Slayer Report # 9 (2001-10-20)

This report was submitted by CM Yutzka Serovich

This week's grudge match:

TIEs vs. Ties

Serovich: Well time to compare another two unrelated
things. However we all like the Imperial Starfighter
Standard: The Sienar Fleet Systems Twin Ion Engine
(TIE) Fighter. Our very own LCM Phantom shall brief
you on the match.
Phantom: Thank you CMDR. The TIE Fighter is the
workhorse of the Imperial Navy. Cheap, effective, and
easy to mass produce, the TIE Fighter is the standard
space superiority unit of the Empire.
*a holoprojecter hums on with tactical data*
Phantom: It is highly maneuverable and capable of
outrunning almost all Rebel ships. It is able to jink
and weave with such agility as to make it a fair
target against any target. Also they are easily
deployed in waves overwhelming the enemy.
Serovich: Thank you LCM Phantom. Now to discuss the
"necessary evil" known as ties...
*Two men in suits w/ ties approach CM Serovich and
flash badges at him*
Man #1: CMDR Serovich, by order of the BGCOM Firefox
you are to apprehended for theft of his personal crate
of brandy that was stolen en route to his quarters.
Serovich: I was ordered on that mission by WC
Spencer... he said it contained a bomb from Rebels and
gave me some brandy found as a reward...
Man #2: I see. We will apprehend him too, but you
must come with us.
*Serovich screams like a little girl and hurls both
men with telekinesis towards a wall (jedi powers, oh
yeah!) and runs off through various corridors*

Morale: TIEs win battles over enemy ships, but ties
can win over anyone.

We finally will have a competition VERY soon. It is
currently being reviewed for approval. It will start
on wednesday the 24th and last a week and a half. It
will be a FREE-TIE mission against Yod Squadron
(thanks to Kell for getting them to us). I wont
release the number until the comp is officially
started. So clean out those fighters and be prepared
for inspection before competition! I expect
participation, you represent yourselves and the
squadron as a whole. Let us not become a squadron to
be laughed at...

Otherwise its been another slow week with all that
happens in school for us. Remember school takes
precidence, but drop a line every so often. Flight
reports will soon be added to the squadron report.
Both FLs (Kell and Turtle), you arent required to do
them, but if you make them, CC me and I'll start adding
them to my report. I like the initiative you are showing
keep it up and rewards are bound to come. :)


LCM Kell:
convinced LC Halcyon to get Yod to compete with us
Flew TIE-TC 188
Flew FREE-TC 169, 172 and got high scores for both!!!!
mailed out a flight report
has another pending review for high score
on mIRC
(YOU DA MAN THIS WEEK KELL!!! CM is very close...)

LCM Turtle:
Flew XWA-TC 16
mailed a flight report
on AIM

CM Serovich:
wrote report
wrote grudgematch
looking for squadron competitors
put in approval form for inter-squadron competition
on mIRC
on AIM


COMMANDER: CM Yutzka Serovich
NICKNAME: The Nightflyers.
MOTTO: "Per noctum volumus..."

Nickname: The Dark Shadows.
Motto: "The night, our forum. Victory, our forte."
1) CM Yutzka Serovich (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Dark Knights.
Motto: "Our honour is our life."
1) LCM Kell (
2) MAJ Ranthier Khaen (
3) LT Renee Jarylle (
4) LCM Phantom (

Nickname: The Eyes of Darkness.
Motto: "For a life spent in darkness, eternity is
1) LCM Turtle (
2) LCM Scid Rahn (
3) LT Krail Darkblade (
4) LT Jon Marius (

Squadron Citations (5):
TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 32 - Assassinate the Fleet Commander?
TIE-TC Battle 133 - Punishment Tour

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/CM Yutzka Serovich/Slayer/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

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