Scorpion Report # 9 (2003-08-14)

This report was submitted by CPT Alec Qarni

* `MK is away -( grafix )- at 11:45p -( P:On / L:On )-
<`D> IE Mell's looking at porn...
<`Curtis> that makes 2 of us.


TOP FRICKIN’ DOG! We’re not doing terribly, but Python is doing very well. Thus, we’re kinda far behind, though currently it says we’re second. The thing is… I’m the only one making REAL points… Sayo and Victor have done some stuff, but I want EVERYone to be a LOT more active because I’m not gonna be able to do this whole like 20-points-a-day thing once school starts next week. And I WOULD like to make a good showing, i.e., second if possible or at least 3rd. I’m doing my darndest to keep myself on top personally as well, but Lenvik has an advantage of 1) all the easy IWATS and 2) insanity. So… All y’all do something. I’ve gotten a few promises, but still nothing materializing…

I passed 1000 FCHG! YAAAAY!… Stupid career medals don’t exist anymore…

….There is no other news. Fly. Answer trivia. If ANYthing, answer trivia. Certainly you kn0w a FEW answers, and if everyone got a few points, that would be awesome, especially since Drax adds on 5 points just for answering. 20 possible, 10 easy. Come onnnnn!

Alec Qarni's Game of the Week: TIE Fighter (LucasArts) (hey, why not)
CD of the Week: Bad Religion- The Process of Belief



None this week…



1-1: CPT Alec Qarni: TIE-TC 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 LoCx6, IRC, AIM, MBs
1-2: COL E. Tarkin: Computer having trouble in massive heat… should be back sometime soon…
1-3: LC Strahd: Computer difficulties (with Strahd? No way!), should be back soon…
1-4: N/A

2-1: CM Sayo Hirosho: Unexpected leave until his computer works.
2-2: LCM Victor Kage: Did some trivia, yaaayayyayayay! Promises more activity soon…
2-3: LT Steel: No contact… LIVE!
2-4: Vacant… Recruit, people!

3-1: CM Patrick Blastfire: AIM>… wants to go to Reserves (aaagh!)… Can’t you just do an IWATS or something first? Pleeeeaaase?
3-2: SL Cobalt Specter: No Contact… where’d you go?
3-3: N/A
3-4: See 3-3



1: Deal with Real. (Yay corniness!) Real life is where it's at, and nothing in the TC can supersede it, so remember that this is all fun… not an obligation.

2: Fly! It’s summer… If you’re off of school, you either have no time, or a lot of time! Please find some time, whatever you’re doing, to just fly a battle here and there, or hang around in #ehcoc and try to get a game or something. WE MUST MAKE A GOOD SHOWING IN TOP DOG!

3: Do other stuff! The banner is taken care of and the website probably is as well, but there are all kinds of things you can do… especially if you’re eligible for some sort of promotion (Blastfire, Specter, Steel in a while )… IWATS, fiction, graphics, trivia, all kinds of competitions… the FO has his INPR comp still running. And showing up on IRC or just mailing me for whatever reason can’t hurt at all. Also, the VAN’s numbers are slipping alarmingly… recruit! Surely you know a couple of people who would be interested… EVERything is worth points for Top Dog… DO IT ALLLLLLL!



Also, the recurring comps, Drax’s FCHG race, CR Race, Recruitment Race, Vanguard Joust… So much stuff. Just fly random stuff and you’re bound to win some comp or another. AND GET READY FOR TOP DOG! WE MUST NOT FAIL!



Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)
· [1321] COL E. Tarkin (+0)
· [1219] LC Strahd (+0)
· [1049] CPT Alec Qarni (+66)
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)
· [252] LCM Victor Kage (+0)
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
· [145] CM Patrick Blastfire (+0)


Jedi 4th (500 points)
· [555] COL E. Tarkin (+0)
Top Ace 1st (400 points)
· [419] LC Strahd (+0)
Top Ace 4th (250 points)
· [263] CPT Alec Qarni (+6)
Veteran 3rd (80 points)
· [82] CM Patrick Blastfire (+0)
Trainee (1 point)
· [3] LCM Victor Kage (+0)

At least Victor did something this week… better than nobody. But we still have people with no FCHG rank! What is this? TOP FRICKIN DOOOOOGGGGG!!!!!!!

^Scorpion-style salute

CPT Alec Qarni
The Scorpion King
AIM PROF (Take it, foo'!)
PIN 7191

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