Tav Report # 0 (2001-10-08)

This report was submitted by CM Jack Pavz

Disclaimer - the following report may contain sarcastic, rude, or even blasphemous comments about certain people.  Please take no heed, as Pavz is turning into a bitter man, and doesn't want to get in trouble for any more stupid misunderstandings.  Let the man do his job he loves you.

Tav Squadron Weekly Report 2001.10.08
Commander Jack Pavz Commanding


Fleet News
www.tiecorps.org/news.asp - Same bat time, same bat channel.  As always. :-P

Wing News
Stuff happened...


Greetings all!

Wow, I can't believe 'tis already been a week.  I was either busy or sleeping.  more busy thaqn sleeping.  And the rest of you were deliciously busy as well.  Ok, let's get to it...

Once again we flew, participated in comps, and stuff like that.  However, SOME people think they can just lay around in their cushy FL positions all day.  ::takes out his cane, swishes it wistfully, then puts it away::  Don't let this happen too long.  Both of you, but especially Castor.  Let's see a mail at least, if not one or two pilot files!

Citations gained because of Powerslave's (and a little bit of mine) good good flying.  Now all we need is the rest of you dolts to step into the combat simulator now and then.  No more hiding out in the bar!  ::shakes head at Argon, who's supposed to be a role model:: :-P

Finally, you've all done a good job this month trying to complete my objectives.  I'll be sending out a couple mails soon, to sum up last month's objectives as well as to give you ones for October.

This week in quotes:

[14:53] <Primeous> I am the god of soldering, muahaha
[14:53] <Argon`> okay...
[14:53] <Primeous> I'm playing with my new soldering iron, hehe
[14:54] <Primeous> who needs computer games when you can melt metal
[14:54] <Primeous> or carve your initials in plastic
[14:54] <Primeous> ooooh, or this wood desk

[22:27] <Primeous> yeah, I'm pretty good at typing drunk
[22:27] <Primeous> at least until shot #10 or so
[22:27] <Primeous> 10 is the magic number
And a half hour later...
[22:52] <Primeous> 10 is myy gmaic number
[22:53] <Pavz> Go to bed now

[16:02] * Pavz pokes Flelmo in the eye.
[16:02] <Pavz> IFIDEL!
[16:02] <Flelmo> Infidel?
[16:02] * Pavz smashes his keyboard against the wall
[16:03] <Flelmo> Or you're the dictator of a Caribbean island nation?

[22:25] <COL_Ford> They promoted you to LCM now that you've got COO? :P
[22:25] <LCM_Mack> nah, that was my WC, promoting me without asking :P
[22:25] <LCM_Mack> and I haven't heard anything about the COO thing being final :)
[22:25] <COL_Ford> The ungrateful wretch.

[22:56] <SureFire> [Crimster] Fear My Hot Pants!
[22:56] <Crimster> fear them
[22:56] <ShadwHawk> lol
[22:57] <Primeous> I'm not afraid
[22:57] <Primeous> I"m too drnk to be afarid
[22:57] <Primeous> I am inviiinciblee
[22:57] <Crimster> understandable :)

Ok, well, the MSE will be sent out soon, to those higher-up-dude-type-people.  And by soon I mean by Friday.  And by Friday depends on whether I have much schoolwork.  So, at worst, expect it by... Halloween :-P.  That's all folks! Activity report and roster follow, as per usual.

- Commander Jack Pavz
CMDR/CM Jack Pavz/Tav/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
[PLDN] {IWATS-CBX-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/2}


CM Jack Pavz
- sent out Tav Objectives for October
- Present on IRC and AIM
- placed second in the Sov readiness comp for XvT and recieved an IS-SW!
- flew XvT-FREE 50
- flew TIE-FREE 160
- flew XWA-FREE 29
- flew TIE-TC 15
- flew TIE-TC 13
- Reported in

LT Dark Zealot
- Hello?  Where are you?

LT Castor Troy
- ::grabs Castor by the collar:: Do something man!  Where the hell are you?! (Yes, I realize the irony of me grabbing him by the collar, yet still asking him where he is.  If you caught that before reading this congratulations.  I don't care.)

LT Tonak
- contacted squad through e-mail
- On leave until tomorrow

LCM Argon Viper
- contacted CMDR, squad, and wing through E-mail
- present on IRC
- any news on the Flight 3 comp?  Hmm?

CM Powerslave
- contacted CMDR through E-mail
- present on IRC
- flew TIE-TC 8
- flew XWA-FCHG 1
- flew XWA-TC 14
- flew TIE-TC 173
- flew XWA-FCHG 2
- subsequently, became CMDR's pet

LT Evo Sarnok
- Was in contact with CMDR, that's all though :-P

COMMANDER: CM Jack Pavz (thepavz@hotmail.com)
BANNER: tav.jpg
MOTTO: To Attack Is To Defend
HOMEPAGE: http://tavsquadron.homestead.com/open.html

1) CM Jack Pavz (thepavz@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Dark Zealot (DarkZealot88@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

1) LT Castor Troy (ry--guy@juno.com)
2) TBA
3) LT Tonak (gwesty5@aol.com)
4) TBA

1) LCM Argon Viper (tkuersten@shastalink.k12.ca.us)
2) CM Powerslave (kallianiotis_kostas@hotmail.com)
3) LT Evo Sarnok (mmilli_esq@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Total: 7
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (9 - yes, I'll upload the other one soon. :-P)

Squadron Citations (15):
   TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
   TIE-TC Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
   TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
   TIE-TC Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
   TIE-TC Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
   TIE-TC Battle 6 - Destruction
   TIE-TC Battle 7 - Betrayal
   TIE-TC Battle 8 - Strike Against the Pirates
   TIE-TC Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
   TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
   TIE-TC Battle 12 - Jedi Hunt
   TIE-TC Battle 13 - Finding the Lakul
   TIE-TC Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
   TIE-TC Battle 15 - Special Operations
   TIE-TC Battle 165 - The Hunt for Zsinj

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