Pi Report # 14 (2003-07-14)

This report was submitted by COL Absolut Vodka

PI Squadron Report #14
14 July 2003


**Salute** to Pi Squadron

Just wanted to start this report off with a congratulations to Pi on retaining 8th place runner in SSL for Week #8. Now its off to the playoffs where we hope to stomp major butt. Nico and I flew the battle (TC-TIE 169) with a fairly decent score. ZF flew it and its pending a high score eval by the TAC office. So like ZF said its crunch time! I need your submissions ASAP! We still need one from Scuslem and Jedgar, so come on boys get crackin!

I trust you all had a wonderul July 4th and watching the fireworks :P I know, I know the day has since passed but I wanted to say that my family had to stay home and we enjoyed fireworks from the TV. Its just something to do with the military you know how it is :P Anyway hope you enjoyed yours more than me. Also due to this military stuff I may be forced to step completely down to FM but we'll see. Thus the reason why this report and other things have taken a back seat to my TC activities.

The only time I have really had to do anything was only to answer some e-mail and BSF all your pilot files. I'm not sure but their appears to be light at the end of the tunnel. I'll know more as the month progresses. I've already notified the uppers (WC, COM) should I completely dissappear off the Map, since my military duties may require me to go and do stuff at the drop of a hat. Although I should have enough time to let everyone know, but just in case I'm saying so now.

So other than the above stuff its been rather quiet. 'Cept for ZF who finally got up on the choppin block. Mainly because of him we were picked as Squadron of the month, of course he received Pilot of the month as a result. Good job to all who participated and made an effort. Last thing to note is that after SSL we will be loosing MAJ Jedgar who will be going back to rejoin one of his old squadrons as per his request. I guess we're not good enough for him :( Oh well thanks for your time MAJ and may the dark side guide your way to enlightenment.

Okay soon we'll be down to 4, so recruiting is a must, and if for nothing else and we only get 2 more than I'll be happy with that. Cuz atleast we'll get citations again. Other than that you guys have been great. ZF getting Pilot of the Month/Week, PI getting squadron of the Month/Week so all in all Now Onto the semi-good stuff the squadron nitty gritty.

Remember lastly to Report in! at the least, an email at this point can be worth a thousand words. For those of you doing stuff I salute you :) and thanks for the work your doing. I would also like to see Pi and the wing get more peeps, so go recruit!

RECRUIT! If you actively recruit members to PI Squadron and you get three of them, then I will award you an ISM for recruiting them. The only stipulation is that they must graduate the academy if they are there, then join the PI and stay for a minimum of 2 weeks while being active :P , if they are old farts (RSV returnees or others), then they must remain and be active for 2 weeks. The total amount to get an ISM, is for recruiting 3 members to PI. Once this goal gets reached then I will submit a request for you to receive an ISM. Make sure you remind me or I'll forget :P
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Wing Top Gun:
TIE-FREE #229 (attached to email version). Deadline will be July 31st*
For Pi Squadron: Best you participate or I'll personally give you a spanking. >;)

Squadron League 2003! Playoff #1: Deadline will be July 15th
Okay Pi lets get busy and fly this round, battle to fly is TIE-TC 169 (attached to email version).

Squad Battle of the Week Comp #6:
Coming Soon! As long as everyone flies for SSL then we won't have one.
Zystem Fryar - IS-SW, IS-BW
Nico Qarni - IS-BW

IWATS (Since JAN 01, 2003)
TM: MAJ Jedgar, LC Zystem Fryar, LCM Scuslem
SM/3: LC Zystem Fryar

Promotions (since FEB 04, 2003):
None yet, just give a tad bit more activity and then....

Arrivals (since FEB 04, 2003):
None but keep trying!

Departures (since FEB 04, 2003):
MAJ Jedgar as soon as SSL is over :(

Internal Moves (since FEB 04, 2003):
None yet

Email Changes (since FEB 04, 2003):

Name Changes (since FEB 04, 2003):

Current Squadron Members (since FEB 04, 2003):

COMMANDER: COL Absolut Vodka (absolutv@isdcolossus.com) - #3319
NICKNAME: Black Knights
BANNER: http://www.emperorshammer.net/images/banners/pi.gif
MOTTO: Victoria a Virtute - Victory by Valor
HOMEPAGE: http://www.isdcolossus.com/pi/enter.asp

Nickname: The Eyes of the Emperor
Motto: The Emperor's Eyes See All
Homepage: http://www.isdcolossus.com/Pi/FlightOne
1) COL Absolut Vodka (absolutv@isdcolossus.com) - #3319
2) LCM Scuslem (dkpeters@adelphia.net) - #9871
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) LCM Nico Qarni (racerboy112@aol.com) - #9806
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) LC Zystem Fryar (zysfryar@isdcolossus.com) - #255

1) TBA
2) MAJ Jedgar (jrwfu2@hotmail.com) - #599
3) TBA
4) TBA

Getting better:
  1. CMDR/COL Absolut Vodka:
    • Flew TIE-FREE: 221, 229
    • Flew TIE-TC: 169
    • Working on Squadron comps
    • Wrote squad report and posted it
    • Is an active babysitter :P
    • Is an active military member (just thought I'd throw that in)
    • Taking to being an active BSFing role model all the while caring for ZF :P
  2. FM/LCM Scuslem
    • Reported in! Sort of :P
    • Flew TIE-TB: 15
    • Flew TIE-FREE: 218, 225
    • Flew XvT-FREE: 138
    • Flew XWA-FREE: 1, 2
  3. FL II FL/LCM Nico Qarni:
    • Reported in
    • Flew TIE-FREE: 50, 218, 221, 225
    • Flew TIE-TC: 47, 70, 144, 169
    • Flew TIE-CAB: 3, 5
    • Flew TIE-FCHG: 3
    • Flew TIE-ID: 1, 2, 3
  4. FM/LC Zystem Fryar
    • Reported in!
    • Flew XvT-IW: 2, 3, 4, 5
    • Flew XvT-CAB: 3
    • Flew TIE-FREE: 218, 234
    • Flew TIE-TC: 210, 211
  5. FM/MAJ Jedgar
    • Reported in
    • Flew TIE-FREE: 221

SQUADRON FCHG POINTS RANKING (These are not current due to time constraints for me)
Templar [TMPR] (2000 points)
[2446] LC Zystem Fryar
Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
[386] MAJ Jedgar
Gallant [GALL] (200 points)
[224] LCM Nico Qarni
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)
[182] LCM Scuslem

NOTE: Remember there is a chain of command which is in place, shown below this paragraph is the order in which it is to be used.
  1. Flight Officer
  2. BGCOM
  3. COM
  4. WC
  5. CMDR
  6. FL
  7. FM
So this by itself should give you an idea how things work in the Imperial Military. There is an orderly way of doing things and that means you must utilize the chain of command. And believe me when I say this if you don't, or chose not to, it can seriously work against you. Ship board matters needs to be dealt with using this chain. If there is a problem, it should be handled here and only here, there is no reason why anyone outside of this ship would need to help us with an internal matter, unless it's obvious that it should go beyond our immediate chain of command in order to be fixed.
Don't forget when submitting a pilot file for me to BSF I would ask that you put your pilot in the below format:

3319TIETC10 (where the first number is your PIN, the second is the platform type which you flew, the last is the # of the battle flown. In the case of TIE-FREEs put TF, for the rest: DB, IW etc, you get the idea, if not email me and I'll personally explain it. This makes it easier for me to BSF, cuz in the case of those who don't add their PIN to their email, then I'll atleast have it, by labeling it this way.)

Cya next week!

Great Job Pi! Now go get to your fighters we have another round of SSL to do! Happy Hunting!

Have a good day! Cya next week!


In the Service of the Empire

CMDR/COL Absolut Vodka/Pi/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
MIS: Absolut Carnage

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