Kaph Report # 13 (2002-07-21)

This report was submitted by LC Guthwulf

LC Guthwulf reporting in for Kaph Squadron 07.21.2002.

Wing IV News

--- CPT Philo, Commander of Yod Squadron, has been promoted to the rank of MAJOR! Congratulations Philo!!

--- MAJ David is working on a Jedi Outcast level. He is in need of graphics preferrably in JPG format. He is mainly wanting advertisements, but any good graphics created will probably find their way in the level somehow. Also, for any writing on the graphics, he is requesting Aurubesh font (Imperial Code). E-mail MAJ David for more details.

--- MAJ David will be on leave for the next 2 weeks..heh, ok so wait a couple of weeks to email him if you want to help him with graphics then :P

Squadron News

--- CPT Paradox is on leave until tommorow. He is also currently trying to finish up his work on the Wing IV Trivia Comp.

--- Kaph vs. Teth Comp is still over. We are waiting on Minkus to get up and running so he can compile Teth's scores. Results will be out as soon as they can be.

--- LCM HicRic has achieved the FCHG rank of Gallant. Way to go HicRic!

--- CPT Paradox has been awarded an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon for getting 2nd place in the sovereign recruiting comp, web page division. Nice work sir!

--- LCM Tacky is on leave.

--- LC Guthwulf participated in the TII MP comp at the Zone. MAJ Philo and I teamed up and did pretty good. Won some, lost some and it was a lot of fun. If you are interested in particpating, please email me!

Squadron Orders

--- I decided to give us a break from full out competitions and instead just have an Kaph squadron comp. It is going to be an XWA battle this time around and I will announce more details later in the week. I realize that not all of you can fly XWA but if you can, please do. Medals will be awarded. Also, in future competitions, we will change platforms so that everyone gets an opportunity to fly whatever platform they like.

--- Recruit. That means if you know anyone who loves star wars, go get em. If you run into complete strangers online and they too like star wars, go get em. If you run into a raving lunatic online and they hate star wars, challenge them to a lightsaber duel!

Squadron Activity

--- LC Guthwulf - CMDR duties, Flew T/F Battle 199,XvT Battle 49, XvT Free Missions 20,96, flew in TII (6 matches or so).

--- COL Bilbo - In conact.

--- LC Sequoh Marden - On semi-vacation, in contact.

--- CPT Paradox - Working on Triva comp, In contact, on leave.

--- LCM HicRic - Flew T/F Battles 79,112,113,121,126,138,139,183

--- CPT Akhil Thantos - Flew T/F Battle 12.

--- LCM Tacky - In contact, On leave.

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: LC Guthwulf (Guth@insightbb.com)
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Reapers
MOTTO: We Will Succeed...There's No Other Choice

Nickname: The Wulfpack
Motto: There is always the Wulf
1) LC Guthwulf (Guth@insightbb.com)
2) COL Bilbo (perrote42@aol.com)
3) LC Sequoh Marden (kamm@incasoftware.de)
4) TBA

Nickname: Ruber Et Niger: The Red and Black
Motto: Si Vis Pacem; Para Bellum: If you want Peace; Prepare for War
1) CPT Paradox (SaxophonistD@aol.com)
2) LCM HicRic (RFWarlock@aol.com)
3) CPT Akhil Thantos (akhil_thantos@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: Keiran
Motto: Fly With The Best, Die Like The Rest
1) LCM Tacky (Aries20414@cs.com)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 7

Squadron Citations (7):
TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TIE-TC Battle 31 - Hidden Agenda
TIE-TC Battle 108 - Unexplored Territory
TIE-TC Battle 133 - Punishment Tour

More to come in the next report! Until then...

Lieutenant Colonel Guthwulf
~Commander of KAPH Squadron~
CMDR/LC Guthwulf/Kaph/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
--Honorary Member of Praetorian AND Yod Squadrons--
| Guth@insightbb.com | Pin # 273 |

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