Tartarus Report # 13 (2001-09-28)

This report was submitted by CPT DarkC


Hello everybody:)
I think I know what you guys think right now….you think you know what I'm going to say….lol…well I guess I’ll surprise you this time. This report will
sound a bit different than the other ones you got used to…
We are now at the end of a competiton and I should start by congratulating you and tell you what a great job we did….well…I’ll leave this for later.
I’ll start by telling you something else that has nothing to do with the competition. And I also want to say right from the beginning that it has nothing
to do with any kind of problems inside the squadron. I want to make this very clear to our superiors,so that noone should worry about this
squadron. Yet,I also have to say this is not a fiction either…it’s just something I wanted to tell you a long time ago and never found the right
moment. I’m sure there will be some of you who will understand what I mean.
What I want to say is that I believe we really are a great squadron…maybe we couldn’t prove it yet to the others,but we poved it to ourselves.
We might have not been the best in this confrontation,but we stayed together and everyone tried to do his best. We proved,maybe only to
ourselves,that we’re a real family.
On the other hand,if we didn’t succed in being the best,might be my only fault. We have some new pilots in the squad and because of this
competition and my pride of trying o be the best,I might have asked too much from them and I might have scared them.Being the CMDR of this
squad is a real honour,but it’s also a very hard thing to do and as you see I also make mistakes.
Well,to come to the point, I just want to say this:
This squadron is not just a bunch of pilots,each flying alone. We are first of all the best friends and maybe I was too tough this month but what I
wanted you all to understand is that we’re in this together. Many of us had different kind of problems during this month and most of you shared
them with the rest of the squad. These kind of problems apear no matter if you are a simple pilot,a commander or an admiral and everyone
understans them as long as they’re shared with the rest of us. I haven’t heared from a few of my new pilots in a while though I tryied to find out
what is going on. Maybe I sounded too much like a commander and less as your friend. I apologies. But I don’t think it’s too late now to make it
up to all of you.
I want you to understand that first of all I’m your best friend and I’m here to help you.With problems related to the squadron as well as with you real
life problems. All you have to do is let me know.
I will never accept one of my pilots to leave the squadron or be sent to reserves before I know what the real reason is . Never before I’ll make sure
I did all I could to help .
Remember everyone….i’m not your commander…I’m your friend.Never forget this and never make me find out from other s what’s going on with
I’m sure that for some of you what I just said doesn’t make any sense but I’m also sure there are a few of you who will understand exactly what I
There are also some other things i want to tell you,but i think it's not the right time and place.You'll probly hear it in my next fiction.
Anyway,let's try and go on with this report...
I don't have to much to say...just that i'm really proud of you. This is the spirit of a real squadron...in competition or not. Once again
CONGRATULATIONS ! I owe you some beer...lol


To be honest i'm not that sure that recruitment is such a priority right now.We still have some new pilots that didn't yet get aquanted with the
squad...and what we need the less is inactive pilots .Things will get back to normal i'm sure,but for nopw i think we should concentrate more on
training our new pilots than recruiting new ones.

I'm sorry folks,but i think there will be no news this week.I have problems again with the internet ,i wasn't even able to read our WC's report even
tho i got it this morning. I hate this connections!!!
Please forgive me....i don't even know what the status is in the competition.....goddddd...i hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here you go, part IV released! Enjoy! ;) *======================================* * TITLE: TIE Interceptor: Deadly Waltz * * PART: IV
(Chapter 1: The Rival) * * AUTHOR: CPT Tomaas Banys * *======================================* Art knew he was the best, and he
knew he was going for him. He rolled his Preybird on the right and gunned down the last TIE Advanced. He smiled seeing the craft explode. He
loved combat. And the boarding team reported that they seized the vessel and indeed, they headed for the hyperjump point. There was nothing
else Art could do, and he wanted some more action. "This is Templar Two, I'm going to pay a visit to those imps aboard. Can you handle the
things out alone, commander?" He smiled, knowing the answer before he heard the commander double-tap the comm. So, he was about to shot
few imps and maybe get a medal of courage. He approached the liner way too fast to get a steady landing - for a typical fighter pilot. He
managed to dock in the hangar and was about to jump off his figgie when he saw a man running towards him. The man was wearing simple
robes and he held a lightsaber in his right hand. "Hey Art!" "Hello Jeremy. Long time no see. Tell me, is that a lightsaber you wield at me?" "No,
not at you. I just managed to split three Siths into pieces. Ya know, I even caught the one who murdered Quin Wan. They were no match for me.
They really underestimate the power of the Jedi these days." The man smiled. "And it pays off to us. Would you join me in my quest for real
adventure?" He smiled again. "Art?" "Yea, that's why I'm here. Let's head for the bridge. I think that the imps might want to recapture the ship."
Wolfmaster fired a second shot, but it didn't hit either. The gunman was good and even hit the pilot. Tom's right hand was a piece of burned meat
- and nothing more. {Damn, I hate those heavy blaster pistols! Why does everyone seem to have one here?} He rolled behind the crates. Blaster
arrows missed him way too close for comfort. He was stranded. And then, he saw it. Two Sith warriors appeared from nowhere, cutting through
the flesh like it was air. The gunman cried wildly and attempted to shoot them. Pointless. His arms were on the deck while he was still standing
vertical. His last screams echoed down the corridor. "Pilot, is there any way we could overtake the ship?" One of the men asked and Tom felt
palpaple evil. Cold ran shivers down his spine. He wanted to answer that question, but instead he just shook his head in negation. The Sith
cursed and were about to continue their way too the bridge when suddenly they stopped and began moving towards Tomaas. He felt
uncomfortable as always near a force user. Instead of running, he stood where he was. And then he heard a voice behind him. "Great! We finally
managed to find some action. Art, take the officer, I'll handle the Sith." And the play began. The Sith were both quick, their movements didn't
follow the rules of gravity and Tomaas noticed the grace they moved with. Unfortunately, the newcomer jedi was faster and passed between them
in a quick move. One of the Sith fell down, split in two. The other one turned around and Tomaas saw that his intestines were out. The Sith didn't
notice that and commenced a perfect saber combo which should have sent the jedi to eternity. Again, the newcomer managed to parry all of the
swings and even seemed pleased to fight. Meanwhile, the other man pointed a blaster at Tomaas. "Do you have something to say before I blast
you out of your body, imperial?" The captain hesitated, but he eventually nodded. "Yes, I believe I have. But first of all, I want to know who I am
talking to." The man laughed. "Ya can call me Art. I am a NRAF fighter pilot. A real ace. I have blasted more than one hundred imperial fighters.
I... what is so funny to ya?" He saw Wolfmaster smile. "Nothing. It's just that you're no ace. Geez, you don't even have appropriate manners.
Know, boy, that you can't even qualify for a flight member in our squadron. You suck. Furthermore, you can't admit it, can't you? I wish you could
just shut up and do your job. At least save me this idiotic talking of yours and give me a clean, fast death. A warrior's death." In the back, the jedi
slashed furiously and the Sith couldn't block it anymore. He was too sleepy... he remembered the orange blade swing into his eyes before he lost
his life. His sould screamed in agony, being sucked into a nearby quasar. Art nodded. "If you wan't it so, okay. Say your prayers, pilot!" And he
pulled the trigger. Tomaas didn't feel the pain. He just felt blood in his mouth and everything went down red. He managed to keep standing. Art
pulled the trigger for few more times. Tomaas felt empty, so empty that in fact he realized he is no longer among people. He closed his eyes and
waited for a while. He felt nothing happening, so he decided to take a look around. He was aboard the Grey Wolf. He recognized the room. His
eyes widened as he saw commander Christina Vidrascu sitting on her bed, reading her mail. She was troubled but her look was impressive, as
always. {What am I doing here? I must've fallen asleep while on duty.} "Chrissy, we need to talk." He sat on the bed and looked at her. "I think
you're doing great with the squadron and I thought I... I... you people don't need me anymore. So I'll just leave." He waited for her to say
something, but she kept reading. "Well, you seem disinterested with the talk, so I'll leave then." She stood up and so did he. She moved towards
him and Tomaas was about to say that he is sorry when she just went through him. He turned around, seeing her put away the datapad and
checking the navigational charts. {That's impossible! It can't be happening, actually.} He was about to laugh out loudly when he saw his right arm
floating in the air in the same points of space his right lung theoretically was. His eyes went wet. Art kicked the dead body. Jeremy smiled. "It was
too easy. You should've let him fight you. Oh well, let's make our arrival to the bridge section." Both men left the dead behind. Mike Pawlowski
laughed. "Hey, Vulcan, it's been a long time. Have a seat. Try this." "What is it?" "Silencer 7. My best." He opened the bottle and filled the
glasses. He gave one to the pilot and raised his. "I wish ol' Tom could be here drinking with us. Where is he, anyway?" "He was sent an a luxury
liner with a lot of casinos, beautiful women and lots of alcohol. He'll do fine. In fact, I'm rather jealous, but he had no choice but to step down and
accept. His father made him step down, actually." "Nothing new. If I know him - and I do - he's totally mad about it and spends his time drinking
and making plans. Or he sits down in the simulations. By the way, I'm really close to finishing my fighter pilot course... I want to have that record
when I'll be joining you." "So, Tom did talked you in. Congratulations, then." "Yeah, well, he wanted me fly his wing. And you know I owe him much,
this way, I might be able to repay a bit." Fox smiled, not aware of Tomaas standing in front of him and trying to do something. All in vain.

"We're only human,borned to make mistakes"
by CPT DarkC

Chrissy finished reading her mail and layied on the bed.She was tired and her eyes sorred. This whole squadron managment stuff was really very
demanding and she was trying to do her best, even though sometimes she doubted her succes. The commandership was a very big
responsability and she knew that. She was supposed to be the best, always capable of helping her pilots. She wasn't allowed to fail.
All of a sudden she got scared. The pilots in the squadron were great and loved her very much. But did they really love her,or was it just respect
and loyalty for their commander?
She remembered the first time they've met. And remembered the friendship they shared before she became their commander.
All she was doing lately was just briefing them on their official missions and give them orders. She wasn't even able to sit there with them and
drink a beer or laugh at their jokes anymore.
But she was so proud of being Tartarus' commander!
She smiled...it was the first time in her life she was in charge and succes gave her so much satisfaction...She started to remember those times at
the beginning, when she joined the squad and how scared she was before she learned her ways around. She couldn't have done it without her
pilots which became her best friends.
Then all of a sudden her eyes went wet and a tear rolled down her cheek. She remembered Tom and all that happened since she met him. She
suddenly felt a desperate need to talk to him. But he wasn't there. And it was all her fault. He was the one who made her become the proud
woman she was today, he trusted her and all she did was hurting him. She made a promise to him and didn't keep it. For the first time in her life
she was a succsesfull woman and she was the center of others attention and she was happy. But she lost Tom. And she strated to miss all those
happy days when she stood in the cantina with her friends to talk and laugh.
Tears were rolling down her cheeks while she felt more and more alone and frieghtened.
The door oppened and Woobee shyly entered the room.
"Captain we're expecting you in the....what the...are you allright Chrissy? What's wrong?"
She raised her head and looked him staright in the eyes...
"I just want my friends back Brent!" she said through her tears.
"Hey,hey...come on captain...sit down and tell me what this is all about, maybe i can help you"
Chrissy wiped a tear from her face and sat on the bed...
" I was just thinking of Tom. We haven't hear anything from him since he decided to leave. This is all my fault Woob,i made him leave..and i miss
him so much!
I tryied to do my best, i didn't mean to hurt anyone,but let's face it...i'm a lousy commander.."
Woobee stood up and said "How can you even say that?"
" It's the truth Woob,all we've achieved was done by the squdron. We have great pilots,that's the secret."
"Chrissy,please stop doing this to yourself. When Tom decided to leave,it was his decision."
"No Woob, i made him take this decision. Because of my stupid pride. I placed pride before friendship . All i would have had to do was keep my
promise. But i didn't.
I loved being the most important person in the squadron and i was afraid that if i'd step down i'll be nothing else but an insignificant pilot. This is
the truth Brent. I was afraid you guys won't talk to me that much anymore if i wouldn't be your commander.
" Chrissy,don't be foolish! You said yourself we're a family. We all love you very much for the kind of person you are not for being our
"I know Brent. I know i was completly wrong and i'm sorry. But i think there is still time to straight things up."
She stood up and Woobee saw the light in her eyes....she felt releived all of a sudden.She took a deep breath and said:
"I know what i have to do. Find Tom as quickly as you can. I want him back here by all means. I will always treasure friendship more than pride.
She turned and oppened the window. The moon was rising and billions of stars were shinning. She saw a falling star and smiled. No one will ever
know what was the wish she made that moment...nor if it will ever come true.

------------------------------------------------- *======================================* * TITLE: TIE Interceptor: Deadly Waltz * * PART: V
(Chapter 2: The Secret) * * AUTHOR 1: CPT Tomaas Banys * * AUTHOR 2: LCM Arcadius Calidus *
*======================================* Vice Director Lagron sat in his office, reviewing the battle results of many fights going on
throughout the galaxy between the Emperor's Hammer and the Alliance. It seemed the Hammer was growing stronger, which needed to be put to
a stop immediately. Lagron was a small man yet he was respected anywhere he appeared. Everybody knew his importance. Without him, the
Alliance would be devastated by the Hammer. Only his constant flow of information made countermoves possible. He wasn't old, and appeared
quite handsome to most women he ever met. He wore black robes and behaved like he was a retired trader. All for public, completely false. In
fact, he was very powerful and was also the only human intel director. But he hid it. As all professionals do. He smiled as the lights dimmed. A
holo of a man appeared. "Jeremy White." "Serving the Senate, Director. Mission is a success. The liner is in our hands and we're awaiting
further instructions. However, there are no CS officers aboard. Just a bunch of other high-ranked people. Should we clean the mess and return
home?" "No. Fey'lya will want them intact. Proceed with the mission, White. And try to bring back any fallen ones. Temporarily. We need any
information we can gather right now." "As you command, Director." "Stay on high orbit, two. I'm picking a new pattern on my sensor grid and I'll
check it out. Maintain the patrol with the rest of the flight." A single snubfighter flew over the Zega Mountains. The planet was quiet, unlike the
name entry - Ka'Boom - in the galactic atlas. The pilot smiled to himself at the memory of his recent promotion to the position of squadron
commander. Hot squadron flew mostly X-Wings and it suited him very well. And his first patrol flight with his new wingmen went smoothly - just
until now. His R5 hooted, the sensor feed spilled out over the HUD. His X-wing's sensors had time to scan and identify the source of the signal,
however the pilot couldn't accept such rubbish data. "No, this is not what I want. You must've been mistaken with the interpretation, no way that
there's a class-A1 laboratory on the surface. Such things don't exist anymore, all were destroyed during the Clone Wars." The droid still threw out
data and the pilot read over them. {Impossible. This couldn't be true. I have to notify Control.} He punched a button, opening a link to the Control
when he saw it. The buildings were hidden in a valley deep down the mountains. {Weird, somebody should've detected it by now.} Two seconds
later, he saw a shuttle taking off. As the shuttle moved towards his X-Wing, he also saw the escorts. They were A-Wing interceptors, bearing
unknown IFF. Before he could check the HUD, he heard a quick series of beeps from coming from the droid. Five missiles. Then his X-Wing
exploded. Vice Admiral Khadgar walked into the bay, boarding his personal shuttle. He climbed into the seat and checked all the systems
aboard. He sighed with resignation. He'd like to fly his fighter, but he wanted to take some crates with him, so he decided for the Lambda-class
instead. As the shuttle took off, newly promoted Christina Vidrascu of Tartarus Squadron left the hangar in her way to the briefing room. Vice
Director Lagron smiled. He saw the shuttle leaving the mighty deuce and joining the escort. A quiet ring sounded. The man tapped a button
hidden in his desk. "Yes?" "Director, sir, this is Colonel Gastix of Colunda Intelligence Department. We lost a flight of X-Wings on a patrol around
Ka'Boom. We have no idea what destroyed them. We also have few sensor feeds and the patrol data log. Director Huree decided you should
know." "I see. I will send my best agents there." The director closed to comm. He was boiling with anger. His project has been compromised. SL
Pawlowski and LCM Calidus sat by a table in the cantina. "Argh... This thing is deadly!" Vulcan tried to breath deeply. "What a hell is it?!" Mike
laughed "It's my small secret... You'll get used to it" "I can't believe that... But at least I understand why is it called Silencer 7." "Yea..." Fox sighed
"I gotta go, I'm pretty tired, after all I just got here... but I love being an officer, especially an imperial one." Vulcan smiled. "Sure, cya" Fox left the
cantina to reach his quarters, but Vulcan stayed... Something was wrong. Tom didn't answer his calls, he didn't even inform them if he is still alive.
That was pretty unusual for a guy like him. "What's the matter Wolfie? " he thought "Where are you?" He felt strange... like someone was
watching him, but the place was empty. He raised a datapad and began reading the news. His instincts told him to check also some
'independent' sites Tom found when they were browsing the holonet. He read aloud: "Something about a liner with high ranked officers which
was taken by the Rebels." The name... "Emperor Raditz". It sounded familiar. Vulcan thought for a moment. His face went white and his eyes
widened. Tom was aboard that ship!!! Suddenly he saw a dark shape sitting next to him. "Man, this Silencer thing is too strong..." "No! It's me
Vulcan." "What a... Wolf!!!" he couldn't believe his eyes. "That's it. If you see me, then it means I'm not among the living anymore. I just wanted to
say that this squadron can live without me... Chistina is a great commander and you're all great pilots. What we did together is fantastic and it
seems to me that you'll achieve more... much more. But I won't be there to see it. I shall rest now. Forever." "NOOOO!!! WOLFMASTER!!! We
need You! You're our friend, you can't leave us like that!" Vulcan jumped up but the dark shadow was gone. For a moment he thought it was all
just a dream, a nightmare. But it was true. The Tartarus Squadron needed Tom. They all needed him, he was their friend. He couldn't leave them.
He ran out of the cantina with tears in his eyes, determined to do everything what's possible to save his friend. MC-80b Paladin opened the
hypergate and jumped into the light. The liner followed. While hypergate technology required a lot of effort and massive crews, it allowed to
achieve much greater speeds than the hyperspace. And the Paladin was able, though barely, to travel from one side of the galaxy to another
within minutes. As any other vessels that followed the mighty Mon Cal. Jeremy and the young Jedi Initiate walked into the dark quarters of the
master. Jeremy put his Lightsaber on a side table as he walked by it. The same kind of candle arangment was set up around Quin Wan's
bedside, but with many more candles. Jeremy walked up the small stair case to the elevated bed. The bed was higher than all the rest of the
room. Jeremy walked up to the right side of the master's bed and bowed. The other Jedi stepped on the left side and did the same. Jeremy
turned his back to the master and the young Jedi. Jeremy began to arrange some misplaced candles. "When will I begin my training?" the initiate
asked White. Jeremy though the question to be somewhat annoying. He didn't turn around to answer it. "When the master awakens from his
trance..." he replied. He left the young man with the master and left for the medical facility. Tomaas floated in the vacuum of space. {That's funny. I
didn't know I am still able to sense anything, and of course, think clearly. Is this the end itself?} Time was relative and he felt lost. His wounds
burned him with live fire and he couldn't stand it, but there was nothing he could do. "My sword, I need no longer. The evening wind will carry me
home." He smiled, hearing his words. The ancient poetry reflected his feelings and he couldn't resist of saying the line aloud. Unlike before, he
felt stronger than ever. {Too bad I'm dead.} He smiled nervously. The wounds burned, but he'll get used to it... some day. {I can't help myself
thinking of stupid things, can't I?} Even before he felt the presence, he knew something changed. His particles were sucked in by a power yet
never sensed by the pilot. {What the-} The psychodelic colors he saw didn't make him feel better. He fought with the pain and tried to sense
something, but it was not possible. Especially when his head shook in festival of damage. Though it wasn't physical, it did rendered him stunned.
And deep inside, he escaped into a coma. He felt nothing. Jeremy White entered the medical bay and noticed that the pilot was dying. Artificially
brought back to life, the organism was barely functioning and the jedi couldn't do much about it. He watched the flatlines. All primary functions
were ceasing... except for the brain group. The brain seemed okay. White smiled. {Excellent. I always wanted to experiment with the droids.} Few
years back, White almost built a cyborg, but the brain didn't live long enough for the cyborg to do anything. This time, it was different. White
smiled again, lighting up his lightsaber. The medical staff turned around to the bed. All quiet. As the door slid open, Christina knew something
was wrong. Before Vulcan ran into her quarters, she managed to catch a blanket and hide her naked body under it. She was embarassed and
very upset. "Now, Lieutenant Commander Arcadius Calidus, what a nice visit you pay to me. Can't you see I'm off-duty?! Would you at least be
so kind to knock?! Maybe you seldom do this, but I am a woman! And you are a rude... excuse for an officer..." She stopped. Vulcan seemed
really embarassed, but the look in his eyes told her that it was way more important than it looked at first glance. "What is it?" Vulcan tried to
remain calm, but his voice sounded more like a squeak. "Tomaas is dead." He fell on the floor unconscious.

You're probably a bit confused right now....lol.It's my fault....i decided to print the fictions in this order...and that's only because they're connected....you'll see...if you
want to know what really happened with Wolfmaster...and some things about your commander's past...stay tunned till next week:)

This time you will have to endure a special dedication for one of my special friends...i hope you'll like it

"Day after day time passes by
And i can't get you out of my mind
Nobody knows,i've hidded inside
I keep on surching but i can't find.
I'm looking back and now i wonder
What in God's name happened to me and you
The day i met you,love hitted me like a thunder
But now you're gone and i just don't know what to do.
Seems like i'm one step away of loosing you
The only person that i loved in my entire life
But there just has to be a way to work this through
Because this whole incertitude is cutting like a knife.
I know you'll say things are easier to be said then done
I said these things before and all i did was disapointing you
But please,just give me one more chance,you know you are my only one
You know i'd give my life and everything i have to be with you!
I may have made mistakes,i know i should be punished
Maybe it is too much to ask you to forgive me
But i just can't believe that all the feelings that we had just vanished
I really love you! this is what i think i'm begging you to see.
I'm only praying you can fall inlove with me again
I only wish you'd love and trust me one more time
I want all back...all that we had
Those endless moments when we never stoped being so happy.
What can i do to stop us both feeling so bad
To be the same again,you think it's possible it'll ever be?
Please say you do,please give me one more hope to live again
To dry those tears,to be your sexy sweet,
This can't be it,there's more than memories,much more for us to gain
If i am wrong i guess my heart will stop to beat.
But if i let you go,i'll never know
What my life could be holding you close to me.
Will i ever see you smiling back at me?
How will i know if i let you go?


No medals this week,but i'm sure there will be alot comming next week:P

No promotions this week.Unfortunately i just got Mike's first battle this morning so i didn't have the time to get his promotion.Lol...but it's on it's


We proved that even though we don't have too much MP activity ussualy,you all tried the best you could durring this competition..and i'm proud of
you:) it doesn't matter if you won or lost...you were there to represent Tartarus,and this is the only thing that matters.


Marksman 2nd - COLWoobee(24)

Certified - CPT Tomaas Banys (8)

Trainee (1) - LCMLeslaw(2), LCM Jatz Crakker (1),LCM Arcadius Calidus (1)

None (0) - CM DarkC, LT Tk-7253,LT Song Dynasty,SL Mike Pawlowski


Not as many changings as last week,but we have one...LCM Vulcan became a Knight. Congratulations!

Legionnaire (500) - COL Woobee (538),CM DarkC (590)

Centurion (400) - CPT Tomaas Banys (472)

Paladin (300) - LCM Jatz Crakker (355),CMLeslaw(396) ,LCM Arcadius Calidus (316)

None (0) - SL Mike Pawlowski (7) ,LT Song Dynasty (0),LT Tk-7253 (5)
There are still some bsf's i wasn't able to submitt today...but they will be taken care of don't worry.


Graphics and fiction competition

We really need some material for the webpage so we could outshine our mates from other squadrons. ISM for most creative people. The same
applies to the fiction writters. If it's good enough,ISM is yours. Our home page is improving everyday, but we can make it better....come on
guys,use your imagination!!:))
This started to work as i see....lol..keep them coming!


These are our results so far ,even though these will have to be updated...lol....i will have to check them again before i send the final report:)
CPT Tomaas Banys 454 p (FCHG rank promotion included)
LCM Vulcan 446 p(FCHG rank promotion included)
CM DarkC 414 p (FCHG rank promotion included)
COL Woobee 224 p(FCHG rank promotion included)
LCM Jatz Crakker 184 p
CM Leslaw 20 p
SL Mike Pawlowski 14 p
LT TK-7253 10 p
These scores do not include all the last bsf's you sent...and also i have to update the mp activity. I also am very confused about citations. Till last week we gained 15
then we lost those and this week we have about 11 more.Which one of those count?...lol...I Still expect some answers:)))


Hmmm...music again...lol. That means i have to think of something new and even something that you will like...hehe...to be honest this is quite difficult ,but i'll try...
Well....the song i love the most is Westlife's "When you're looking like that"


Depends on who (or what) you want to contact with. Jusk ask your CMDR:) .

We tried to do our best as ussual,so i'll just stop aking for more...lol.Honestly you were all great:)

Tartarus 1-1: CM DarkC (that's me...lol..for those who aren't aware of that) :I completed battles TC-TIE #117,118,122,123,124,126,130 &132;
TC-XvT #3,9 & 10 and free missions FTIE # 26,27,28 &29. I could and i should have done much more as you CMDR,but unfortunately i had
some problems at work as well as at home.

Tartarus 1-2 : CPT Tomaas Banys: Still the leader of this squadron:)) Flew battles TC-TIE #17,18 &19 , TC-XWA #2 &3. He also submitted part
IV and V of Deadly Waltz. A really great job captain....lol...but it's not ending here...hehe...wait and see:)

Tartarus 1-3 : SL Mike Pawlowski : Flew TC-TIE #185.Good work Mike...i really hope you start to feel at home here:)

Tartarus 2-1 : LCM JatzCrakker :Flew IW-XvT # 26 and TC-BoP # 2 &3.Good work mate:)

Tartarus 2-2 : LCM Arcadius Calidus : Flew TC-TIE # 9 & 69 and helped us get back those citations. He also started othe rbattles but due to his
version of TIE he coudn't finish them. Anyway you were great as always Vulc...thanks:)

Tartarus 2-3 :LT TK-7253 : Nothing this week.

Tartarus 3-1 : CM Leslaw : Unfortunately Les is sick so he couldn't fly anything this week :( I hope you'll feel better Les...i'm sorry i can't be of any
help with this.

Tartarus 3-2 : COLWoobee: Flew Tc-TIE # 172. Not as much as we were all hoping ,but as i said,sometimes we all have to remember we're only
human and we have other problems to take care about as well.
Anyway thank you Woob,for everything!

Tartarus 3-3 : LT Song Dynasty : Nothing this week...again...I'm sorry but i will have to become a bitchy commander now...This is your last
warning Nick...i'm sorry,i thought we can be friends ,but if you really don't care about what's going around here i don't think there is any point in
staying. If i don't get any message from you the next week,i'll be forced to start the procedures of sending you to reserves.


COMMANDER: CM DarkC (sweetchrissyro@yahoo.com)
NICKNAME: The Hellraisers
MOTTO: With Death, Comes Supreme Justice
HOMEPAGE: http://www.powerup.com.au/~rbmcd/Tartarus
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=36&v=0&s=1

Nickname: Masters of Torment
Motto: Real Men don't need shields.
1) CM DarkC
2) CPT Tomaas Banys
3) SL Mike Pawlowski
4) TBA

Nickname: The Emperor's Shackles
Motto: Sending fools into the pits of Tartarus
1)LCM Jatz Crakker
2) LCM Arcadius Calidus
3) LT TK-7253
4) TBA

Nickname: The Imperial Lunatics
Motto: Wake up and smell the burning rebels
1) CM Leslaw
2) COL Woobee
3) LT Song Dynasty
4) TBA


Well guys, i think this is the right time to tell you i'm really proud of you.
I know i asked very much from you these weeks and sometimes i might have sounded even rude. But all i wanted was to get your whole attention
and have you all concentrate on this competition. Because as we proved, we are a great squadron...i'm only happy i made you feel the same
way. Although,i neglected the fact that you might also have other problems. And i really am sorry about that. I also had a lot of problems durring
these weeks but i tried to hide them from you,maybe it was a mistake.
Anyway,now that the competition is over,things won't be as tough as before....i mean you will be permitted some time off...lol.And i mean it!
Starting from next week fly only when you really feel like it.I know i'm not supposed to say this,but we're all human and i've learned some things
about you lately...so just trust me:)
I declare next week a week of rest for everyone..even if this will make me be punished by my superiors. But....there is something i'm asking you
to do next week though...i want you all to email me...it doesn't need to be official, and talk about yourself and your feelings. I need to know
everything about you to be able to help you when you need me.Please!

Well guys,as you all know we lost a lot of citations last week,but with your help we got a lot of those back...lol.And i want more,as ussual:) Anyway
11 citations gain it's great:)))
Squadron Citations (37):
TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 6 - Destruction
TIE-TC Battle 7 - Betrayal
TIE-TC Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TIE-TC Battle 15 - Special Operations
TIE-TC Battle 17 - Zaarins Missile Boats
TIE-TC Battle 18 - Interception
TIE-TC Battle 26 - The Dark Troopers
TIE-TC Battle 28 - Conquest
TIE-TC Battle 30 - Save the Emperors Archives
TIE-TC Battle 36 - Weekend Retreat
TIE-TC Battle 69 - Point Patrol
TIE-TC Battle 121 - Battle of Principles
XvT-TC Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
XvT-TC Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC Battle 7 - The Resupply
XvT-TC Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
XvT-TC Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
XvT-TC Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
XvT-TC Battle 11 - Krayt Squadron Training
XvT-TC Battle 12 - Odin's Redemption
XvT-TC Battle 13 - Graduates, Graduate!
XvT-TC Battle 14 - Orion Base Crisis
XvT-IW Battle 10 - Hunt for Fleet #18
XvT-IW Battle 12 - The Miranda Passage
XvT-IW Battle 23 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
XvT-IW Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
XvT-DB Battle 1 - Jedi Academy
XvT-DB Battle 2 - Rascar Political Disruption


As i said you gained yourself a week of rest...but if you want to fly....there are stll a lot of those battles i told you about...just do them:)

As i said these weeks were very demanding and i know you are all very tired. We worked a lot...but i think it was worth...what do you think?
I know that because of this presure some of you had problems....those will pass,believe me. Just trust your friends and always talk about your

I have received some more pilot files late yesterday and this morning.I have included all the battles in my report,but unfortunately there are still
some pilot files i haven't been able to submit because of some problems with the tiecorps page.Anyway,don't worry all your bsf's will be taken
care of.
I love you all very much and remember...each pilot in this squad is important...no mather what his position is.

Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/CPT DarkC/Tartarus/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
WC's OWN for MAY 2001
sweetchrissyro@yahoo.com [ +4093725668]

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