Spear Report # 30 (2001-09-30)

This report was submitted by MAJ Krax Tarnisar

CMDR/MAJ Krax Tarnisar reporting in for Spear Squadron on September 30, 2001

Fleet News
For the latest, or just for a laugh, check out http://www.tiecorps.org/news.asp. Or not. Your CO reports, you decide.

Wing News
The latest BG Competition continues, with the Relentless turning in a good showing overall. There have been some roster changes, mainly in Hammer. Other than that, life in the Wing continues on. Still no official word about who won the overall fiction phase.

Squadron News
Priority Alpha-One: We're in the middle of Phase II of the competition. I posted what's expected to the mailing list earlier this week, and expect to hear from you soon regarding what you'd like to work on. The sooner I can get started coding the mission, the sooner we can get it tested and in.

This competition is about something more than just winning. It's about Wing IX and the Relentless showing pride. The Fighting Ninth is a proud wing, honed to a sharp edge by a succession of skilled commanders and, more importantly, dedicated pilots. We have a tradition to uphold. Now, if you find that you don't have the time to do that (because of school, real life issues, or anything else), just ask to be posted to the Reserves. There's no shame in that. You can always come back to Spear once your schedule has cleared. I'd rather shift pilots to the Reserves and welcome them back later than have someone who isn't going to be active riding the roster and dragging the squadron's performance down. Now's the time to step forward and be counted or step back and make room for others. Be warned - I will be AWOLing people who don't participate in this competition and don't provide me with a reason for their inactivity.

Activity Reports
CMDR/MAJ Krax Tarnisar: Did commander stuff, including this report - posted ideas for the mission design phase of the competition

FM/LCM Darkheart: No contact - report in ASAP

FL/CM Argyle Ironfist (XO): Checked in - flew some missions

FM/LT Owen: Checked in

FL/CM Jodo Kast: Checked in

FM/LT K'itth'raw'namec: Awaiting posting away from Spear

FM/LT Zuckuss: Checked in

Remember - don't cheat!

Don't forget your monthly evaluations!

Is your contact information correct? Look over the roster and make sure that your e-mail address is the same as the one listed. If not, let me know ASAP.

There's a poll up at the site that hosts the squadron mailing list. Take a look and cast your vote.

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: MAJ Krax Tarnisar (miner49er@excite.com) - #4626
NICKNAME: The Fearless Spear
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/spear.jpg
MOTTO: We do not forget our mortality; we deny it!
HOME PAGE: http://spearsquadron.ehonline.org
MESSAGE BOARD: http://fightingninth.org

Nickname: Halberd
Motto: Strike from afar!
1) MAJ Krax Tarnisar (miner49er@excite.com) - #4626
2) TBA
3) LCM Darkheart (dark_jedimaster_99@yahoo.com) - #4352
4) TBA

Nickname: Viking
Motto: Harbinger of Terror!
1) LCM Argyle Ironfist (Argyle_Ironfist@hotmail.com) - #4227
2) LT Owen (oamanby@aol.com) - #4218
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Pilum
Motto: Certain Striker
1) CM Jodo Kast (pantera_63@hotmail.com) - #686
2) LT Zuckuss
3) TBA
4) LT K'itth'raw'namec (andrewwatts07@hotmail.com) - #7287

Total: 7

Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/MAJ Krax Tarnisar/Spear/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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