Koph Report # 53 (2001-09-05)

This report was submitted by COL Firebird

Pilots of Koph Squadron:

It's been another busy week in the TIE Corps, with lots of promotions
and resignations. The only important ones, of course, are FA Kramer
and RA Proton. Our beloved Commodore, Fleet Admiral Kramer, stepped
down as SovCOM after nearly five years of service. Just to put things
in perspective, he was COM of the Sovereign before I even joined the
EH. Put that in your pipe and smoke it ;)

Colonel Proton, Wing Commander of Wing V, was selected as the new
SovCOM and promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral. I had an opportunity
to speak to the new Commodore earlier this week, and he seems like
he'll do an excellent job. I look forward to serving under him.

The other big news of the week is that we were beaten by Omega
Squadron. We didn't lose by much and there were many mitigating
factors, but the fact is that we still lost. Now... it is my
experience that Koph Squadron is not supposed to lose, even to an
elite squadron. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you guys the best
pilots in the fleet? Well? How about we start acting like it and win a
few competitions?

I've been saying I would do it for quite some time now, and the time
has finally come! It's time for the first Koph Squadron run-on! Stay
tuned for the first installment, coming to you via the koph-squadron
mailing list later today!

Finally this week I am pleased to award the Koph Ace of the Week to
Lieutenant Samuel Shadd III for his rapid ascension from
Sub-Lieutenant, for the screen shots he sent, and for keeping high
spirits throughout a situation that would have made many others give
up and resign. It takes a lot of dedication and cojones to keep at
something even when it all goes to hell, and for that I commend you.

Your new Squadron ID line is:

LT Samuel Shadd III - KA

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