Hey Report # 6 (2001-11-28)

This report was submitted by CM Josh Popelka

Hey Squadron Report for the week ended November 28, 2001.

Hey Hey! This report is a couple days later than I'd planned, but at least it's fairly on time. Yay me! Not a lot happened in the last week, that's good and bad. Let's get started.


I recieved the results of our CRT test Monday. We earned a CRR of 4, the highest we could achieve. Good work everyone!

We have our own IRC channel #HeySquadron, thanks to CM Autoris Maximus. Thanks Auto!

This really shouldn't be noteworthy, but I'm CMDR and this is my report :P I managed to attend the last Wing meeting Sunday for about five or ten minutes. Again, yay me!

CM Tvan'Oris continues his march towards 1000 FCHG points. He's at 908 pts or thereabout with a large amount of pilot files for me to BSF yet this week. Congratulations and good luck!

I've updated our squadron roster with the new Hey webpage. It was announced on our messageboard a while ago, but I've been busy with school. My apologies on the lateness of that.

That's all I can think of at the moment.


CM Autoris Maximus received an ISM for getting Ops in #EHCoc and managing a competition. Congrats Commander.
LCM Dierdre Varn received an MoI for helping to train SL Eckton Azori.
CM Neo Rising was awarded an LoA.
LCM Eriond Kath'Razzit was awarded an ISM for excellent work as a FL, XO and MO.

LC Kalar has instituted a Wing Commander's Honor Guard ongoing competition. See the Wing Report for details.

A Wing III veteran has returned to us: CPT Egg'Foo. Welcome back!

See Jahan's Wing Report for more Wing III News.


2,000 missions in the Mission Compendium
12:00 - FA Striker [striker@tiecorps.org]
327 Battles, 300 Free Missions, for a total of 2,000 missions online... check out the latest TAC report for the celebrations.

Monday · November 26 · 2001

Newsletter cover contest
09:19 - SA Kawolski [absurefire@aol.com]
Clues to the Newsletter cover contest have been revealed on the Executive Office homepage at http://www.kawolski.com. So far, nobody has figured out the puzzle. The IS-GR can still be yours!

More promotions
05:04 - FA Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
Congratulations to the following on their Flag Officer appointments today:

Rear Admiral Absolut Vodka - new Colossus Commodore
Lieutenant Colonel Drake - new VIII Wing Commander.

Subjugator COM Resigns
04:04 - FA Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
Due to unavoidable RL issues, Rear Admiral Smitrock has announced his decision to step down as Commodore of the ISD Subjugator and move to the Reserves. A new COM will be selected soon.

Friday · November 23 · 2001

XWA Week of War
13:11 - RA Brucmack [bjmacken@engmail.uwaterloo.ca]
The X-Wing Alliance Week of War starts today! Here is the URL to the war page:


For those of you that have flown in WoWs before, you should all know what to do :) For those that have not, check out the instructions for signing up in my COO Report #1.

Good luck and good hunting everyone!

TIE Corps Battlegroups Commander selected
06:49 - FA Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
I've finally made my decision on the new BGCOM...many congratulations to Vice Admiral Mell! Mell is a veteran of the Battlegroups and has all the command experience and skills I would require of any BGCOM. I'm sure that he'll not only carry on the good work of the previous BGCOMs, but also work to bring his own successes. Congrats Mell!

Thursday · November 22 · 2001

ECR Phase 1 results
14:53 - VA Mell [mell@isdcolossus.com]
After takiing into consideration the top 3 fictions sent in by the flag officers of each ship, the scores fell as follows:

ISD Colossus 24/30 -- 80%
ISD Immortal 17/32 -- 53%
ISD Challenge 13/48 -- 27%

TOP 3:

1) LC Absolut Vodka: 15 points and IS-GR
2) RA MAnitsas: 10 Points and IS-SR
3) MAJ Calvin Numb: 5 Points and IS-SR


1) ISD Colossus: 23 points
2) ISD Challenge: 17 points
3) ISD Immortal: 8 Points

The Tactical Office is finalising the Phase 2 scores. more when we get them in, until then, Colossus relish an early lead... will they hold it? Watch this space.

Flag Officer Appointments
11:14 - FA Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
A new Commodore for the ISD Vanguard has finally been selected. Congratulations to Rear Admiral Bevel Leeson! Accordingly, a new Wing Commander for Wing XV has also been chosen. Congratulations to Colonel Garik Hizad! Both of these Officers are long-standing members of the Vanguard, and I'm sure they'll serve my old ship well :)

I'm also pleased to congratulate the Wing XIII WC, Lieutenant Colonel Azazel, on his promotion to Colonel today.


CM Josh Popelka: CMDR stuff, active on e-mail and MB, attended Wing

LT Linoge: Flew XWA-TC #1, XWA-FREE #s 1-5, 8, 9, 15
XWA-FCHG #S 1, 2
Active on e-mail

CM Tvan'Oris: Flew XvT-TC #1-16, 18, XvT-IW # 10, 12, 17, 23, 25, 27
XvT-DB # 1, 2, 3, 5

LT Dirk Fireslinger: Active on e-mail

LT Maw'la: Flew XWA-FREE #34


COMMANDER: CM Josh Popelka (ehj_popelka@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: The Demon Guard
MOTTO: Darkness is our element.
HOMEPAGE: http://www.geocities.com/lcmtvanoris/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=26&v=0&s=0

Nickname: The Enraged
Motto: You play with fire, you're gonna get burned!
1) CM Josh Popelka (ehj_popelka@hotmail.com)
2) LT Linoge (maestusmortiis@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Hot Hands
Motto: So good we ought to be illegal
1) CM Tvan'Oris (tvanoris@hotmail.com)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Sky Knights
1) LT Dirk Fireslinger (Dirk_Fireslinger@qwest.net)
2) LT Maw'la (abxywing@netzero.net)
3) TBA
4) TBA


Fly for the FCHG comp mentioned in Jahan's Wing Report.

Communicate, use the squadron MB, mailing list, attend the wing meeting on Sundays if possible

Submit fiction or graphics to myself and CM Tvan'Oris to be posted on the squadron website

Be active and have fun!


Commander Josh Popelka
Hey Squadron Commander
CMDR/CM Josh Popelka/Hey/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign
GRD Josh Popelka (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto BN {SA:CORE--}

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