Nemesis Report # 8 (2002-08-21)

This report was submitted by CM Alsdyr

Nemesis Squadron Report

CMDR’s Report
First off I would like to congratulate Lt Duken on his promotion. The second part of Hell’s Fury should be bout over and the third one beginning soon. Nemesis is close to first but we need some more participation. COM Judgment is coming closer to an end also. Please everyone fly for Wing XX. For any of you who do SP, especially Tie Fighter. I would like to see Wing XX get at least one medal from there if not more, plus XWA and XvT too. Not so much this month, but next month if at least someone else from the squadron to do a little MP. This is what hurts Wing XX the most is the lack of MPers. And last Congrats to CM TK 7764 and LCM Iceman on getting the Bronze Star. That is all for the week.

XO Report
Hey SL Duken!!!! Fly for COM's Judgement people. Some how I'm able to squeeze it in with the 20 minutes I get to use the computer I night (stupid homework) so I want no excuses. Blah, blah, blah you get the idea.
XO Challege
XvT TC 14. Fly it if you can. Let’s get some citations.
HawkofStorms FL/CM TK-7764/Nemesis 2-1/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

Activity (Good)
Lt Duken completed the XTT IWATS Course
LCM Iceman completed BoP IW 21,24,26,30
LCM Iceman received the Bronze Star
CM TK 7764 completed XWA TC 29
CM TK 7764 received the Bronze Star
CM Alsdyr completed XWA FCHG 3

Squadron Citations (12):
XvT-TC Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
XvT-TC Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC Battle 7 - The Resupply
XvT-TC Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
XvT-TC Battle 12 - Odin's Redemption
XvT-DB Battle 1 - Jedi Academy
XvT-DB Battle 2 - Rascar Political Disruption
XvT-DB Battle 5 - Hand Over Fist
XWA-TC Battle 26 - Experimental Tie Evaluation

Nemesis Squadron
Flight I
CM Alsdyr
Lt Duken
Flight II
CM TK 7764
Lt Apex Cure
Flight III
LCM Iceman
LCM Ache Nu
Lt Ulysses

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