDoros (
2) MAJ Mosh (
3) CPT Aeolus (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Nightstalkers
Motto: Like the Vampire of Legend, we cast a shadow of fear into the hearts of our opponents
1) CM Kane Reese (
2) COL Arso Slyth (
3) CM Deimos (
4) TBA

Nickname: Silent Assasins
Motto: Quick as Wind, Deadly as Fire
1) LT Orrimaarko Reeft (
2) CM Eriond Kath'Razzit (
3) LT Nurgas Hui (
4) TBA

Total: 9
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (57)

Squadron Citations (73):

Important Links:
Vampire Squadron Homepage: (still under construction)
Immortal Message Boards:
That's it for this week....
Take care of yourselves, and each other...Goodnight! (Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!)
***CMDR/MAJ VinDoros/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
***DJK VinDoros (Sith)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum

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