Tornado Report # 26 (2002-07-29)

This report was submitted by MAJ Master

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~Tornado Squadron Weekly Report #26 - 29th July 2002~

~CMDR's Rant~

Cheating is bad mmmkay....dont cheat mmmmkay.....if you cheat you will be caught and u will lose all your FCHG Points mmmmmkay.

~Squadron News~

Tornado: Tour of Supremacy - The Return!
Next Target - Colossus Squadron League (Sixth Round Results)
Start Date - NOW!!!!

WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats right Ladies, Gentlemen and Hev, we have won once again, ive never felt so proud of my Tornadoites. They only had one submission and that was simply destroyed. Not that we should get to excited just yet but after this week off we go up against Pi, which is the only squadron that has managed to beat us demigods in the CSL so far.

Ive prob said this a few times, but if we want to make it to the finals, and show several squads that Tornado is the best, and we are to be feared and its also a good way to prove to those up-themselves Elite Squadrons that we are Elite Staus and that we can give them a good thumping, then we have to win the next match and get into the finals (and win them of course).

Ive been following the other Squads a little and it seems if we do manage to make it through to the Grand Final it will be against one of two squads, Inferno (and i know Seph is reading this). Inferno though i love to say they arnt a challenge all the time, it pains me to say they are, espically with DarkEagle and Narc who seem to be great at getting high scores.

The other squad we may face is Yod, Tornado has beaten them in the past, so i am not too worried but the do seem to cut it close in several comps and one of Yod's pilots is actully the top rated pilot in the list in the CSL (and im second :D).
So they wont be a push over. But as always, now espically that we have ten pilots, im proud of you all, and i have the upmost faith in you all.

Lets show the entire EH that Tornado is once again a squad to fear, and that even though we are not an offical Elite Squadron, we can still give it just as good. CSL Website is here:
All match infomation, pilot stats and such is availble there.

Squadron Standing Orders
From now on you must do at least one of these a week.

Fly a FREE Mission/Battle (Any Platform) *This inculdes Beta Testing for TAC office*
Write a Fiction.
Create a Graphic.
Take an IWATS Course.

Other Activity will be decided on as it occurs such as Website work, Flash work, Mission Creation etc.

Ill update the website when i can.

We have a few pilots on leave, Cyrus, Rast and Sint are all on leave.
If you havnt already please welcome LT Servius Maximus, MAJ Hev Randrowan, CPT Crix Madine & LT Haztix Vel to our humble (or not so humble) abode. Go buy them a few drinks in the cantina now that its been repaired. Flech has also been AWOL'd.

Webpage Comp
Here it is, you have as much time as needed (though i dont want u taking forever) to find the changes i made on the Tornado Website.

There are 20 changes in all, several occur on the same page, and if they arnt all gotten by the end of the week ill say a few hints, until someone does.
(The News is not counted as a change so dont say thats one)
Winner gets an IS-BR.

X arrvies!
X has arrived in Tornado, after speaking with several people, its been decided that only my FL's and up will get op's. This is mainly to keep some control on the channel.
So my FL's to get your op's access find me or Rast in #tornado and either one of us will set them up.

#Tornado rules might be found somewhere on the Tornado site, oops i think i just gave something away ;).
They will be followed as all CoC's and AoW's are of course.

I havnt updated them yet, but ill get back to work on it once ive finished my report, and ill send out an e-mail once ive updated them.
Remember you need Winzip to unzip the file and MS Excell 2000 to view it properly.

~Squadron Orders~

~Wing Comp "Allstars", Fly FREE-XWA #61 by the 4th.

~Squadron Standing Orders

~Fly for Citations

~IWATS - See what life is like After IWATS

~Wing/BG News~

~Wing Comp~
This is for the Challenge Allstars Squadron (formerly known as the Honour Guard).
Essentially, Mai wants a nice XWA squadron to be able to take on squadrons in other X-Wing Alliance Ships.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, and want to be part of the Allstars, is to fly Free XWA 61, and send it to me (cc your FL) for processing by 4th August 2002.

Highest score wins an IS-SW, and second highest score wins an IS-BW. The top six scores will gain entry into the Allstars Squadron.

The current high score on the mission is held by MAJ Mark Schueler of the ISD Colossus, at 30,619. Extra Wing Commander cookies will be handed out to whoever beats that score!

Mai is also giving a kiss to the highest scorer (she said so on IRC) so if any of u beat me ill pound you all into sticky goo!!!!!! :P

~Ship Comp
Supposed Non-Flying ship comp starting soon named “History of the Battlegroups”. Its going to apparently start on Aug 1, so get those graphic skills, and other non-flying skills sharped.

~Fleet News~

~From the Vault~

Things you will never hear the EH CS say....
*Please note - These are intended to be humorious, please dont take offense in them, i just came up with them off the top of my head*

GA Ronin - "Due to the high costs of the EH sites that i alone pay for (yadda yadda) ive decided that the EH site and Tiecorps site as well as the others will be put on geocities"

SA Astatine - "Nataile Protman?? Who's that?"

HA Striker - "We dont need a new Tie Fighter Game, ive given up on making missions for them, im concentrating on X-wing Mission Design"

FA Priyum Patel - "Imperial Storm Three was terrible, utterly terrible"

FA Ari - "Im so sick of coding"

VA Mell Kerrigan - "I think ill stick with this job longer than a month"

FA Howlader - "Sure put whatever u want on your uniform, i dont mind"

AD Motti - "We dont need to count each post, there is a much simpler way...."

FA Stalker5 - "You have been a very naughty officer, *locks office door and gets out whip* now bend over my desk"

AD Den Darkhill - You will be lucky if you hear him say anything.

FA Aiden Cantor Karias - "That Thrawn project, will be starting soon"

HA Keiran Idanian - "I am never going to interview one of these SW authors again, they are so upthemselves"

~The Usual Suspects~

MAJ Master
7/26 Flew TIE-FREE #199 - Trap for Subjugator (23,051)
7/29 Won Fiction of the Month in Batlecry Newsletter
7/? Active on IRC
7/? Posted on Msg Boards
7/? TAC Office Work

LCM Sint Seelasi
On Emergency Leave

LT Servius Maximus
7/? IRC Presence

CM Tomaas Montte
7/26 Flew TIE-FREE #199 - Trap for Subjugator (17,668)
7/27 Wrote Flight II Report
7/? Active on IRC & Msg Boards

MAJ Hev Randrowan
7/26 Flew TIE-FREE #199 - Trap for Subjugator (22,438)
7/? IRC Presence

CPT Crix Madine
7/? Said Hello via e-mail

LCM Rollins
7/26 Flew TIE-TC Battle #10 - Battle for the DeathStar (68,355)
7/26 Flew TIE-FREE #199 - Trap for Subjugator (24,520)
7/27 Wrote Flight III Report
7/? Active on IRC & Msg Boards

LCM Quinn Median
7/? On Leave
7/? Working on Fiction
7/? Active on IRC

LT Haztix Vel
7/28 Arrived in Tornado Squadron
7/? Said Hello

Lt Cyrus
7/? On Leave

~Challenge Most Wanted~

BANNER: tornado.gif
MOTTO: Before Glory, Loyalty...Before Pride, Honor...Before Self, the Empire.

Nickname: Master's Minions
Motto: Fighter Pilots make movies... Bomber Pilots make History
1) MAJ Master (
2) LCM Sint Seelasi (
3) LT Servius Maximus (
4) TBA

Nickname: Nil Satis Nici Optimum
Motto: We have fought 1000 wars and we'll fight 1000 more for we fight the good fight
1) CM Tomaas Montte (
2) MAJ Hev Randrowan (
3) CPT Crix Madine (
4) TBA

Nickname: The High Priests of Love
Motto: We're the Love Commandos and this is a Raid!
1) LCM Rollins (
2) LCM Quinn Median (
3) LT Haztix Vel (
4) LT Cyrus (

Citations: 28
FCHG Average: 319
Combat Rating Average: 22

~Dark Lord of the Week~

The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success of the Squadron, amused the CMDR, or slipped me the most £5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

Cyrus, for his recruiting efforts.

~Ewok of the Week~

Yub Yub!
Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks's Prize Ewok is none other than:

Pi Squadron, your next.

~Quote of the Week~

(`Boliv) what the hell...Major Master?
(`Boliv) when'd that happen?
* `Master laughs evilly

~Closing in on ya Boliv

(`Master) i was gunna go my report...but i got high
(`Master) i was gunna fly something....but i got high
(`Master) i was gunna write a fic....but i got high
(`Master) and you know whyyyyyyyyy
(`Master) cause im hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh

~Ah the joys of being a CMDR, so many things to do :P

(MAJ_RazoR) Smoking a Gungan... Isn't that even nastier than taking a deep breath from an Independence cigarre?

~No Comment

~Site of the Week~

Ummmmm, it seems everyone is looking at this again so heres the addy,

Respectfully Submitted,
~MAJ "Slavelet" Master - Tornado Squadron~
CMDR-TCS/MAJ Master/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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