Spear Report # 8 (2002-09-02)

This report was submitted by MAJ Mosh

Spear Squadron/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
MAJ Mosh reporting for Spear Squadron 02/09/02

Squad News:

As Wasp Squadron was scrapped halfway through our comp last week, we're now flying against Echo Squadron, XWA TC29. This is a tricky little battle so it's all the more important that everyone flies for whatever score. Files are due by Friday (6th)

Squad Activity:

MAJ Mosh
. . . . was on IRC a bit
. . . . posted on recruiting message board
. . . . flew on mp Training Night

LT Zeratul
. . . . waiting in an airlock

CM Steve Sunrider
. . . . no activity (week 1)

CPT Neko
. . . . reported in

Squad Orders:

* Recruit
* Communicate generally
* fly XWA TC29 for Echo comp


1-1 CMDR
MAJ Mosh #6372

1-2 FM
LT Zeratul #6644

2-1 FL
CM Steve Sunrider #6714

2-2 FM
CPT Neko #7177

Thought for the day:

Someone somewhere has a pre-production cut of that Holly Valence video.
You know what I mean.

Respectfully Submitted

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