Falcon Report # 44 (2001-10-08)

This report was submitted by MAJ Darksaber

Falcon News

LCM Michael Gutt is back from Leave and Changed his Email to christiguthridge@home.com

Falcon Squadron got a New Citation : TC XWA 18

By Team Work, Falcon Squadron created Free XWA " The Battle of Stoke " for the ECR4

Falcon Orders

Stay sharp for more ECR 4 Action

Exercise Cantina Run - the BGCOM's fourth

The first round has ended, fiction, and so far I'm enjoying what you all came up with so far.. except some pilots that called me a 'he' :P The overall participation of the Battlegroups was less than what I expected.. 72 entries out of a possible 133 - 54%. But there are quite a few things to take into consideration here, school starting, the recent terrorist attacks in NYC and Washington... so heads won't roll... yet :P The Colossus and Relentless have both shown quite a strong lead, both managing to get more than 3/4 of their ships to submit a fiction. The Immortal is lurking closely behind with a little over a half of the ship participating.. and the Challenge.. well seems to be fictionally challenged and could only muster up a little more than a 1/4 of the ship worth of submissions. It will be interesting to see what happens after the stories are graded ;)

Round II - Mission Design

Mission Design is not everyones strongest point.. it takes experience as a pilot, and practice using the mission editors to make really good quality missions. For this reason, I am not asking that each and every pilot download the appropriate mission editors and whip up a free mission just to get participation points. What I'm looking for in this phase of the competition, is some quality, fun to fly and bug-free FREE missions based on Imperial Storm.

In order to achieve this, I expect each squadron to submit 1 FREE-mission (XWA, TIE or XvT) (no battles will be accepted). Simple enough.. for a squadron to achieve 100%, I expect the commanders of each squadron to organize this as a team project and each pilot assist in the creation somehow, be it writing the plotline, creating the mission, creating a medal for the mission, bug testing, and/or correcting. If pilots have bug tested the mission, I would like to see their pilot files, and in the readme file I would like to see the names of each pilot and how they contributed, and I trust all commanders to be truthful in their reports >:P

Flag Officers, you are considered a squadron of your own, so you must also contribute a FREE-mission, or prove to me that you've assisted a smaller squad on your ship (ie. if you've bug tested the mission, send me your pilot file) . With this phase, I hope to see a lot of communication and co-operation between all members of the squadrons. I expect nothing less than top notch missions here pilots!

Grading for this phase will be based on several factors, 1. creativity (plotline, briefing) 2. difficulty (ie. mission changes on different difficulty settings)
Remember that all ship names and planets must be Imperial Storm related, and just like the fiction phase, you are allowed to make stuff up :P ie. pirates that are present on a planet system that we are attempting to capture, etc.. etc..

Currently, I am working out how to award medals for this phase, but am hoping the TO and OPS will agree to IS-GR to all participating members of the winning squadron FREE-mission, IS-SR to second place, and IS-BR to third place. Points will be awarded according to the details reported with the Training Office (see below)

Details ( as posted with the Training Office ):

Exercise Cantina Run IV - With Imperial Storm coming to a close, this competition will involve making this exercise more of a reality. Pilots are asked to create 1.fiction 2.missions 3.graphics and 4.fly missions which are all related to the events which have (or should have :P ) happened. Each category will last 2 weeks, with the final overall winner being named the Flagship of the Battlegroups - all members of this ship will be rewarded with a custom made medallion. Points will be awarded for both quality of submissions and participation. Submissions not relating to Imperial Storm (ship and planet names etc.) will not be accepted.

For the pilots' submissions in each round, the following bonus points will be awarded to their respective ship:

1st place - 15 points & IS-GR
2nd place - 10 points & IS-SR
3rd place - 5 points & IS-BR
4th place - 3 points

(in the case of the flying round , Ribbons will be replaced with Wings)

Ship bonuses will be awarded by participation:

100% participation - 10 points
90-100 - 9 points
80-90 - 8 points
70-80 - 7 points
60-70 - 6 points
50-60 - 5 points
40-50 - 4 points
etc.. well, anything less than that is unacceptable :P

For each round, submissions will be scored and rated, based on averages, the ships will be ranked 1st - 4th and points awarded like so :

1st - 35 points
2nd - 25 points
3rd - 15 points
4th - 10 points

In the end, the ship with the highest points wins! Good luck pilots :)

BGCOM/VA Adrenaline/ISD Relentless/Tie Corps Battlegroups
SW Adrenaline (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto,WR-PM/DC-KC-O-C/(BNAg)/CoL
adrenaline@tiecorps.org {PIN #2174}
~~Miss EH 2001~~
Bio Comp

Write a Short Fiction Bio about Yourself and send it to XO CM Dark Hawk (p.bobenmoyer@worldnet.att.net) While Ccing me. Best Bio gets a FalconĀ“s Talon Medal.

A Falcon Flight II Vs Demon Flight III Comp is being set.

A Falcon Vs Demon Comp is also Possible

Activity Reports

MAJ Darksaber ( 449 )

Being A-WC

Flown Free Tie 41 ( + 1 )

LCM Hunter ( 600 )

Changed his Name to LCM Hunter

Flown IW XWA 23 with battle HS and 3 Mission HSs ( + 13 )

Flown TC XWA 18 with Battle HS and 4 Mission HSs ( + 14 )

LT Atican ( 235 )

Did a Graph ( + 3 )

LT Kurt Williams ( 46 )

Reported in

LCM Michael Gutt ( 224 )

Back From Leave

Changed his Email to christiguthridge@home.com

CPT Gord Darkonian ( 812 )

Reported in

CM Dark Hawk ( 218 )

Reported in - With the Flu

CPT Mikkel Filla ( 112 )

No Contact

COMMANDER: MAJ Darksaber (darksaber_mpk@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: Birds of Prey
BANNER: falcon.jpg
MOTTO: If it absolutely has to be destroyed overnight, call Falcon.
HOMEPAGE: http://falcon.isdimmortal.net/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=31&v=1&s=0

Nickname: The Quartet of Deliverance
Motto: Now is the death of doers of wrong.
1) MAJ Darksaber (darksaber_mpk@hotmail.com)
2) LCM Hunter (nicknich17@yahoo.com)
3) LT Atican (claudius_caesar@hotmail.com)
4) LT Kurt Williams (kurt_12@hotmail.com)

Nickname: Havoc's Reign
Motto: Feel the Power!
Homepage: http://members.tripod.com/eh_warrior/index.htm
1) LCM Michael Gutt (cguthridge@home.com)
2) CPT Gord Darkonian (darkwingvader@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Hand of Darkness
Motto: History will be kind to us; for we intend to write it.
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/paully33/home.html?994342179615
1) CM Dark Hawk (p.bobenmoyer@worldnet.att.net)
2) CPT Mikkel Filla (filla@gmx.net)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Citations (18):
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer
XWA-TC Battle 5 - Show of Force
XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
XWA-TC Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
XWA-TC Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
XWA-TC Battle 13 - Hammer to Anvil Part II
XWA-TC Battle 14 - The History of the ISD Immortal
XWA-TC Battle 18 - Immortalized
XWA-IW Battle 22 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell
XWA-IW Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
XWA-IW Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship

This is the Falcon Squadron listing for the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard.

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)

[650] LCM Hunter
Centurion [CNTR] (400 points)

[444] CPT Gord Darkonian
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)

[266] MAJ Darksaber
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)

[191] LCM Michael Gutt
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)

[87] CM Dark Hawk
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)

[53] CPT Mikkel Filla
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

[40] LT Atican
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)

[11] LT Kurt Williams

This is the Falcon Squadron listing of Combat Ratings.

Certified (5 points)

[6] LCM Michael Gutt
Trainee (1 point)

[3] CM Dark Hawk
[2] CPT Gord Darkonian
[2] MAJ Darksaber
CMDR/MAJ Darksaber/Falcon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

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