Phoenix Report # 23 (2001-10-27)

This report was submitted by MAJ Wes Janson

Well, an interesting week :P

Well, it's been a fairly dead week. has been closing me out of my Admin section (Hence, your BSFs not being done Delak & Luke). Which reminds me... I'd like to see two battles from each of you every week. It's not a difficult task, so hop to it :) I would also like everyone to complete all the XvT Battles for the Squadron, to give us around 30 Citations or so.
At his request, LT Exterminate will be moved to the Reserves, pending Flight Office approval.

-LCM Brucmack was promoted to COO/RA! Go Brucmack! :P
-AD Cyric is on leave.
-SCIII Scores and MSE Medals will be dealt with when he returns :)
-LC Marcin Szydlowski will be transferring to the Intrepid soon
-CM DyrDiablo was thrown out of the wing for Gross Misconduct (Among other things). Anyone in my Squadron found to be doing the same will be shot.
-CPT DarkC will be trading the Tartarus CMDR spot back with CPT Banys. It's been a damned fine run, DarkC :) Excellent work with Tartarus :)
-There is a competition being planned for Phoenix/Tartarus/Vortex. Stay tuned.
-EH vs NRN War results announced... the EH wins (Barely) :P

[CMDR] IRC mainly... I should be finishing off everything I can this weekend.
[1-2] LCM Mad Max: Nothing this week. He's been busy in RL :)
[1-3] LT Delak Krennel: Awarded 2 LoC's, on the webpage team :)
[1-4] LCM Black Knight: Started webpage, IRC

[2-1] CPT Con Selar: Nothing this week
[2-2] TBA
[2-3] MAJ Seggybop: Nothing this week
[2-4] LT Exterminate: Pending FO Approval, he's moving to the RSV's

[3-1] CM Cmr Brown: E-mail contact. Battles next week?? :P
[3-2] LT Luke Waterwalker: Nothing this week.
[3-3] LT Chris Starshade: E-mail me. One more week and you'll be AWOLed
[3-4] LCM Kommandor: No contact. Still.

Something from LT Krennel :)

The day began well as i reported to the mission briefing room on board the Grey Wolf. As i was walking through the halls i thought to myself,
"How many great man have been through these halls so many times before me? I know of a few such as Khadgar, Cyric, and of course Brucmack."
I entered the briefing room just in time to be a distraction to the pilots who were already in briefing. I quickly saluted Maj Janson and went to my seat and sat down.

"Alright men now we can begin the briefing", Janson said quickly. "We have a new pilot in our midst men I would like to introduce you all to Lt Delak Krennel."

I stood up Saluted everyone and sat down so the briefing could continue.

"I would like you all to get him used to flying these Tie Interceptors as he is so used to flying shielded vessels like the famous tie advanced fighter," Janson continued, "now on to our mission for today, we have been ordered to report to the tatooine sector to patrol for rebel craft suspected to be transporting several freighters containing warheads and space drive parts that they stole from us,"

Brucmack stood up and said, "as my last mission with the Greywolf i would like to say thank you for being such good friends to me and I will not let you down."

Everyone in the briefing room started clapping and saying" don't worry bruc we're sure you won't."

"Meeting dismissed everyone get to your fighters asap." Janson dismissed the pilots.

I began walking down the halls to the hangar deck and thought to myself, "Where will i be in the amount of time i have been in the corps like bruc has, He has been here for a while and look where he has gotten to he is a Coo now."

I at that point entered the hangar for my first Mission on the Grey Wolf as part of Phoenix Squadron.


I rather like it :) Is it going to be a continuing series, Delak? :)

One's on the way between Phoenix/Tartarus/Vortex (May be switched to the entire GW though) so keep your eyes peeled :)

Zone Sunday [XWA]
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST ( 18:00 - 19:30 GMT )
Place: MSN Gaming Zone
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner

Tempest Storm [XWA][XvT][JK]
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 PM EST ( 0:30 - 3:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #tempest ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner

No competitions right now.

Greenwich Wolf Competition [XWA][XvT]
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM EST ( 20:30 - 22:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #wingxiii ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

ASF Competition [XWA][XvT]
Time: 7:00 - 10:30 PM EST ( 00:00 - 03:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #eh_asf ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Thursday Night Training [XWA][XvT]
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST ( 01:00 - 04:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #avenger ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

No competition right now

EuroComp [XWA][XvT]
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM EST ( 15:00 - 16:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #euroloc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Kampfgemetzel [XWA]
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST ( 18:00 - 21:00 GMT )
Place: MSN Gaming Zone
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner

Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet:
Commander: Grand Admiral Ronin -
IRC Channel: #emperor's_hammer

Emperor's Hammer Tie Corps:
Commander: Fleet Admiral Priyum Patel -
IRC Channel: #tiecorps

Agressor Strike Force:
Commander: Vice Admiral Cyric -
IRC Channel: #eh_asf

Imperial Star Destroyer Mk.II "Prowling Death" Grey Wolf:
Commodore: Rear Admiral Khadgar -
IRC Channel: #wingxiii

13th Imperial Starfigher Wing "The Wolf Pack":
Commander: Major Azazel -
Website: see above
IRC Channel: see above

49th Imperial Starfighter Squadron "The Empires Hunters" Phoenix:
Commander: MAJ Wes Janson -
Website: TBA
IRC Channel: #Phoenix_Squadron

Stay tuned next week... same Bat time... same Bat channel...

Wing XIII Comedian And All Around Looney,
ASF Propaganda Office, Alpha Detachment Coordinator,
CMDR-TCT/MAJ Wes Janson/Phoenix/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
ISD Grey Wolf's COM Protector, May/June/July 2001
~~Phoenix Squadron - WC's Own - July/August 2001~~

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