Kappa Report # 54 (2001-10-18)

This report was submitted by LC Astarosta

Kappa Squadron Report - October 18th, 2001 - LC Astarosta

Squadron News

-Due to your CMDR senile condition I forgot to include reminders for October's Wing II Arena which however were included on the Wing report. I guess my most sincere apologies to you all and to Ford aren't enough, so I'm ready to suffer ant punishment you see fit. Not impalement, pleez :p
Won't happen again.

-Submissions submissions!! We're at Oct 17th already and we need submissions for Kappa vs Stalker!! We don't wanna lose that, do we? You don't wanna see your CMDR become a disgruntled monkey, do we? You already saw that? Believe me, you didn't :p
Also, Kappa's Oktoberfest AKA medal shower is gonna keep the faucet off...so far only submissions counting for the FCHG race...there are other 4 easy medals at stake...check the Orders section.

-With the new banner upload form, I submitted the fixed version of our infamous typo banner :p However, I'd like to keep a copy of it on the gallery section of the Kappa HP for historical purposes :p

-Due to his remarkable activity since he joined Kappa, LCM Hermann has been awarded an ISM. Congrats go to him, and now sell it to pay our drinks!! :p

-And speaking of new additions to our gallery...is anyone else in love like me with Tim's animated GIF? Algy, I'd also would like to see it on the Gallery ;)

-Word from LCM Hermann tells that we'll prolly be getting a new recruit soon...he's also from the beautiful land of the Pampas like Herm and your beloved CMDR...stay tuned for more ;)


Squadron Orders

-Kappa vs Stalker is ON!!!!! Fly TC-TIE 34 (attached) and get some highscores!! Top 6 scores from each squad will be averaged and the top average wins. An IS-BW is at stake for the top scorer. Deadline is October 31st. The more inputs we have, the better chances we have. I expect 100% participation even if the score doesn't make it to the top 6. GOOOOO KAPPA!!!!!!!

-Because you have a DUMB CMDR you might have missed this one. For you fast flyers, there's a chance you might participate and represent Kappa on the finals. The battle is TIE-TC 187 (attached) and the deadline is October 20th. If you can, please try to participate and warm up for the finals. Send the tfrs to me and NOT Frod ;)

-The Wing II Pilot League season 2 is ON!!!! After a rather shaky 2nd round with a small issue, we have a battle to fly !! The deadline for the current round is 6PM GMT on Sunday 28th October and the mission is TIE-TC 123. Send it to Algy and CC me for the BSF.

-The Oktoberfest is ON!!! Time to get drunk as hell and mistake the Cat with your grandma and take it for a walk on the neigborhood wearing long femenine leather boots and nothing else and...all those stuff you do before entering ethilic coma. Divisions and awards:

Flying division - standard flying comp, top laserless scorer on TIE-TC #182 (attached) earns an IS-BW

FCHG race division - top FCHG earner of the period earns an IS-BW. MUST submit at least a battle a week to participate.

Fiction division - short story about Kappa's wild Oktoberfest party. Best submission judged by me earns an IS-BR

Mission creation division - best free mission with a plotline involving Kappa and Oktoberfest earns an IS-BR.

Graphics division - Best submission of a graphic in any medium (from Paint to 3D renders to pencil scans to photo compositions) relating Kappa and Oktoberfest (beer :p) earns an IS-BR

For the fiction and graphics division, I'm not looking at high standards of quality, more to the side of originality and fun. Anything you can come up with and amuses me will do. For the fiction division I will demand at least 3 paragraphs.
For the FCHG race remember that you MUST submit a FREE MISSION a week MINIMUM to participate. Also, the battles MUST be never flown before, so it really adds to your FCHG ranking. I'll check your profiles before submitting. High scores and MP victories will also be counted on the total.

The comp will go through all the month so you have plenty of time. All submissions must be in before October 31st.


Squadron Activity

LC Astarosta/Kappa 1-1

10-12-01 Awarded a MoT-bh for TCT related work
10-16-01 Played TIE-FREE 121 for the W2PL
Played IW-XvT 23
Uploaded fixed banner to the TC database

CMDR stuff


LT Zyrax/Kappa 1-2

10-16-01 Played TIE-FREE 121 for the W2PL


LT Razor/Kappa 1-3

no activity reported


LCM Tim/Kappa 1-4

10-16-01 Played IW-XW 2
10-17-01 made a kewl Kappa Animated GIF

continuous work on a site for the "New Sov site" comp


CPT Algaron/Kappa 2-1

All week activity running the W2PL II


CM Hawkins/Kappa 2-3

10-15-01 Reported finished moving and back to full activity. Welcome back!!


CM Jan Wemmel/Kappa 3-1

no activity reported


LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-2

10-12-01 Played TIE-FREE 121 for the W2PL


LCM Hermann/Kappa 3-3

10-10-01 Awarded an ISM
10-12-01 Played TIE-TC 11
Played XvT-TC 8
10-14-01 Played TIE-FREE 121 for the W2PL
10-15-01 Reported contacting a possible RL recruit
Played TIE-TC 13 and 15
Played XvT-TC 1
10-16-01 Played TIE-TC 16 and 17
10-17-01 Played TIE-TC 20

Wheew! good work!



There have been some Flag Officer appointments and promotions recently that I'd like to announce: Congratulations to Major Darksaber who takes over from General Badlands as the new Wing Commander for Wing XI. Congrats also to Major Bevel Leeson, new Wing XV WC (my old Wing!).

Finally, I'm pleased to announce the promotion of Vice Admiral Adrenaline to the rank of Admiral! Adren is undoubtedly one of the hardest working members of the TIE Corps, and this is a well deserved promotion. Congrats Adren!

-New TCS/TCT sought for XWA

With the change in command concerning the XWA part of the Tactical Staff, there is currently a lack of playtesters (TCS) and correctors (TCT) for XWA. Therefore, the Tactical Office is looking for additional Tactical Surveyors (TCS, playtesters) and Tacticians (TCT, correctors) for the XWA platform. Please review the Tactical Manual for the position descriptions. Some requirements for the positions are for Tactical Surveyors (TCS):

have XWA
be able to playtest a battle within a week and to write a beta report (templates in the Tactical Manual)
knowledge in XWA mission design and graduation from XAM not necessary but recommended.
And for Tacticians (TCT):

have XWA
be able to bring corrections to a battle within 1,2 weeks, from the problems noticed by the TCS in their beta reports (guidelines in the Tactical Manual)
knowledge in XWA mission design
must have passed XAM from IWATS
Please review the Tactical Manual before applying, there you will find a complete description of the Tactical Staff. These are auxiliary positions, which means you don't have to leave your squadron. Applications are to be sent to Lieutenant Colonel Marcin Szydlowksi and Captain Gord Darkonian. Nice rewards for all hard working people !


Congratulations to Captain Gord Darkonian for being appointed Tactical Coordinator (XWA).

-EH vs. NRN Results

In my first act as COO I've submitted the results for the EH vs. NRN war held last month. All in all I feel it was a fairly good contest, though we could have used a larger number of pilots flying. Here's a breakdown of the results:

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
EH: 2
NRN: 0
War Site

X-Wing Alliance
EH: 34
NRN: 29
War Site

As you can see, we got the victory by a fair margin in the area of matches won. However, the NRN put forward 9 more pilots than we did, and won in the areas of player win/loss ratio and kill/death ratio. This basically means that our wins were closer than our losses, and we lost many more 2v2s than we won.

Thanks to all the pilots who flew, your awards are in the mail!

-Combat Operations Officer appointed

The new Combat Operations Officer has been selected: Many congratulations to Rear Admiral Brucmack!

Attached: TIE-TC 34 for Kappa vs Stalker

TIE-TC 182 for Kappa's Oktoberfest

TIE-TC 187 for the Wing II Arena


Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: LC Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
NICKNAME: The Spirits of Wing II
BANNER: kappa.jpg
MOTTO: If it Flies, it Dies
HOMEPAGE: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/kappa/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=12

Nickname: Smashing Kegs
Motto: In Eternal Quest for Party
Homepage: http://www.kappa-flight1.f2s.com/
1) LC Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
2) LT Zyrax (lanzerman@mail.nu)
3) LT Razor (pedroamado@eudoramail.com)
4) LCM Tim (tiecorps@swirve.com)

Nickname: The Dark Avengers
Motto: Hatred Breeds Strength
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight2/
1) CPT Algaron (algaronx@btopenworld.com)
2) TBA
3) CM Hawkins (Nedius@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Lunatic Roastars
Motto: Be Afraid, for we are the Defenders of the Keg!
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight3/
1) CM Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
2) LCM Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
3) LCM Hermann (ehhermann@yahoo.com.ar)
4) TBA

Total: 9


CMDR-TCT/LC "Roasty" Astarosta/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SMS/CM Astarosta/FMC-TC/SSSD Sovereign [DOC]
GRD Astarosta (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan {SA:CORE}
FL/CM Astarosta/Enforcer 3-1/Wing II/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH

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