Tornado Report # 27 (2002-08-05)

This report was submitted by MAJ Master

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~Tornado Squadron Weekly Report #27~ - 5th August 2002~

~CMDR's Rant~

Cheating is bad mmmkay....dont cheat mmmmkay.....if you cheat you will be caught and u will lose all your FCHG Points mmmmmkay.

~Squadron News~

Tornado: Tour of Supremacy - The Return!
Next Target - Colossus Squadron League (8th Round)
Start Date - NOW!!!!

Time for the next round, which could decide our fate in this whole comp.
This week will be out last week if we dont win and to top it off we are against the one squadron that has already beaten us. Pi Squadron.

As always you must fly, as this is a priority comp. The mission is TIE-FREE #183 and is due to me if you fly it before weds, and Tomaas and Mairin from thurs. So your best bet is just to send it to me, CC'ing Tomaas and Mai. That way u got all your bases covered.

As always, now espically that we have ten pilots, im proud of you all, and i have the upmost faith in you all and that we will win.

Lets show the entire EH that Tornado is once again a squad to fear, and that even though we are not an offical Elite Squadron, we can still give it just as good.

CSL Website is here:
All match infomation, pilot stats and such is availble there.

Squadron Standing Orders
From now on you must do at least one of these a week.

Fly a FREE Mission/Battle (Any Platform) *This inculdes Beta Testing for TAC office*
Write a Fiction.
Create a Graphic.
Take an IWATS Course.

Other Activity will be decided on as it occurs such as Website work, Flash work, Mission Creation etc.

Ill update the website when i can.

CMDR on Leave
Im told both Rast and Cyrus come back from leave this week though im not entirly sure. I'll be on leave Thursday-Sunday, Tomaas will be incharge of the squadron (slaps those booing and those who think they can be slack). He will be doing next weeks squadron report, so it wont be as funny as this pile of..... i think im getting of the point, so anyway, all submissions must go to him from Thurs, All pilot file submissions must go to Mairin (CC'ing Tomaas) as she will run them off for you all. Plus it will give her some BSF's to do since us CMDR's are slack when it comes to flying :P

Remeber i also need to be CC'd with any submissions.

Webpage Comp
There are 20 changes in al on the webpage, several occur on the same page, and if they arnt all gotten by the end of the week ill say a few hints, until someone does.
(The News is not counted as a change so dont say thats one)
Winner gets an IS-BR.

Back to Basics
As said in a weekly e-mail, theres another flying comp going so i can keep u all active. All you have to do is fly the orginal Tie Fighter battles and get a good score.
And yes when i say orignal i mean the ones that the CD (or Disk) installs when u install the game.

Deadline is the end of the month, High Scorer gets a IS-BW.

Remember you need Winzip to unzip the file and MS Excell 2000 to view it properly.

~Squadron Orders~

~Squadron Standing Orders

~Fly for Citations

~IWATS - See what life is like After IWATS

~Wing/BG News~

~Wing Comp~
Its over, good job to those who submitted.

~Ship Comp
Supposed Non-Flying ship comp starting soon named “History of the Battlegroups”. Its going to apparently start sometime soon, so get those graphic skills, and other non-flying skills sharped. Ill go e-mail CoFo and see whats going on about it.

~Fleet News~

~From the Vault~

Sappy Nickames That Luke And Mara Have For Each Other

10. "Luke-y-poo" and "Mara-poo"

9. "Mynock Lips"

8. "My little Sithspawn" and "My itty bitty Emperor's Hand"

7. "My big hunka-hunka burning Force" and "My little power converter".

6. Mara calls Luke the 'Tusken Whiner' and Luke calls Mara 'L'il Psycho' ... oh, wait you mean what they call each other face to face...

5. "Mara Babe" and "Luke Sweet-Talker"

4. For some weird reason they like to call each other "Han" and Leia".....

3. "Sith-lumkins" and "Forcie-poo"

2. "Fuzzy Wuzzy Jedi Punk" and "Maranade"

1. "Tiger" and "MJ"

~The Usual Suspects~

MAJ Master
7/? Spent Week flying original TIE Battles
7/? Active on IRC
7/? Posted on Msg Boards
7/? TAC Office Work

LCM Sint Seelasi
On Emergency Leave

LT Servius Maximus
7/? IRC Presence

CM Tomaas Montte
7/? Wrote Flight II Report
7/? Active on IRC & Msg Boards

MAJ Hev Randrowan
7/? IRC Presence

CPT Crix Madine
7/? On Leave

LCM Rollins
7/? Wrote Flight III Report
7/? Active on IRC & Msg Boards

LCM Quinn Median
7/? On Leave
7/? Working on Fiction
7/? Active on IRC

LT Haztix Vel
7/30 Flew XWA-FREE #61 - Aggressor Strike Force - Command Staff

Lt Cyrus
8/5 Flew TIE-TC Battle #112 - Super TIEs (66,584)
8/5 Flew TIE-TC Battle #26 - The Dark Troopers (90,257)

~Challenge Most Wanted~

BANNER: tornado.gif
MOTTO: Before Glory, Loyalty...Before Pride, Honor...Before Self, the Empire.

Nickname: Master's Minions
Motto: Fighter Pilots make movies... Bomber Pilots make History
1) MAJ Master (
2) LCM Sint Seelasi (
3) LT Servius Maximus (
4) TBA

Nickname: Nil Satis Nici Optimum
Motto: We have fought 1000 wars and we'll fight 1000 more for we fight the good fight
1) CM Tomaas Montte (
2) MAJ Hev Randrowan (
3) CPT Crix Madine (
4) TBA

Nickname: The High Priests of Love
Motto: We're the Love Commandos and this is a Raid!
1) LCM Rollins (
2) LCM Quinn Median (
3) LT Haztix Vel (
4) LT Cyrus (

Citations: 28
FCHG Average: 319
Combat Rating Average: 22

~Dark Lord of the Week~

The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success of the Squadron, amused the CMDR, or slipped me the most £5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

Me, Fiction of the month and a IS-SR YAY

~Ewok of the Week~

Yub Yub!
Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks's Prize Ewok is none other than:

The TC Database, *slaps*

~Quote of the Week~

Theres no quotes caus A) im not in the mood to find them, and B) There wernt any, or all not funny, get online and say some funny stuff.

~Site of the Week~

Ummmmm, it seems everyone is looking at this again so heres the addy,

Respectfully Submitted,
~MAJ "Slavelet" Master - Tornado Squadron~
CMDR-TCS/MAJ Master/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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